[保養] 保濕聖品

今年天氣真係特別乾,我諗我可以以我成世人都未用過咁多body cream嚟形容! 個身都乾到咁,個面就更加唔洗講啦。某日少左保濕第二日就已經甩皮喇!乾到好得人驚!!咁乾好彩我都有法寶,唔係你知我又會周圍大敗一餐去揾理想保濕物。不枉我去左一轉台灣抬左咁多產品返嚟。其中有set野真係啱sa而家呢d天氣用。

(English:  It’s been such a dry Winter!  OMG, I don’t think I have used this much of body cream in my entire life!  Even my body could be dried out to this stage, not to mention my face!  I was lazy for a day or two and didn’t hydrate my skin properly, guess what?  I got dry skin on my nose the next day – very terrifying!  Lucky that I have secret weapon, otherwise, I would be wandering around trying to locate some hydrating products.  It was good that I went to Taiwan and haul so many products before, one set of the products really suits this kind of weather.)

Albion 健康化妝水 + 活潤滲透乳 II

Albion Skin Conditioner Essential + Exage Moisture Milk II


(English:  Actually I saw many people using the blue bottle of Exage Milk (I have that too and will start using it later), I guess it’s because it has whitening function.  However, the one that I am talking about is in purple bottle, mainly targets hydration problem.)


(English:  Their concept is use the milk first, then the skin conditioner.  So, remember, use both products together, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see the wonderful effects.)


(English:  After cleansing my face, it’s time to use the Albion Exage Moisture Milk (they have I and II, II is for dry skin with a better hydrating function):)

Albion 活潤滲透乳 II

Albion Exage Moisture Milk II

價錢(Price): NT1,980/ 200G

Product Information:


(English:  This milk is different from other lotion, its aim is not to create a protective layer on face, instead, it’s to balance out skin condition, deeply moisture and soften skin.  It prepares a good foundation for the toner and essence which will be applied later.)


按三下喺cotton pad之後按摩全面。

(English: Pump 3 times onto a cotton pad, then massage gently on skin.)

按好喇,覺得皮膚已經吸收得差唔多,就可以落下一個步驟喇 – 用健康化妝水濕敷!

(English:  Done.  Then it’s time for the Skin Conditioner!)

Albion 健康化妝水

Albion Skin Conditioner Essential

價錢(PRICE): NT1,800/ 165ml or NT2,900/ 330ml



(English:  Wet a cotton pad with the Skin Conditioner, tear the cotton pad apart and put it on different parts of face.  Wait for 5 mins, take away the cotton pads and you’re done!)

過左5分鐘拎走d cotton pads就搞掂喇。之後唔夠嘅話可以再搽翻自己d cream。

(English:  After 5 mins, take away the cotton pads.  If you still feel a bit dryness on skin, add some of your night cream.)

使用次數(No of Usage):1 month

用後感:真係超級無得頂呀! 我試過乾到鼻位甩皮,用左佢地第二日已經無事喇!我覺得枝活潤滲透乳超級好用,有滋潤嘅效果,但係真係一定要用cotton pad抹,唔係會無咁吸收同埋好lup。用cotton pad搽吸收得嚟又啱啱好,一d都唔覺得lup,好正! 即時嗰感覺潤翻sa,一d乾嘅感覺都無!掂掂掂!之後濕敷健康化妝水,呢個步驟加強左個保濕效果。敷完之後個感覺超保濕,好水嫩。如果天氣唔太乾,就咁都已經覺得好好。當然啦,如果仲係覺得有少少乾就可以加翻d cream。 用左呢set野之後,我d皮膚無覺得又乾又緊,瞓完一晚都仲覺得好潤。第二日上妝又貼又靚。超級推呀!! 雖然價錢唔太平民,但係我覺得效果一流!如果你去台灣,真係超級推介你去買嚟試!好掂! 仲有,如果你有豆豆,都可以用健康化妝水敷係嗰個位,粒豆豆會好快謝呀!

(English:  After-use Comment:  SUPER!!  My nose had a few bits of dry skin before, and guess what?  After I started to use this set, the dryness disppeared the very next day. I really like the Exage Moisture Milk, it moisturizes brilliantly.  Remember, use it with cotton pad, otherwise the milk wouldn’t get absorbed properly!  I use it with cotton pad and it feels just right on skin without being too rich!  Amazing!  The instant feeling is that my skin is really moisturized and all the dryness is gone!!  *Thumbs-up*  Then apply the Skin Conditioner using the method mentioned above.  This step helps to hydrate skin!  OMG!!  The after feeling is that my skin feels very soft and hydrated!!  If the weather is not too dry, then I would skip the night cream, but if it’s very dry, then I will add some other night cream on top!  After using this set for awhile, my skin feels constantly moisturized and hydrated.  Even the next day, I still feel it’s wonderful effect.  My makeup on the next day would last and look very delicate because of these two products!  I super recommend this set!!  Even though the price tags are not really friendly, but I feel that its effect is brilliant.  If you go to Taiwan, I would really recommend you to haul a set to try!  Oh, BTW, if you have acne, you could use the Skin Conditioner on that particular area as well, it helps to kill the acne quicker!)


(English:  It’s such a great feeling when you use such great products!  I think I will be finishing up this set very soon.  I will start using the whitening set from Albion.  Will share my comments later!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.albion.com.tw/)

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