[碎碎念] ♥ 無言感激 ♥

有一晚, 我上網睇左d野睇到眼濕濕。 Mr Honey望一望我問我見我拎住部Pad Pad鼻紅紅就問我:你睇左d咩文藝大悲劇呀? 我話唔係, 由於佢唔識中文, 我就解釋俾佢聽喇。

(English:  One night, I read something on the internet and I had tears in my eyes.  Mr Honey glanced at me and my iPad, then asked: “what romantic tragedy did you read?”  I replied, “nah…” Since he doesn’t know Chinese, so I explained in detail.)

事源我之前寫左一篇有關於Ultima II既collagen文章(回顧按此), 佢地既PR公司當時話寫好之後就會有個投票活動。 我都無乜點理, 記得起呢件事既時候已經係幾日之後。 當我醒起呢件事, 我就拎住部iPad入去望下。 點知我見原來個遊戲玩法係”投你地最愛既blogger”, 同埋寫底點解你地會投佢咁。 我覺得幾好丫, 我見到好多人都投左票, 好奇大家點解會投某一個blogger之後, 我就click哂所有comment黎了解一下, 諗住可以學下人地好既地方。 睇睇下我發現:咦! 有好多位sis/ bro投左我票!! (嘩, 真係估唔到!! 因為我都未係Facebook講呢投票事件, 竟然有人已經投左我票!)

(English:  The story started when I wrote a piece for Ultima II Collagen (refresh memory), their PR company said that there would be a voting game.  I didn’t pay attention at first and when I remembered the game, it was a few days after they released it.  I went into it one night with my iPad and discovered that the game was about “Vote for Your Favorite Blogger” and write down why you pick a particular blogger.  I thought that was quite interesting and I saw many people left their comments already.  Stroke by curiosity, I read every comment that was on there, thinking that I might be able to learn some good things about other bloggers.  When I started ready, I was like, “OMG!!  Many sis/ bro have voted for me!!!  I haven’t even talked about it on Facebook though!!”)

投票方法及禮品: http://www.facebook.com/ultimaii.hongkong?sk=app_143802272416839

(English:  Voting method and prizes: http://www.facebook.com/ultimaii.hongkong?sk=app_143802272416839)

唔好意思, 因為我print唔到成個screen, 應該有六位blogger, 我print得我自己同另一位!

(English:  Apologies – I did the cap screen but there wasn’t enough space.  It should be 6 bloggers but I could only cap screen myself and another blogger!)

仔細睇下每個留言, 我越睇越感動(因為位置有限, print screen出黎既comment d字好細粒, 我再copy & paste係佢地留言既下面, 等大家可以睇到)!

(English:  When I read through every comment, I was absolutely touched (still am!).  Since there is a space issue with the blog, the cap screens are quite small.  I decided to copy and paste the comments so that you can read as well!)

Lilian Yau: 黑咪的介紹很活潑呀~ 而且雙語的介紹, 可以令更多人了解到Ultima II 黑樽Dynalift的神奇功效!呢個product想試好耐喇,佢既功效正正能符合我所需, 希望可以體驗一下它的威力呢!

(English Translation:  Lilian Yau: Hakme’s piece is very bubbly and it’s bilingual so that more people can understand the magical benefits of Ultima II Dynalift.  I have been wanting to try this product and its functions suit my personal needs, I hope to try and experience the magic.)

Yan Li: 我喜歡黑咪的文章, 用詞簡潔吸引, 仲中英對照, 好有心機, 之前聽過好有用, 睇完之後都好想買黎用, 因為我的毛孔愈來愈大, 好想可以收一下.

(English Translation:  I like Hakme’s piece because her words are simple but engaging.  It’s bilingual and she puts good effort into it.  I heard good comments about this product before, but when I finished reading the piece, I really want to haul them and give it a try!  Since my pores are getting bigger and bigger, I hope this would shrink my pores!)

Heidi Tam: 我喜歡黑咪的爽朗, 她的blog是雙語的! 我也想試吓Ultima II 這支黑樽Dynalift, 可

 以改善我這個混合性皮膚的T-zone毛孔粗大問題, 還能拯救埋我臉頰鬆弛造成的雙下巴, 正!

(English Translation:  Heidi Tam:  I like Hakme’s easy going style.  Her blog is bilingual!  I too want to try Ultima II Dynalift.  It should be able to help me with my T-zone pore problems and hopefully can firm my skin up and my double chin disappear.)


Sq Lo: like黑咪,文章生動,直接的文筆風格,令看的人也容易一同感受到產品功效!

