
呢期唔知點解多咗食越南菜。 又因為我有部細小嘅新相機(Nikon P300), 所以可以成一帶住周圍影喇。  近排去左兩間越南菜館, 不如兩間都講下丫。 嗱, 我唔係食家, 我無咩美麗嘅形容詞, 我都係就我個人喜好黎品評下呢兩間店啦。

(English:  Not sure why these days I seem to have more Vietnamese cuisine than usual.  Since I got my small lovely camera (Nikon P300), I take it everywhere with me and take pics when I find things interesting.  These days, I have been to two Vietnamese restaurants.  Well, I am no expert in food critic, so I don’t have fancy words to describe food.  I just simply share my thoughts with you.)

First One: Pho 24 @ Causeway Bay

個日我去食嘅時候係Tea Time, 所以我同Mr. Honey叫左兩個Tea Set。 當中有一碗粉,一個小食同埋一杯野飲。我記得個價錢都好平民,大概HK$40-50一個餐。

(English:  It was tea time when I went, so Mr. Honey and I ordered two tea sets – include a bowl of noodle, a snack and a drink.  I recalled the prices was very friendly, around HK$40-50 per set.)

哈哈, 我唔記得左呢兩樣野叫咩名。不過我食落覺得無咩味。

(English:  *laughs*  I, indeed, forgot the names of the above two dishes but I recalled the taste was actually tasteless.)

呢個係越南扎肉河粉。  味道唔錯, 清清地唔會好heavy。

(English: This Vietnamese noodle with meat.  The taste is quite nice and it’s not heavy.)

呢個係素檬粉。呢個就真係素得好緊要, 素到無咩味。

(English:  This is Vegetarian noodle, so vegetarian that it’s absolutely tasteless.  Dah!)

當然唔少得越南咖啡啦。呢個唔錯, 夠咖啡味。  佢有condensed milk係入面, 如果唔鍾意condensed milk嘅人, 就未必係good choice。

(English:  Can’t miss this out – Vietnamese coffee.  Quite nice, it has a strong coffee scent and taste.  It does contain condensed milk though, if you are not into condensed milk, this is not for you.)

總評: 我幾鍾意呢間點個環境, 夠大, 又唔會坐得好逼。 但係如果食物嚟講, 仲有代改進, 因為大部份我試嘅食物都真係無咩味。 雖然話越南菜係清清地, 但係佢就真係一d味都無, 係呢點比較令人失望。  (如果想睇更多食評, 可以睇Open Rice –> 連結

(English:  Overall:  I quite like the atmosphere and it’s quite spacious.  Well for the food, it definitely has areas of improvement.  Most of the food that we tried were tasteless.   Even though it’s not about vibrant taste for Vietnamese food, it doesn’t have to be tasteless, right?  For this, this restaurant is quite disappointing.  (If you want to explore further comments on this restaurant, you can check out Open Rice –> Link)

Second One: 清亭越南菜館 @ Causeway Bay
Green Cottage Vietnamese Restaurant @ Causeway Bay

 呢個春卷真係好好味。 夠脆, 入面d餡又好夠味。 好推呀!

(English:  These Spring Rolls are really nice!  They’re crispy enough and very tasteful.  Recommended!!)

另外又叫咗個沙嗲雞串。  d雞幾好味, 食落一d都唔乾。但係我自己唔係咁鍾意個沙嗲醬。

(English:  Satay chicken.  The chicken are nice, they are not dry.  However, I don’t like this particular sauce that much.)

 呢個係佢地嘅車頭河粉(我唔記得個名, 但係something like that)。 咩都有d係入面。如果食牛嘅人, 呢個係唔錯既選擇。

(English:  This is their “Supreme Noodle”, I forgot what the exact name was.  It has a bit of everything inside.  If you love beef or cow parts, then this might be a good choice.)

呢個係佢地嘅名菜 – 牛油雞腋。呢個真係好食呀!  如果你去, 一定要點呢個。 超級好味道。 推推推!!

(English:  Wow, this one is their signature dish – Butter Chicken Wings.  Super delicious!!  If you go, this is a must for you!!  Highly recommended!!)

總評: 環境都唔錯, 食物好快到。 食物質素真係唔錯同埋唔係好貴(平均HK$40-60一碟)。 個牛油雞腋真係十級好味, 淨係呢個牛油雞腋我都會俾好高分喇。 如果你有機會經開銅鑼灣, 你都可以去試一試丫。(如果想睇更多食評, 可以睇Open Rice –> 連結

(English:  Overall:  The environment is quite nice and their service is quite efficient.  The food is nice and the price is friendly (around HK$40-60 per dish).  The Butter Chicken Wings are SO GOOD!!!  If you pass by Causeway Bay, I recommend you to try!!  (If you are looking for more comments on this restaurant, you can check out Open Rice -> Link)

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