[化妝] 捲曲漆黑睫毛液

前幾個星期我咪話我屋企所有睫毛液都好唔掂, 所以我就走咗去睫毛液專家(Helena Rubinstein)個counter諗住試下佢d睫毛液喇。 本身想買Lancome, 但係因為之前都用過, 無咩新鮮感,所以我就揀HR嚟試(之前未用過麻)。 一敗就敗左兩條嚟試。 嘻嘻~ 點解買咁多? 因為佢嗰日敗兩條就送落眼妝嘅東東(50ml)! 係, 女人d錢真係易賺!

(English:  A few weeks ago, I finally announced that all my mascaras at home sucked, so I went to the eyelash expert (Helena Rubinstein) counter wishing to try their mascaras.  Originally, I wanted to get Lancome’s but I used it before and I wanted to try something new, so I picked HR instead.  I hauled two *laughs*!  Why?  Coz there was a free gift of eye makeup remover (50ml) when I hauled two mascaras that day!  Yea I feel weak when I see the words “free gift” *laughs*.)


豹紋嗰枝係Lash Queen Mascara Feline Black Waterproof (Intense Length & Volume 24-wear)。而蛇紋個枝係Lash Queen Mascara Fatal Black Waterproof (Ultimate Eye-opening Effect Lifted Lashes & Captivating Volume。 我今日先講豹紋個枝先。

(English:  The one in leopard printing is Lash Queen Mascara Feline Black Waterproof (Intense Length & Volume 24-wear) and the one in snake skin printing is Lash Queen Mascara Fatal Black Waterproof (Ultimate Eye-opening Effect Lifted Lashes & Captivating Volume.  Let me talk about the leopard one first.)

HR Lash Queen Mascara Feline Black Waterproof 
Intense Length & Volume 24-wear

Product Information:

“An intense, captivating and wild feline eyes.
Mastered intense volume and audacious length. Its generous formula enriched with ULTRA-BLACK pigments combined with an exclusive brush featuring anti-clogging brittles precisely tames lashes for an intensely captivating.”

佢個擦頭做得幾好, 可以抓住d睫毛!  讚!

(English:  The brush is really well designed.  It can grab onto each lash – brilliant!)


(English:  Let’s see the effect now:)

你睇!! 未搽睫毛液嘅時候我d眼睫毛是多麼的可憐! 嗚嗚~

(English:  OMG – Look at how pitiful my lashes are without mascara *cries*~~)

好喇, 我要用佢製造又長又捲嘅睫毛效果!

(English:  Yea – time to dress up my mascara!!!)

靚sa!!! 哈哈哈!!

(English:  Done!! Hurray!!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):16 times

用後感:正呀! 我鍾意佢個擦頭可以抓住每條睫毛同埋佢嘅formula唔太乾唔太濕(太乾會好難增長, 太濕d睫毛會捲唔起), 感覺啱啱好。 你見佢增長效果都好好,同埋真係超捲曲呀!! d捲keep咗成日都無問題!! 掂!! 如果話濃密, 應該會係蛇紋個隻好d(BA話嗰隻濃密d, 呢隻就黑d)。 我覺得豹紋呢枝隻色都真係好黑(我的菜!!), 濃密我就唔覺得特別濃密, 但係整體個感覺似係痴咗好自然嘅假眼睫毛咁。 好滿意! 今次真係無失威買錯野喇!! 我對眼本身唔油, 但係就成日都會眼濕濕(風吹就會), 佢防水就真係一流喇, 我搽咗成日真係一d都無甩過。 但係如果你係油眼人就要留意喇, 我有油眼friend用HR嘅mascara就甩到無朋友! 自己留意翻喇。 如果油眼人我都係建議用Majolica呀(但係就難落d)。 如果唔係油眼人, 我都好建議你試HR呢隻mascara(如果你鍾意長同捲同埋唔難落)! 我越用越鍾意(所以我未捨得開另一枝住)!! 呵呵~~ 推呀!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  Amazing!! I love its brush as it can grab onto each lash and I really like the fact that its formula is not too dry nor too wet (when it’s too dry, it’s hard to add on the length and when it’s too wet, it’s difficult for the lash to curl).  It’s just right!!  As you can see, the lengthening effect is brilliant and my lashes are super curl “up”!!  Yea – the curls stay most of the day (thumbs-up).  For the volumizing effect, the snake skin one should be better (BA told me that the snake skin one has a better volumizing effect and this leopard one has more of an intense black color).  Yep, I do feel that this leopard one offers very intense black color (my cup of tea).  I don’t think it’s particularly volumizing but it does help create a very natural fake lashes effect.  I am really happy with it.  Finally, something that works!!  My eyelids are not oily but my eyes are very watery from time to time (esp. when wind blows), its waterproof function is excellent, it hasn’t given me any of “panda eyes” problem.  However, if you have oily eyelids, be aware!!  One of my friends have oily eyelids and she used HR mascara before, it came off like hell for her.  So if you have oily eyelids, I would still recommend you to use Majolica’s mascaras (harder to remove though).  If you have drier eyelids like mine and you love to lengthen and curl your lashes, I would really recommend this HR mascara for you (it’s easy to remove too!).  The more I use it, the more I love it.  I guess that’s why I haven’t opened the other one just yet!! *laughs*.)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.helenarubinstein.com)

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