[保養] 抗老神秘面霜


(English:  *Laughs*  I got an invitation from a company to try one of their products.  I have tried many of this company’s products before and many have got my good scores (can you guess?).  Since the following product will be released only on Sept 1st, 2012, therefore I have to keep it a mystery!  This product is specially designed for anti-aging purposes and I have used it for around 2 weeks, so let me tell you if it’s worth waiting for!)

神秘抗老面霜/ Mysterious Anti-aging Cream

價錢(Price):HK$715/ 80g

因為要保持神秘感,我唔詳講佢嘅產品資料! 不過可以講既係佢有咩功效。佢主要係抗老,滋潤,同埋令皮膚更加有彈性同年輕。聽落唔錯,係咪?

(English:  Since I have to keep it a bit mysterious, I am not going to blah about the product information!  All I can tell you is that it’s designed for anti-aging, moisturizing and enhancing skin to look more youthful!  Sounds great, right?)



使用次數(No. of Usage):16 times

用後感:多數抗老產品都會感覺好油好膩,但係我真係唔係咁鍾意咁肥膩嘅質地(我驚皮膚負荷過大會爆粒粒呀!)。 我一見到呢個產品個感覺係,幾好wor!個質地係稀少少既cream, 近符係gel cream texture! 我點幾點上面,之後就向上按摩(記得所有動作都要向上,向下會拉鬆皮膚!)! 抗老產品黎講,佢都真係好易被皮膚吸收,搽完之後無痴lup lup個感覺!皮膚覺得好潤同埋覺得有少少拉緊效果!! 正呀!!我用咗個cream兩個星期,我覺得皮膚唔再覺得乾同埋上妝貼咗!! 最正係我覺得jaw line無咁浮腫,而家係比較緊緻!! 哈哈!!掂wor!!! 抗老產品黎講個價錢又唔算係天文數字,真係試得過!!!哈哈!!!試咗呢隻產品之後,又再點起我對呢個品牌嘅熱情添(你地估到未呀?)!!

(English:  Product Review:  Usually many anti-aging products have a heavier texture and sometimes it’s even greasy!  I really don’t like that greasiness on my face as I am afraid that my skin cannot take it and then it would protest with some horrible acne!!  When I see the texture of this product, I thought, “NICE!”  Its texture is like a light cream, almost a gel-cream texture!  I “spot” some on my face and start massaging it (remember all the movement has to be upwards, not downward, downward movement will drag your skin down!).  For an anti-aging product, it’s easily absorbed by skin and I don’t feel any funny sticky feeling.  Skin feels instantly moisturized and a bit tightened up!  NICE!!  I have been using the cream for 2 weeks, I don’t feel that my skin is dry anymore and it certainly makes my foundation routine easier.  The brilliant thing is that I feel that my jaw line is more tightened up than before!! *Laughs*  Wonderful!!  Its price is acceptable given the fact that many anti-aging products charge a fortune!  It’s worth a try/ the wait!!  *laughs*  Now after I try this product, my love towards this brand sort of rekindle….(have you guessed what brand it is?))

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