
睇到個title係咪覺得我想幫自己平反呢?  唔係唔係, 係我有感而發jer!  有時我諗你地成日都見我敗家, 唔知會唔會覺得我無咩長遠既plan, 淨係識得享樂?  當然啦, 個個人細個個陣都唔會諗咁長遠, 但係大個左就唔同 (老左ma~~).  雖然我既血液係留住敗家王國既優良血統, 但係我都會為自己將來打算下 (唔係, 第時老左點敗家呀?  係係係…老左應該無咩好敗, 但係好難講…).

(English:  When you look at the title, did you think that I want to justify myself?  Nah.  Sometimes I do think that since I haul so much, maybe you would think that I don’t really plan for myself and I just love enjoyment.  Of course, when I was young and innocent, I didn’t think very far.  However, now that I am older (hopefully wiser), things are different.  Even though I come from the Shopaholic Kingdom, I do plan for myself (otherwise, how could I shop till I drop when I am old?  Oh yes yes yes…old people don’t shop that much…hmmmm…really?)

我之前見個friend, (佢都係我保險agent), 我忽發奇想同佢講話, “呀!  以我個portfolio黎講, 我覺得我想要一隻plan係:  供幾年/ 10年就供完, 之後唔好一定要我拎錢走, 最好供完之後比我放d錢係樹, 我鍾意拎就拎, 唔鍾意就繼續放, 繼續放要有息收wor!”  佢諗左一陣話, “我去研究下先~” (我知佢點解要研究下, 因為我有其他plan ma, 所以佢要搵d驚喜比我.

(English:  I met a friend a couple weeks ago (she is also my insurance agent), I suddenly said to her, “Ah!  Judging from my portfolio, I want a plan: it matures after a few or maybe 10 years, then don’t force me to take the money, let me put the money in the account, and I will take it whenever I feel like, well, but if the money stays in the account, better pay me interest!”  She thought for a moment and said, “let me investigate~”  (I understood why she needed to investigate coz I have other plans too, so I guessed she needed to locate the “surprise” for me).)

我上個星期再見到佢, 佢話佢搵到我夢中情人.  哈哈, 咁誇張!!  係搵到個plan比我至真. 

(English:  Then I met her last week and she said she found my dream.  Haha…my dream?  It should be my plan!!)

呢個plan供10年, 之後可以拎可以唔拎, 唔拎就繼續有息收滾大d舊錢.  哈, 真係我要既野wor!  即刻就扑搥 (你地都知我爽快啦).  哈哈, 到我想比錢個陣, 佢話, “唔洗住, 呢個plan做緊promotion, 首兩個月既供款係送既!!”  嘩哈哈, 好開心, 無啦啦慳左$3000!!

(English:  This plan matures after 10 years, then I could take it or leave it.  If I leave it, it will generates me interest.  Haha, exactly what I had in my mind.  I immediately said, “go ahead!”  When I wanted to pay, she said, “not now, this plan is on promotion right now and the first 2 payments are free!”  Really?  Hahahahaha!!!  That means I save $3000!!!!)

我諗我都算係敗家gwa, 不過今次就係敗左樣有益自己既野! 

(English:  Should this be included as a haul?  Like a healthy haul??)

其實我覺得用咩方法去儲錢去安排都無咩所謂, 但係個道理就同買野一樣, 要諗下自己有咩需要, 理解自己既需要, 再去搵翻適當既方法就得喇, 咁先唔會唔suit自己ma! 

(English:  Actually it doesn’t matter how you plan to save, the logic is the same as hauling – understand what your needs are, then locate the method accordingly.  Then you don’t have to worry about the method not suiting your needs.)

做敗家王國既皇后當然係好事啦 (如果唔係仲有咩人生樂趣呢?), 但係都記得要留翻一部份去為自己將來安排下呀!

(English:  Being the Queen in the Shopaholic Kingdom is definitely a good thing (it gives me so much instant joy), however, remember to save aside something for future plans!)

咦…我寫完成偏文, 覺得今次有d亞媽feel添….哎…真係老喇… (嘻嘻…)

(English:  Yeeee…..how come I turn into a mommy tone?  Ahhh….getting old…..(hehe).

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