[保養] 爆好用日本仔保濕面膜

想當年, 我地走入莎莎, 差唔多全部都係日本產品, 到而家我哋行入去, 多數都變咗韓國同台灣產品。 ,有時太多產品都唔知邊隻好邊隻唔好用。 講真, 有時連我自己都睇到頭暈眼花。 講開又講, 雖然我覺得某d韓國同台灣嘅產品都好用, 但係我對日本野都仲係好有感情! 有日心痕, 我行入莎莎想睇下有咩日本mask, 我見翻呢隻好耐之前用過嘅面膜(相認)! 我記得個感覺唔差, 所以再買, 咁又可以試真d之餘又可以同大家分享!

(English:  Once upon a time when we walked into Sasa, almost all of the products were Japanese.  But now, when we talk in, there are so many Korean and Taiwanese products, sometimes I am not even sure what’s good and what’s not.  Honestly, I do have a headache sometimes trying to decide which to try and which not.  Even though I feel that some of the Korean and Taiwanese products are fab, I still have a thing for Japanese products.  One day, I was exploring in Sasa on which Japanese masks to try, I rekindled my interest on this particular one which I use a long while ago!  I recalled the feeling was fine, so I got this again just to make sure I record my comments and share with you all!)

Lifecella Essence Sheet Mask Hyaluronic Acid

價錢(Price):HK$54.9/ 1 box (including 5 pcs)

售賣地點: 如果你喺香港, 莎莎有得賣。 如果你唔係住係香港, 但係住係內地, 英國同美國, 你可以係sasa.com揾到呢隻面膜。

(English:  Available at: If you are in Hong Kong, they are available at Sasa stores.  If you are not living here but you are in Mainland China, UK or US, you can locate this mask from Sasa.com)

Product Information:


English: “Each sheet mask contains 20ml essence and Hyaluronic Acid, which can moisturize your skin, and restore radiant complexion.”


(English:  It takes care of the eye areas as well!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):4 times

用後感: 日本仔野即係日本仔野! 我買呢隻既主要功效係保濕。 先係我覺得佢個面膜本身好貼面, 厚薄適中。 佢話有20ml精華係d面膜度,我覺得個份量多得嚟又啱啱好, 唔會敷咗係面到係咁滴水(我好怕)。 敷完20分鐘, 拎走張mask,我笑咗出嚟心諗:雖然日本野唔一定樣樣都好好用, 但係真係無死錯人! 敷完當下嗰感覺喺超水潤, 有種皮膚俾水包住個感覺。 超正!! 皮膚食咗補品, 完氣都好咗。 即刻明亮哂同好有彈性! 掂! 真係超級推呢個產品! 最正係我覺得佢保濕得嚟唔會過潤,同埋個效果維持到三四日! 我覺得適合所有皮膚。 當然啦, 如果你係乾性皮膚, 你可以用得密少少(例如一個星期敷兩次), 你會見到好好效果!  如果你揾緊隻保濕面膜, 我超級建議你買呢隻! 講真, 價錢方面係無台灣既面膜咁平喇(人地HK$50 – HK$60有成8塊), 但係用野係講有無效果, 如果有效果, 俾多幾蚊一張面膜我又覺得無所謂!推推推!

(English:  Product Review:  The word “Japanese” almost always equals to “quality”!  I got this particular mask for hydrating.  For the mask itself, the sheet fits onto the face nicely and it’s of just the right thickness.  It says it has 20ml essence in the mask, I think it’s brilliant because it’s not too much and not too less.  I don’t have to sit there worrying about the mask dripping on me (hate that).  After 20 mins, take away the mask, I smiled and thought, “even though not every Japanese stuff is great, most of them are very reasonable!”  After using the mask, I instantly feel super hydrated, I feel that my skin is soaked in water!!  Wonderful!  It feels more brightened and more “bouncy”!!  Brilliant!!  I highly recommend this product.  Also, I think the hydration is perfect, it’s not overly rich and the effect lasts for 3-4 days!  It’s suitable for all skin types.  Of course, if you have dry skin, you could use it a bit more often (like twice a week), you will see the difference very soon!  If you are looking for a hydrating mask, I really recommend you try this one.  Honestly, for the price, it’s not as cheap as some of the Taiwanese mask (usually around HK$50-HK$60 for 8 pcs), but we are all looking for good results right?  If the product offers brilliant results, I am sure we don’t mind paying a few bucks extra!  Highly recommended!!)

哈哈! 唔洗講回購度喇(大家都應該feel到係超高啦), 我已經再去莎莎入貨! 我入埋佢地其他產品, 用後再分享丫!

(English:  *Laughs*  I don’t need to tell you if I would repurchase this or not (I assume that you could feel my strong tendency to repurchase the masks).  Ha, indeed, I have been to Sasa again and this time, I got their other products to try, I will share my comments after using them!)

相中有d係我同朋友夾份, 我地分咗裝, 所以有d係得2-3塊! 好多mask呀, 用左再同大家分享啦!!

(English:  I share some of the masks with my friend and we have split the portion, therefore, I have only 2-3 for some masks.  Wow so many!!  Let me try them out and share with you my comments!!)

Product Link of Sasa.com: 


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