(English Translation: Sq Lo:  Like Hakme’s piece as it’s bubbly and direct.  It makes the readers feel its effectiveness!)


Danny Ng: 我會給黑咪like, 因為我喜歡她豪爽! 而且她也是成熟型肌膚, 試用感應可作準的! 作為成熟男性的我, 日積月累的毛孔問題是難以改善的, 希望Ultima II這支產品幫到我, 細細支黑色適合男士拿來用, 希望選中我吧!


Pola Chan: 黑咪講出我地小女人既心聲~就係買野之前,試左O岩唔O岩自己先!
我本人好節儉的~但貪靚既我,見到效果明顯相信都係會捨得買的>W< 因為臉蛋跟我地一輩子的嘛! 萬一保養得唔好既話,手尾好長架~絕對唔係$一,二百蚊可以了事! 其實D個黑樽仔每次用都係$200左右,同做”普通facial”價錢差唔多~ 如果試左係”特效藥”,冇哂毛孔的話,就可以放手入貨喔~仲可以放心介紹埋俾朋友仔同奶奶用添! 😀

(English Translation: Pola Chan:  Hakme expressed the women’s thinking really well – prior to buy, we should be able to try the product and see if it suits us.  I personally am frugal but if the product really works, I am willing to pay the price because beauty is just as important.    If we don’t take care of our skin really well, then we might have to spend even more money to fix it later.  On average, it costs around $200 to use this black bottle each time, it costs around the same for a simple facial.  If this works and can make the pores disappear, I would be happy to stock up and introduce it to friends and family!)

Gabriela Yan Choy: I would choose HAKME as my fave blogger bcus she is the one
blogger I followed for a long time, and she always shares the product in
a funny tone which makes me want to read it more (its definitely an
important part for me)! With a detail of the after use comment, it
totally bun me up! like the word”不得了,即時感覺到好緊,皮膚線手,豐盈感!

超有效!”, so hope that I can get the chance to try it too! Support u always, HAKME:)!

Gubi Cheng: 我like 左黑咪因為佢寫得好生動同仔細,令我極有衝動買返一set!加上有中英對照,仲可以介紹俾外國朋友!仲有佢仲教埋點用!真係太方便~~仲有好多相做比較!點可能唔choose佢呢!真心想佢可以win到! 無論點都好,希望佢加油可以不停分享更多!

(English Translation:  Gubi Cheng:  I like Hakme because she wrote it in a bubbly and detailed way.  It makes me want to get a set to try!  Plus, it’s bilingual, foreigners would be able to understand as well.  Also, she teaches you how to use the product – very convenient!  She also has quite a few photos – how can I not choose her?  I truly want her to win.  No matter what, hope she will keep on sharing with us!)

Nicole Lai: 我最喜愛的blogger 當然是黑咪啦~~~ 原因非常之簡單,就係我係佢既忠實fans! 2年前第1次睇佢既blog, 就比呢個敗女偷左我個心啦! hahahah!
佢寫既文章並唔係一篇文章, 而係好似同我傾緊電話咁,一d 隔膜都無,.
睇佢個blog, 並唔係“淨‘ 睇, 而係好似玩緊face time 咁.你隻眼係無得休息的..
仲未計佢 d video…………..同埋giveaway 😀

記得第1次睇黑咪既blog, 一睇就睇左好多篇,
佢既blog 內容有趣生鬼, 圖多豐富, 字唔太多不過句句到point! “like”
幾多容量, 幾錢, 係邊度買到, 一定講埋, 唔洗我上網周圍搵,.
好用唔好用, 優點同缺點, 適合春夏秋冬邊個季節用都同你分式埋,.
唔埋你係自己買既定係試用, 唔好用既就話唔好用,怕什麼!
我就係鍾意黑咪呢種性格,一早就下定決定﹣﹣﹣ 係你啦! 好! 以後我跟你!

除左呢種性格,黑咪仲有呢一種令我愛死既性格 ﹣﹣﹣無私既分享!
記得有一次,有個品牌 send 左封 thank you email 比黑咪,.
“其實我都試過好多你地既產品喇, 但係你地既產品偏貴, 我d讀者唔係個個都負擔得起,
加上我覺得佢地未試過用你既產品, 唔係好confidence去敗. 不如你sponsor我d讀者啦, 咁可以多d人試你d野ma!”

最後品牌sponsor 左10 sets skin care 比黑咪送比佢既讀者, 而我係其中一個 😀
愛死佢, 唔係因為我得到禮物, 而係佢既心!.

