[保養] 終於找到平價又合用的沖涼液

某日行過Watsons,入去望望,見到佢有賣Avalon Organics賣!我記得佢初初黎香港既時候,價格唔可愛之餘仲要係City Super先有賣。雖然我當時都想試呢個產品,但係因為價格問題,我最終都係選擇其他產品。點知而家係Watsons有得賣之餘,仲要價格親民好多!我買當日仲要減價添! 哈哈!!! 我當日敗左洗髮用品同埋沖涼液,今日先講沖涼產品丫!

(English:  I went in Watsons one day and they have Avalon Organics products!  I remember when they first arrived in HK, the price was on the high side and they were only available in City Super.  Even though I wanted to try this brand before, I didn’t feel that I wanted to pay that kind of price.  Haaaa…it’s great that now Watsons has them and the price is way more acceptable (for what it is).  When I hauled the products, they were on sale *laughs* (even better)!!!  I got shampoo, conditioner and shower gel!  Let’s talk about the shower gel now!)

Avalon Organics Bath and Body Shower Gel 

Scent: Lemon

價錢(Price):Original HK$59.9/ Discounted HK$29.9 (can’t remember exactly)


使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times

用後感:我沖涼多數都係用Lush,因為香得黎我唔會皮膚敏感。但係用左幾枝之後我又想轉下用平價產品。但係我又唔用得開架品牌(用完好乾好痕),所以我見到呢枝野咁平又係70% Organic個陣,我真係好大期望! 哈哈!!我用左一期,我覺得真係唔錯丫!!洗咗皮膚唔覺得乾(當然啦,天氣再乾既時候,皮膚都係會比較乾啦!),我覺得佢俾Lush保濕少少!!唔錯!!佢都係好多泡泡都洗得好乾淨啦!正!!!佢個味真係超lemon,所以沖緊涼個陣都真係好醒神同relaxing,幾好呀!! 佢都仲有另外一d味,如果你唔鍾意lemon,都有其他選擇! 不過,我覺得佢既味道係好basic既味,好似lemon, lavender, rosemary咁, 而Lush既氣味就當然係sophisticated好多啦!!唔同價錢都有唔同既expectation! Lush既沖涼野會俾你個感覺係一種享受,但係Avalon Organics就係meet basic needs既! 我覺得就你自己budget啦,如果想用平價野又唔想洗到皮膚好乾既話,Avalon Organics都係一個good choice呀!! 我會回購呀!!

(English:  Product Review:  I usually use Lush products for shower because they smell great without irritating my skin.  I have used up a few bottles and wish to change to something cheaper.  However, I cannot use the drugstore brands because they tend to have a too great of a cleansing power and my skin would be irritated.  Therefore, you could imagine how happy I was when I saw this.  It was reasonably priced and it’s 70% organic, I do have high hopes on this product *laughs*!  I have been using this for awhile and I find it really nice!!  It doesn’t dry out my skin (of course Autumn is coming and skin feels drier than the summer time anyway) and I feel that it’s a bit more hydrating than Lush!!  Great!!!  It has tons of foam and it cleans really well.  The scent is really lemony, therefore, it’s quite relaxing and refreshing during shower time!  It offers other scents as well, if you don’t like lemon, there are lavender, rosemary scents to choose from.  Of course, Lush’s scent is way more sophisticated!  Different expectation towards different price range!  Lush offers a feeling of luxurious shower experience while Avalon Organics is more for meeting the basic needs.  You can choose according to your budget!  If you want something with a friendly price tag and doesn’t dry out skin, Avalon Organics would be a good choice!!  I would repurchase as well!!)

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