[保養] 平價驚喜卸妝凝露

卸妝產品黎講,你地都知道Bioderma紅水係我既大愛啦! 雖然係咁, 我有時悶悶地都會轉下用其他產品睇下有無咩驚喜丫(又可以同大家分享麻)。 哈, 之前Biore新出咗一隻Cleansing Liquid, 我見佢減價所以買咗, 呢期用落覺得真係超級讚, 好掂, 真係要快手分享一下!!

(English: For makeup remover products, you all know that I have been crazily in love with Bioderma Cleansing Water!  Even though that’s the case, I still switch to other products from time to time due to boredom and the wish to find something good/ bad to share with you all!  *Laughs*  Biore did release a new product for removing makeup a little while back and I got it when it was on sale.  I have been using it recently and it’s a wonderful product!!  Let me share how good it is with you!!)

Biore Watery Cleansing Liquid

價錢(Price):around HK$89.9/ 230ml

Product Information:


(English:  It removes makeup quickly and it contains 1/3 hydrating properties to moisturize skin during the makeup removing process.  It’s easy to wash off.)

效果/ Results:


(English:  There are makeup all over the back of my hand:)


(English:  One pump:)


(English:  Massage over the makeup:)


(English:  After rinsing:)

使用次數(No. of Usage):13 times

用後感: 我覺得佢個質感超過癮, 佢唔係油又唔係水, 我覺得佢係介乎兩者之間, 個感覺似lotion狀, 但係望落就透明! 佢係超級好推, 唔同油有時會太杰, 佢係超易推得開, 所以其實每次都唔洗用得好多。 講清潔力就真係無得頂喇!! 咩防水野都落得到, 粉底胭脂唇膏個d更加無問題啦! 我頭一兩次用完佢都會再用Bioderm抹下睇下有無殘蹟,係無呀!!! 落得超乾淨呀!! 過完水仲要覺得好爽(唔笠)之餘,仲有少少白淨咗! 好正!!! Biore既落妝產品好少令我失望(除咗佢個落妝wipes之外), 今次我都係好好好滿意! 如果呢枝同佢油個枝, 我會揀呢枝, 因為個質感比較輕少少, 適合多d膚質同天氣! 推呀!!! 如果你想買平平地又好用既落妝產品, 我超推呢枝呀!! 哈哈!!

(English:  Product Review: I find its texture brilliant because it’s not oil and it’s not water.  It’s somehow in between of the two texture and I feel that it leans towards lotion more (with a transparent color).  It’s super blendable, it’s definitely different than oil (sometimes oil is too heavy to blend well) and I love how far it spreads because it means that I don’t need to use a lot of product everytime when I remove my makeup.  For it’s cleansing power, it’s absolutely amazing.  It removes every bit of water-proof stuff (not to mention foundation, blush and lipstick….)!!  For the first few times’ usage, I used Bioderma afterwards to see if there is any trace of makeup – NOPE!!  My face was absolutely clean!!!  After rinsing with water, face is fresh without feeling any greasiness/ burden, also I feel that my skin tone is brightened up a bit as well!!!  Amazing product!!!  I haven’t been disappointed with Biore’ makeup removers so far (apart from their makeup removing wipes) and I am really happy with this product as well.  If I have to choose between this product and its cleansing oil, I will choose this one since the texture is lighter and it suits more skin types and weather!!  Highly recommended!!  If you are looking for a makeup remover which does the job without the silly price tag, I would surely recommend this one to you!!)

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