[保養] 英國抗老食品

年紀越嚟越大(雖然我刻意唔記得自己幾多歲), 抗老產品成為我每日不可以缺少嘅一環。 食嘅好搽嘅好, 我都唔會放過。 事關我深信如果我日日都堅持抗老呢個步驟, 我應該可以令老態離我遠多一點點。 抗老呢d野真係漫長抗爭, 唔可以心急, 一定要持之以恆! 無咩係仙單, 唔會用一兩日,食一兩日就會有效果(如果有人話係, 你都唔好信啦!)。 通常呢d野最少都要一兩個月先睇到少少效果。

(English:  Anti-aging products has become part of my life as I am getting older and older (even though I deliberately forget about my age).  I firmly believe that if I do something about anti-aging every single day, I should be able to delay aging!  Anti-aging is a prolonged process.  You have to be persistent to get results.  Nothing is that miracle that it’s gonna be effective in one or two days (if someone tells you that, don’t even believe it!), therefore, you have to be patient when it comes to anti-aging.)

記唔記得我之前代筆寫咗抗痘痘食品? 抗痘食品我就唔啱喇。 反而佢個品牌另外有隻Help: Revitalise My Skin, 我就覺得好有興趣! 我本身對所以medicine型嘅野都好無好感(就算係vitamin, 我都覺得似食緊medicine, 所以唔食!), 所以見到呢隻野係gel狀即刻要試試!!

(English:  Remember I talked about an anti-acne product before?  Anti-acne product doesn’t suit my needs.  However, they have another product, which is focused on anti-aging – Help: Revitalise My Skin.  This is exactly what I want!  Personally, I don’t have any interest in anything that looks like or feels like medicine (even vitamins, to me, look like medicine).  Help: Revitalise My Skin is of a gel form supplement *laughs*, that’s why I really want to give it a try!)

Help: Revitalise My Skin

價錢(Price):8.33GPB/ box; 24.35GPB/ 4 boxes


(English:  There are 7 tubes in a box.)

Product Information:

“HELP: REVITALISE MY SKIN是一隻英國製的天然抗老美肌食品。 它含有抗老過程中不可缺少的CoEnzymeQ10,CoEnzymeQ10 用於好多抗老美容產品中, 因為它有抗氧化, 能令皮膚回復有活力的狀態。科學研究亦指出口服CoEnzymeQ10 的效果亦很顯著。 再者,HELP:REVITALISE MY SKIN亦加入了蘆薈成份。 蘆薈有舒緩,保濕, 修復皮膚的功效。 兩種元素加在一起,就成為了最有效果的抗老美肌食品。”

(English: “help: revitalise my skin gel supplement keeps skin in tip top condition with skin boosting ingredients CoEnzymeQ10, a proven anti-ageing agent, and Aloe Vera, which aids skin regeneration. The handy gel sticks will fit in any size handbag and can be eaten on the go – perfect for those who are looking for a guilt free snack!

The key ingredient CoEnzymeQ10 can be found in many topical anti-ageing creams as it has both energising and anti-oxidative properties. Scientific research has proven this ingredient is also very effective when taken as an oral supplement.

Aloe Vera has been used for years to calm, nourish and regenerate the skin.  Its detoxifying properties help to strengthen skin cells, which results in a younger looking, healthy complexion.”

食法:它是JELLY狀的口服食品。 每日一包, 簡單方便。 最初服用, 每日一包,三個月為一個療程。 過了三個月的療程就可以兩日一包, 為肌膚保持最佳狀況。

(English: Intake Method: It’s of a jelly form supplement.  Take one each day – very convenient.  At first, take one each day consistently for 3 months.  After 3 months, take one on alternate days.)

蘋果味嘅jelly!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Jelly with apply flavour!! *laughs*)

超方便呀! 一日一枝, 枝入口就得喇!

(English:  Super convenient!!  Take one a day!!)

食用次數(No. of Intake): 28 times (for 28 days)

食後感: 我已經食咗四盒, 即係28日喇! 我覺得呢個supplement真係超方便, 放定係手袋又唔會唔記得食。 去旅行著trip就帶定幾枝又唔會阻位。佢係蘋果味, 所以一d都唔難入口。 初初食咗兩個星期唔見有咩效果, 後來食到三個星期我發現皮膚無咁乾WOR, 最好嘅一點係佢係口服, 所以個效果係全身嘅皮膚都感覺得到。 最明顯係我個肚肚, 我兩年前因為太乾出咗D粒粒, 之後用咩搽咩都無好過(睇醫生都無用), 後尾我放棄啦, 唔理佢! 點知我食咗呢隻產品三個星期, 發現我個肚D粒粒無咗大半。  超爆開心丫!! 同埋我見我塊面同手手腳腳嘅地方都無咁乾, 哈哈哈!!  正!!  仲有就係呢期我無咩敷mask(我之前個咀敏感, 所以搞到咩都無敷),但係上妝都好貼wor!! 證明皮膚夠sa水份!!  So far我超級滿意我見到嘅效果, 當然啦, 我都係食咗一個月, 我會繼續keep住食! 唔貴得嚟又有效果!! 我諗我食夠三個月效果會仲明顯!  到時再update大家啦!  如果你想開始食一d健康嘅抗老產品, 我超推呢隻!!

(English:  After-use Comment: I had finished 4 boxes already, that means I had been taking it for 28 days.  I love how convenient it is, I could put a couple in my handbag or even in the suitcase when I go on trips.  It’s of apple flavor and it’s quite delicious (compared with other forms of supplements).  For the first 2 weeks, I didn’t feel anything.  On the 3rd week, I started to notice that my skin was less dry.  The best thing is that it works on the whole body (not just my face).  The most obvious area is on my tummy.  A couple years back, some bumps started appearing on my tummy due to extreme dryness.  I had been trying different methods, even tried to go to the doctors to cure it but with no luck.  Then I sort of was in the “give up mode”.  Surprisingly, on the 3rd week of taking Help: Revitalise My Skin, I noticed half of the bumps were gone!  OMG!!  I was super excited.  At the same time, I noticed that my skin was way less dry than before.  Wonderful!!  I hadn’t really used any facial masks for the past weeks (as my lips were irritated and I didn’t want to mess it up more), I still found that my makeup stayed really well – that proved that my skin was well-hydrated.  So far, I am really happy with this product!!  I had only taken it for a month and I will keep taking it for 2 more months, I am sure by then I would be able to see really good effects.  I will write another piece by then.  If you want to start taking anti-aging supplements, I would really recommend this one – reasonably-priced yet effective!!)

購買方法: 在官網購買  –> 


(English:  How to purchase:  Make the purchase at their official website: http://www.workswithwater.co.uk/pages/help-revitalise-my-skin-product.aspx)

好康優惠:由而家到April 30th, 2012, 喺官網用HAKME352做voucher code買Help: Revitalise My Skin會有65折。 折後總數夠45GBP就免費送海外!

(English:  Discount Offer:From now on till April 30th, 2012, use HAKME352 as voucher code on the official website to purchase Help: Revitalise My Skin to get 35% off!  When the purchase amount reaches 45GBP or above after discount, free shipping applies internationally!)

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