[保養] 又一清潔力不太強的落妝產品

我究竟是不是受了詛咒? 唔知點解我呢期敗既落妝產品都唔可以徹底地落妝? 我是不是受了Bioderma紅水的詛咒, 以後都不可以和它分離??

(English:  Am I cursed?  Why are the makeup removers stuff that I got lately not working?  Am I being cursed by Bioderma Cleansing Water and I can never part with it again?)

話說前一陣子行Watsons, 見到AquaLabel新出呢個落妝產品人參緊緻潔面乳霜! 突然好心動要敗來試試, 我都好耐無用過cream狀既落妝產品, 所以都幾期待, 諗住如果好用的話, 今個秋冬又可以繼續用(cream狀會潤身一點!!)。 可惜…. T.T

(English:  I went to Watsons awhile back and saw this new release from Aqualabel – Cleansing Cream Ex!  I suddenly wanted to try it so bad that I had to get this.  I haven’t been using any makeup remover cream for awhile and I was quite looking forward to it, thinking if it’s good, then I could continue with it during Winter (cream is always a bit more moisturizing!)…but…..T.T)

Aqualabel Cleansing Cream Ex

價錢(Price):HK$85/ 125g

Product Information:

“能徹底潔淨肌膚,配合先進Aqua Synergy導入技術,讓極上高麗人參精華,源源不絕導入肌膚底層,發揮人參順行活血,調和肌理功效,讓肌膚活力飽滿,綻放水潤光澤。”

(English: deeply purify skin and
release Korean ginseng extract with Aqua Synergy. A rich supply of
ginseng essence is delivered to the base layers to aid blood circulation
and condition texture. The result is highly moisturized and nourished
skin with a healthy glow.

Texture & Effect:

使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times

用後感:佢係cream狀質地, 所以用既時候好好推! 佢話可以用嚟按摩添!! 我都係用佢黎卸面部既彩妝(眼既我會另外卸), 用完佢按之後過水, 肉眼睇到感覺上好乾淨! 不過肉眼係騙人既!! 我再用Bioderma一抹!! 仲有好多彩妝殘跡丫!!! 不妙!!!又因為佢係cream狀, 所以過完水之後會有潤既感覺, 好似有一層油份係皮膚上面。 想唔要呢個感覺, 記得跟手要用洗面膏!!!我覺得佢既落妝力真係唔可以叫係落妝產品, 我用bareMinerals/ BB cream都有殘跡呢個情況出現, 唔敢想像用foundation會點!! 我覺得當佢係按摩膏反而唔錯, 按完塊面比較白淨同埋有光澤,價錢又好合理! 我覺得佢個質地比較適合乾性皮膚, 中性/油性皮膚我都唔建議, 因為太rich喇!! 唔。 卸妝? 多謝喇! 按摩還可以啦!!

(English:  Product Review:  It’s of a cream texture so it goes really well with massaging!!  It says that it can be used as a massage cream as well!!  I use this only for my face makeup (I use other stuff to remove my eye makeup).  After rinsing this with water, skin looks clean with eye balls checking.  However, eye balls are not always accurate because there is still so much makeup residue when I use Bioderma to clean my face again!  Not good!!  Also, because of its cream texture, it feels quite moisturizing and after rinsing, there is a feeling of an oily layer left on skin.  Of course, if you don’t like this particular feeling, you can follow with a facial cleanser!  I don’t think for its cleansing power, it should be called a makeup remover, I only used bareMinerals/ BB cream these days and I cannot imagine what happens if I use foundation!!  I feel that it works better as a massage cream because skin is radiant and bright after using this (this is with a friendly price tag as well!)!  Its texture is more suitable for dry skin types.  For normal and oily skin types, I won’t recommend this to you at all because that might add burden to your skin!  Well well well, makeup remover?  Nah!  Massage cream?  Could do!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.aqualabel.com.hk)

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