(English Translation:  Nicole Lai:  My fav blogger of course is Hakme~~~ The reason is very simple, it’s because I have been her loyal fan!  2 years ago when I first read her blog, my heart got stolen by this hauler!!  Hahahahah!!  Her blog post is not just a blog post, it feels a phone conversation.  When I read her blog, I wasn’t only reading and I felt like it’s more like Face Time – my eyes cannot rest.  I haven’t even talked about her videos and giveaways.

I remember when I first read Hakme’s blog, I read so many of her pieces in one go.  Her blog content is funny, consists of a lot of pics.  Even though she doesn’t write too many words, every sentence hit the main point “like”!  Her comments are honest and detailed.  She includes the size, the price, the good and bad points, suitability for which weather, and I don’t need to search for the information online.  No matter it’s her hauled products or a company sponsored trial, she is honest about it too!  I like her personality and I will follow her!

Apart from the abovementioned personality, there is another personality which makes me fall in love with her – her selfless sharing.  I remember one time a company sent a thank you email to Hakme and she replied, “actually I have tried many of your products, but your products’ prices are on the high side, some of my readers might not be able to afford that, plus, they haven’t tried your products before and are not confident to haul.  How about you sponsor some products to my readers?  Then many people could try your products!”  At the end, the brand gave out 10 sets skin care for us and I am one of the winners.  It’s not because of the prize, it’s because of her heart!)

Carlos Li: 最愛黑咪的分享, 佢一向都係有個句講個句,而且TEXTURE妁,用後感等形容得詳細!

Yuri Shum: 我會揀hakme…因為佢描述得好詳細,而且有埋價錢, 中英對照~令唔識中交ge sister都可以睇到佢ge分享~同埋功效那part講得好詳細,令人都好想試用~!

(English Translation:  Carlos Li: Love Hakme’s sharing because she is very honest and straight.  The texture and reviews are very detailed.

Yuri Shum: I would vote for Hakme because her description is very detailed.  She includes prices and her blog is bilingual, it’s very easy for those sis who doesn’t know Chinese to understand.  Plus, the function and effectiveness part of the product are described in great detail, make people want to try!)

Akina Choi: 我投選了HAKME(黑咪)的分享,她用心以中文和英文雙語分享,就算外國人看到分享也能看得懂。除了有詳細的產品介紹,黑咪還拍了清晰的照片,文章段落自然,讓讀者更容易閱讀文章入容。雖然她的用後感是用口語,但看得出她使用這產品後的驚喜,亦喜歡她生動的用後感,看完文章亦引起我的興趣想試用ULTIMA II黑樽仔。

(English Translation:  Akina Choi:  I voted for Hakme because her blog in bilingual and foreigners can understand as well.  Apart from the detailed product introduction, she also has clear pictures, a natural content flow, it allows readers to understand the content easily.  Also, she uses Cantonese in her writing and make me feel her surprise after using this product.  Like her bubbly use of words in her review as well, it arouses my interest in trying this Ultima II black bottles.)

Ell Lamsh: 我Like 了Hakme!~因為我初次用黑樽仔的時候~也同樣有著”不得了”的感覺!~ 一塗上就吸收晒!~毛孔即時收細了!~

(English Translation: ELL Lamsh: I like Hakme!  Because when I first used black bottles, I felt like “OMG” as well.  It’s instantly absorbed when applied on skin and the pores are less visible!!)

Kaye Chan: 我選擇咗黑咪, 最主要係因為佢同我皮膚問題好相似, 而佢亦唔會好HARD SELL, 我好怕睇BLOG睇到好似睇緊廣告咁,
不過只係有一個缺點係, 佢冇試到上面睇, 因為我好想知道針對毛孔問題, 係會唔會有明顯幫助, 同埋喜歡黑咪係因為佢打慨嘢唔會太多字,
我睇BLOG真係唔係睇緊小說, 而係我想知道個產品慨主要作用, 質地, 效果, 如果有一大篇字, 我真係會冇心機睇落去,
同埋我喜歡黑咪打慨嘢唔會太有說教慨味道, 而我自己都係有毛孔組大, T位出油問題, 係因為細個個陣唔好好對待皮膚而引致慨,
我都好希望Ultima II黑樽真係可以幫到我解決呢個問題, 唔係就真係要去美容院喇~!

