[保養] 貴婦落妝產品

之前買咗Cle de Peau 嘅兩隻護膚產品,其中一隻已經同大家分享咗喇(回顧按此)。但係呢隻我就用完都未分享!哈哈!今日等我拿拿聲同大家分享下先。

(English:  I hauled two of Cle de Peau items before and I have shared my comments on one of them (refresh memory).  However, I have finished this particular product but I haven’t written anything on it yet!  Let me share my review today before I forget!)Cle de Peau Cleansing Cream/ Makeup Remover
價錢(Price):HK$520/ 130ml

使用次數(No. of Usage):1 tube 

用後感:我最初接觸呢枝Makeup Remover係由佢一包sample開始。我用完包sample之後覺得落得好乾淨,我想再試真d,所以我就去買咗呢個產品嘅full size嚟試喇,心諗落妝產品一定用得完!哈哈!佢個texture枝出嚟係cream狀,推開之後係油,成面按之後過水就可以喇。BA叫我眼位用翻眼部卸妝液(佢見我眼位makeup勁),我當然有用啦,但係我發覺用完眼部卸妝液落眼位makeup之後,再用Cle de Peau呢枝Makeup Remover按下,會落埋d殘餘既化妝品!佢嘅清潔能力強,眼位比較stubborn既makeup都可以落得到。用水過完之後唔會肥膩, 但係會覺得有一層野係面上,我就覺得幾潤下喇。之後要洗多次面會好d!整體我覺得落妝力強,用完感覺好潤。但係比我感覺係似一般落妝油,雖然呢隻用完之後皮膚比較柔軟,不過都唔算好特別。係啦,我覺得似高級落妝油,我覺得咁貴就唔係好值得(除非你係fans啦)。如果咁嘅價錢,我相信有好多其他選擇!我對呢枝產品嘅回購率好低!

(English:  Product Review:  I knew about this Makeup Remover through a product sample.  After using up the sample, I thought it removed makeup really well, therefore I decided to try the full size version.  I could never have too many makeup removers because I put my makeup on every day!  *laughs*   Its texture is of cream format but when it touches skin, it turns into oil.  After massaging face with it, then rinse with water, done!  BA asked me to use a separate eye makeup remover to remove my eye makeup (she saw that my eye makeup was quite heavy).  Of course I followed her advice but I also discovered that this Makeup Remover helped me to remove the last trace of my eye makeup!  Nice! It has a very good cleansing power and it even removes some of my stubborn eye makeup.  After rinsing with water, my face is not greasy but very moisturized.  Using another facial cleanser would help to feel a bit lighter on skin. Overall speaking, its cleansing power is strong and is very moisturizing.  But it feels very much like a regular cleansing oil to me even though my skin feels a bit more soft after using this makeup remover.  I’d still say nothing too special about it!  It’s just a high-end makeup remover.  I don’t think it’s worth the price (you might feel different if you are a fan).  There are quite a number of other products out there to choose from.  It’s not likely for me to re-purchase this product again.)

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