[保養] 磨一磨滑一陣面膜

講起我都真係超唔好意思, 成年前買既產品成年後先出review! 唉!! 不過我講過, 我今個一月focus出埋一d買咗好耐既產品既review! 之後既日子, 我希望唔洗要大家等得太耐啦!! 其實我睇翻我個pattern, 如果我買完用完即出review個d產品, 多數一係好好好用, 一係就好好好唔好用。 如果我等好耐個d似乎都係好一般!  當然唔計我老人癡呆嗰d以為自己寫咗但係原來又未寫啦! 等我清埋呢堆野, 咁希望個時間表以後會掌握得好d喇!! 多謝大家咁包容我, 成日等我等到海枯石爛(哈哈)!!  好啦, 今日同大家分享下呢個Skinfood既Rice Mask先:

(English:  I feel a bit embarrassed when I write about this product because I got it like a year ago and it takes me a year to review it!!  Well, as I said before, I will focus on reviewing the “older” goodies that I got and hopefully for the days after, it doesn’t take me more than 2 months to review a certain product!  Actually, when I review my pattern, it seems that if I review something without a short time, then it usually means it’s very good or it’s not very good.  Of course, that doesn’t take into consideration the fact that sometimes I have hallucination that I have written about certain stuff.  Right, wait till I clear this batch of “oldies” and hopefully I can make myself stick to the time frame later!!  Thank you to all of you for being so understanding, I know it takes a great deal of patience to wait for me on certain reviews!!  Right – let me share my views on this Skinfood Rice Mask with you all:)

Skinfood 純穀米活膚精華面膜
Rice Mask

價錢(Price):HK$165/ 100g

Product Information:


用法: 潔面後,當肌膚在微濕的狀態下,取適量面膜,以輕輕按壓形式均勻塗抹於臉部(避開眼、唇四周),再利用當中的細顆粒輕柔按摩後(敏感肌膚可避免按摩動作),待 10 至 15 分鐘後,再以溫水洗淨。”

(English: “An exfoliating wash off scrub mask with minerals, vitamins and gamma oryzanol which moisturizes and whitens skin.

To use: Apply evenly after cleansing. Avoid eye and mouth area.Gently scrub. Wash off with lukewarm water after 10~15 minutes.”)



(English:  There are particles inside the mask!!)

效果/ Results:



使用次數(No. of Usage):8 times

用後感: 個質感真係唔錯, 少少漿漿地, 但係唔難推, 入面亦都有一d粒粒, 係你一推開個陣當係scrub咁用。 佢有兩個功用, 一就係scrub啦, 另一個就係美白mask啦。 Scrub完30秒度就等10分鐘再去過水就搞掂,算係好方便。 我覺得效果黎講, 一過水個下真係覺得皮膚好滑, 好線手。 但係真係個一下喇,第二日就會打會原型。 美白黎講我覺得都係過完水個下比較亮白, 但係效果唔持久, 基本上第二日都會變回原狀。 我覺得佢個即時效果好吸引, 但係持久性就真係唔掂喇。 同埋如果你係敏感同埋暗瘡肌, 記得唔好磨呀, 要skip咗scrub個部份呀, 唔係會對皮膚太刺激呀! Overall, 我覺得如果你去韓國, 佢好平既話, 買黎係咩節日前用(有即時效果)都可以, 但係如果你話係香港買但係你又想要d比較持久既效果呢, 我就覺得呢個產品唔係你要既野! 我用完唔會再敗喇, 因為佢個效果同佢香港個價錢都唔成正比!

(English: Product Review: Its texture is quite nice and it feels a bit like glue (if that makes sense) but it’s not hard to blend out and there are small particles inside, so when you are blending out, it is acting as a scrub!  It contains two functions – 1. as a scrub and 2. as a brightening mask.  Scrub for basically 30 secs and then wait for 10 mins before rinsing, it is a very convenient product.  For result-wise, skin is super soft and smooth right after rinsing but the effect is not long-lasting, skin turns back to the normal state the very next day!  For its brightening effect, it’s the same!!  Skin looks radiant right after rinsing, but again it turns back to normal the next day!  I feel that its instant effect is very attractive, however, it cannot be rated as long-lasting at all!  Also, if you have sensitive skin or acne prone skin, make sure you skip the scrubbing step, otherwise, it would be too harsh on your skin!  Overall speaking, I feel that if you are going to Korea and you can get this product really cheap, you can maybe get it for some pre-holiday/ big day usage (since it has instant effect), however, if you are going to get it in HK and you want some products with a more long-lasting effect, I feel that it’s not the product that you are looking for!  I won’t repurchase this product myself as well because I don’t think its results worth the HK price!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.skinfood.com.hk)

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