(English Translation:  Kaye Chan:  I picked Hakme because we have similar skin types and she is not hard-selling at all.  I don’t like reading blog as if I am reading some advertisement.  One improvement to me though is because she hasn’t used it on her face in her her, because I really want to know if it really works on shrinking the pores.  Plus, Hakme’s blog post doesn’t consist of too many words, I don’t like reading blogs as if I am reading some kind of novels.  I only want to know the product function, texture, effectiveness.  If a blog post consists of too many words, I am afraid that I won’t have the heart to read it through.  Also, I like Hakme’s style is not like preaching.  I have big pores with oily T zone problem, it was due to I didn’t take good care of my skin when I was young, I hope this Ultima II black bottles are helpful to cure my problems, otherwise I will have to go to the beauty salons!)

Karen Panda: 黑咪介紹得好 details , 仲有埋用法 , 真係唔錯!

Too Fong: 我最中意黑咪的..因為佢真係好用心去分享佢用既過程…同埋佢又顧及了睇唔明中文OR 英文既人…佢用了中英來寫…我好欣賞佢..因為佢真係想多D人了解到個PRODUCT…同埋佢又有圖片去解釋…仲講得好詳細…連我未用過既..都明白同了解支野既作用…又有列明價錢同出產地…除左可以令我地放心咁去買…又可以因應自己既財務能力去買..GOOD!

Jane Leung: 我投了票予HAKME, 她的介紹很清楚,而且是很全面的評價。看完她的BLOG

也真的很想跑去買一盒!加上她能講出黑樽仔的特點和其獨特性,文字也簡潔易明,不會太HARDSELL,看得很舒服。還要是中英對照,外國人也能看明白,SUPER LIKE!.

(English Translation:  Karen Panda:  Hakme’s piece is very detailed and it consists of “how to use”.  Nice!

Too Fong:  I like Hakme’s piece the most because she uses her heart to share her experience.  Also, she takes care of those people who doesn’t understand Chinese, so her blog is bilingual because she wants to have more people to understand the benefits of the product.  Furthermore, there are pics in her blog and her comments are very detailed.  I haven’t used this product before but I understand its function.  She lists out the price and original as well, we can choose to buy it depending on our budget.  Good!

Jane Leung:  I voted Hakme because her introduction is very clear and it covers quite a broad aspect.  After reading her blog, I really want to go get the product.  She can tell the black bottles’ specialty and her words are simple and easy to understand.  She is not hard-selling as well, it makes me comfortable to read.  Also, the blog is bilingual, foreigners can understand as well – SUPER LIKE!)

點講好呢。 我好變態地將呢d留言睇過好多好多次(哈哈, 要放埋落我個blog到慢慢回味)。 好多謝你地既一票同埋位位都咁用心去寫底你地對我既分享睇法。 贏唔贏對我黎講一d都唔重要, 最重要反而你地既支持! 見到你地既留言係我最大既動力!!   多謝!! *好感動當中*

(English: Hmmmm….how should I describe my feeling after reading all these?  I was so psycho that I read these comments so many many times (*laughs* and I have to put all the comments here on my blog so that I could read them from time to time).  Thank you so much for voting for me and taking your time in writing the above.  Winning the game or not is not important for me, the most important thing is your support.  Your words mean so much to me – Thank You!! *sooooooo touched*)

當初我寫blog都係想分享下我對護膚化妝品嘅熱情(唔經唔覺就快三年), 到我而家每個星期都要限定自己出三至四篇文章(無人逼我)。 老實講, 我都有好攰嘅時候, 我都有想出去玩唔寫文住既諗法, 但係當我一諗到如果我太耐唔寫文, 我d讀者會諗我個blog係咪接埋個一下, 我就乖乖地繼續影相打野! 由一個無咩人識既人到she.com邀請我寫prochat, 再到而家我有咁多有心既網上朋友(我覺得你地個個都係), 我覺得我既努力係無白費! 真係好多謝你地既鼓勵(無論係有聲鼓勵無聲鼓勵都好)! 我會繼續努力經營好我既網上分享, 亦都會保持我一向如實報導既風格! 再講多一聲多謝!!

(English:  When I started this blog, I just wanted to share my passion on skincare items and makeup products (hmmmmm my blog is approaching 3rd year old!!), and now, I make a promise to myself that I have to issue 3-4 pieces of blog posts per week (no one forces me).  Honestly, there are times that I feel so tired and there are times that I wanna just hang out and forget about writing, however, when I think about, “if I don’t have a piece out regularly, people might think my blog has closed down!”  Then I would sit down take pictures and start writing!  From a complete stranger to she.com invited me to write on prochat and now I have so many online friends (eveyone of you count).  I know my effort is appreciated!!  Thank you so much for the encouragement!!  I will keep on working on my online sharing and I will keep my honest approach to things.  Let me THANK YOU again!!)

(The above photos and comments are extracted from Ultima II Facebook Page)

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