[旅遊] 台灣美食篇 ♥ 牛肉麵 + 咖啡+ 雪糕

去台灣都少不免會食食食啦。 我今次又唔算食左好多野, 反而我就去左d新店, 同埋去翻一d我幾年前去過又好鍾意嘅地方。

(English:  It’s really a great pleasure to eat and drink in Taiwan.  I didn’t get to eat a lot during my very short visit, however, I did go to a couple new restaurants and a few that I missed so much.)

牛店 (Beef Store)

呢個地方我係睇旅遊書去嘅。 最出名係食牛肉麵。 我去到都真係好多人等呀! 唔係等左好耐就有得入去食喇。 我地叫左兩個牛肉麵(小碗, 個妹妹話大碗會好大下), 我個係中辣, 而Mr Honey個碗係小辣。 哈哈, 我食得好辣都覺得中辣都幾辣下, 唔食得辣嘅人真係要小心呀! 個麵我真係覺得值得推介!  佢d麵食落好爽身, 同埋d牛肉好有牛嘅鮮味(佢地用澳洲嘅牛牛), 如果鍾意食牛肉嘅人真係要去試試呀!!

(English:  I read this from a tour guide and the most famous dish is beef noodle.  There were many people waiting when I arrived.  We ordered two small beef noodle (the lady told me that LARGE would probably be too large).  I ordered medium spicy and Mr Honey’s was tiny spicy.  I love spicy food but I did think the medium spicy was quite spicy, so if you cannot take any heat – beware!  I love the noodles and the beef were very fresh (they use Australian beef), if you are a beef-lover, it’s worth to go and try!!)

另外叫左d小食。 呢個係滷豆腐。

(English:  I ordered some snacks as well, this one is soy-sauced tofu.)

哈哈, 呢個係我最愛嘅皮蛋豆腐呀!  好好味!!

(English:  This one is Taiwanese signature dish!!  Very delicious!!)

嘩哈哈, 我未飲過台灣啤酒wor, 當然要飲下啦。 入口唔太苦, 好飲過青島呀!

(English:  *laughs*  I hadn’t tried Taiwan Beer before and I got to try it this time!  Its taste wasn’t bitter and I would say it tastes better than Tsing Dao!!)

蜂大咖啡 (Fong Da Coffee)

呢間應該好多香港人都去過。 我好多年前都去過, 我覺得佢哋d咖啡真係好唔錯, 好夠咖啡味。

(English:  I think we are all familiar with this coffee shop!  I was there a few years back and I loved their coffee!!)

除左咖啡, 佢地嘅cheese cake都好好味。 我哋個日叫左個New York Cheese Cake (又係最後一件丫!)。 佢有d鬆, 入面有少少lemon味, 食嗰時唔會痴住個口, 超好味呀!!  你地下次去要去試下呀!!

(English:  Apart from coffee, their cheese cake is fabulous too!  We ordered New York Cheese Cake (last one in the shop again!).  It didn’t taste too hard and it had a bit of lemon taste in it.  It didn’t stick to the top of the mouth – super delicious!!  Next time when you go there, be sure to try it out!!)

咖啡就唔洗我多講啦, 大家都知佢嘅咖啡好出名。 講講下我而家好掛住件cheese cake同埋佢地d咖啡添(笑)。

(English:  *Laughs*  I don’t need to talk about their coffee, do I?  Ahhh…. now that I talk about their coffee and cheese cake, I start missing them!!)

Cold Stone

雪糕店!! 我幾年前食過, 而家再去台灣當然又要去食過啦。 我連續去食咗兩日。  佢地今次啱啱出左聖誕版, 所以我地今次主攻呢款雪糕。

(English: Ice cream store!!  Yay!!!  I was again there a few years back and I loved their ice cream – not too sweet!  I went there twice this time and they had a X’mas version, so we had this on both times.)

一個係Cherry味, 另一個係Nut味。

(English:  One is cherry flavour and the other one is a nutty flavour.)

頭一日去無Chocolate Waffle, 但係再去就有喇。 個Chocolate Waffle仲要係Dark Chocolate添, 啱sa我心水。

(English:  The first time we went, there wasn’t any chocolate waffle.  Then we went the second time, they had it!  Oh and the chocolate waffle was dark chocolate as well – yum yum!!)

今日講住咁多先, 全部都好好味! 聽日再講埋其他丫!

(English:  Very hungry eh?  *laughs*  I will continue with the rest tomorrow!!  All of them taste so GOOD!!)

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