[保養] 有七個功能既防曬產品

美白既季節又到, 即係話各大防曬美白產品紛紛出場!! 之前接到邀請試用Bio-新出既防曬產品, 我同Mama講開講咗俾佢聽,佢話:試丫試丫! 你試完好用既俾Mama!! (汗) 乜唔係我覺得唔啱我用先俾佢咩?! 哈哈!! 我Mama對所有產品都唔緊張,唯一係抗老, 防曬(都同抗老有關)同埋美白產品, 佢一聽到就會好興奮!! 女人!!  好喇, 講完Mama壞話(不孝!!!), 等我講下枝產品先:

(English:  The whitening season has arrived, that means we will be spoiled with all the new sunscreens and whitening products!!  I got an invitation before to try Bio-‘s new sunscreen and I shared the piece of news with mom, after hearing my story, she was like, “give it a try! TRY!!  And if you think it’s good, then you can give it to me!!” Really?  I thought it was the other way round?  Anyway, my mom don’t get excited about every skincare item apart from anti-aging/ sunscreen/ whitening products.  She literally gets hyper!!  Women!!!  Right, enough with the gossips about dear mom.  Let me share my thoughts with you on the product:)

BIO- 滋潤美白防曬保護霜 SPF40

SUN Maximal Protection Moisturizing Double White Board Spectrum UVA/UVB

價錢(Price):HK$550/ 50ml

Product Information:

“BIO-SUN 能全面阻隔UVA及UVB,保護肌膚免受紫外線侵害而老化。其防護指數高達40 ,足夠在戶外保護肌膚長達10小時。除防曬外,它亦能夠淡化色斑及為肌膚提供持久 保濕。BIO-SUN可以為肌膚提供全面保護,特別是在美白療程後,能夠有效地抑制黑色素形 成。適合每天使用,亦不影響上妝。



– 防曬 (UVA/UVB)

– 美白淡化膚色、抑制黑色素形成

– 抗氧化 – 保濕

* 敏感肌適用

* 3D 立體防曬功能

* 不油膩,清爽易推,快吸收

* 可作make-up base用, 減少皮膚負擔

* 可舒緩微紅的敏感症狀,身體適用 ”

(English: “BIO-SUN offers full broad spectrum skin protection while combining powerful bleaching and correction that targets pigmentation. Suppress tyrosinase activation and melanin synthesis. Daily use and it can be applied under make up.”)


Before Blending:


Done Blending:

使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感: 呢隻防曬有好多功效:防曬,美白,保濕,抗老,防止黑色素形成,makeup base同埋可以舒緩敏感。 我好似未見過一樣product可以做咁多樣野!  先講佢個質感,係light cream狀, 好易推得開同埋好快吸收。 吸收完亦都無粉末係皮膚上面。 我覺得佢唔可以話係潤,因為佢個感覺都幾清爽同保濕, 但係就唔會覺得痴笠笠! 掂!! 佢高系數(SPF 40),一般情況好夠用啦, 同埋佢高系數得黎唔會搽完變好白, 呢點好好 (因為我超唔鍾意搽完變好白!)。 加上佢又可以當埋係makeup base, 咁又可以少一個step喇。 好方便! 但係要留意佢無控油功能, 所以如果你要控油就要另加控油產品喇。 我覺得呢隻產品最最最正既地方係佢唔會令皮膚敏感。 呢個天然一時濕一時乾, 唔好講話皮膚好易失控, 連人都好易病呀!! 我有幾個朋友都開始皮膚敏感(轉天氣), 所以我見佢冇色冇香料唔刺激, 我就好放心。 同埋好得意丫, 搽上去有少少涼涼地都好舒服呀!!  我好鍾意呢枝防曬呀, 亦都好推俾唔需要控油既朋友, 如果你皮膚比較容易敏感就仲啱添呀!! 正!!

(English:  Product Review:  This sunscreen is definitely a product with many functions: sunscreen, whitening, hydrating, anti-aging, preventing dark spots, acting as makeup base and calming skin.  I don’t think I have ever seen that many purposes wrapped up in one single product before.  Let’s move on with its texture first – it’s of a light cream texture, it’s really blendable and easy to be absorbed.  After absorption, it doesn’t leave some horrible white powder/ color on skin, which is good news.  I don’t think it can be called moisturizing, I personally think it’s more hydrating because it feels rather light on skin and it won’t create that greasiness on skin.  Well done on this!  Also, it has a rather high SPF (40) and it’s more than enough for most occasions.  Plus, even though it has a high SPF, it doesn’t change your skin tone after application, which is fantastic!!  Moreover, it can be act as a makeup base, that means I can skip one step in the morning – convenient!!  But, be mindful that it doesn’t contain any oil control function, so if you want that, you need to top up with another product.  The best about this product is that it doesn’t irritate skin.  The weather keeps changing these day, sometimes rainy with high humidity, sometimes dry…not only it’s easy for skin to loose its balance, it also makes our bodies quite vulnerable.  I have got a few friends who have skin allergies already (due to the crazy change of weather), so when I heard this has a calming function to skin, I was more than delighted!!  Ha, it also feels cool on skin when applied, love that soothing effect!!   I personally love this and would recommend this to any of you who don’t need oil control function, and if you have sensitive skin and prone to allergies – YEA!!)

Additional Information:

Website: http://bio-labscience.com/

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BioLabscience

Buy From: http://www.classicmall.com.hk


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