[化妝] 爆好用眼線液/筆

今日我想講呢隻又係筆型嘅眼線液, 其實我又係應該一早就講, 但係唔知點解我又係未講。 每一次揸起枝筆個陣我都會同自己講:今個星期一定要講喇。 再唔講會過時喇! 哈哈, 但係通常都係俾敗家文打尖! 唔緊要, 我今日嫡起心乾講佢!! 唔該打一打燈丫!!

(English: Today I wish to talk about this pen-like liquid eyeliner.  Actually I should have talked about this long time ago, however, I don’t know why I keep forgetting.  Everytime when I use this eyeliner, I tell myself: “I must write about this this week.  If I don’t talk about it now, it will be outdated soon.”  *laughs*  Well then usually the hauling posts would be the first priority.  Anyway, I am going to tell you all about it today!!  *Spotlight please*)

Maybelline Eye Studio Hyper Sharp Liner


Product Information:

(English:  It has a super sharp tip, which enables you to draw a 0.05mm fine line.  It’ really long-lasting, non-smudging, water-, oil- and sweat-proof.)

筆尖/ Shape:

效果/ Effect:

使用次數(No. of Usage):兩個月/ around 2 months

用後感: 超掂! 筆尖超幼, 賣點係0.05mm, 畫起上嚟超級易畫, 畫個陣個感覺似喺線過, 唔會”卒”住皮膚! 真係超好畫!! 其實你睇圖都見, 如果你想畫好幼又得, 粗少少又得, 真係除你心情同埋手勢喇。除此之外, 佢防水防油好掂呀! 我本身比較多眼水, 但係搽佢真係keep左十幾個鐘都無甩呀! 朝早條線係點, 夜晚返到屋企條先都係一樣呀! 超級驚喜!! 仲有我試過搽有油份嘅eye cream之後再用佢畫眼線, 又係keep到好耐都無甩, 掂呀!! 同埋我都覺得佢畫出嚟條線都夠黑, 色水好好!  最掂當然係佢個價錢啦! HK$79!! 真係又平又超好用!! 我以前試過其他貴嘅品牌, 我覺得無一枝可以同呢枝嚟比呀!  超超超推呀! 如果你想揾枝超好用嘅筆狀眼線液, 真係要試咗呢枝先。 掂掂掂!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  Super brilliant!!  The tip of the pen is super sharp and the selling point is that you can draw a 0.05mm fine line.  It’s super easy to draw on skin and I feel like the pen just slide on very easily!!  Amazing!!  You can see in the above picture that you could actually use this to draw a really thin or thick line, depending what you need for the day.  Apart from that, it’s super water- and oil-proof!!  My eyes are usually watery and it doesn’t fade at all, even after over 10 hours!  The line looks really good in the morning and it stays till night time!!  Really brilliant!!  Also, I tried using eye cream underneath (which contains oil) and it didn’t smudge at all!!  Also, I think the color is a good black color!!  Of course, the most amazing thing about this product is its price!!  Only HK$79!!  Very reasonable and with wonderful quality!!  I used to try quite a few liquid eyeliners from expensive brands and none of them could be comparable to this Maybelline Hyper Sharp Liner.  I highly recommend this to you.  If you are looking for an eyeliner with super long staying power, you have to try this first!!)

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