[保養] 私密處護理

面既保養就講得多,其實身體其他部位都要好好護理! 之前收到Greek品牌Apivita既禮物,入面有唔同既產品等我去試用再同大家分享。 其實我都唔係第一次用Apivita既產品,佢啱啱黎香港個時(我未寫blog)我已經用過佢唔同既產品,佢最出名既Face Mask啦同埋護髮產品我都用過。 今次收到個禮品包又可以重溫一下佢既產品同埋試下新野。 佢都出咗好多唔同既產品,比起之前真係多咗好多選擇! 今日我唔講佢d出名野住,反而我覺得好多人都會唔知佢有以下呢個產品,所以我想特別分享下先。

(English:  I have talked a lot about face care here, actually I think other parts of the body need to be taken care of as well.  Awhile back, I received some goodies from Apivita and there are quite a few products inside the box waiting for me to review.  Indeed, it’s not my first time to use Apivita products.  I used quite a few of their stuff when they first arrived at HK (prior to my blogging time), I used their very famous face masks and some hair care items.  Now I got this gift box and I could revisit some of the products and try some new things.  There are so many choices within the brand now and it basically takes care of you from head to toe.  Today, I am not going to talk about some star items in the brand, on the other hand, I feel that you wouldn’t have guessed that they have this goodie:)

個禮盒入面咩都有d,面既身體既頭髮既產品都有。 我而家用咗幾樣野,會再同大家分享!! 

(English:  There are bits and pieces in the gift box, from face care, to body care to hair care.  I have been using quite a few items and I will share my comments on separate posts!)

Apivita Intimate Care Daily
Gentle Cleansing Gel for the Intimate Area for Daily Use



價錢(Price):HK$65/ 75ml or HK$120/ 200ml

Product Information:

“甘菊是極佳的舒緩劑,蜂膠則有助預防可致病的微生物生長。乳酸及天然低聚果醣,能維持私密敏感部位的天然pH值。 產品亦散發著天然薰衣草香薰,氣味清新怡人。”

(English: “91% natural ingredients

    Chamomile soothes irritations

    Propolis prevents pathogenic microorganisms’ growth

    Helps protect the natural flora of the intimate area and respects the natural pH with lactic acid and natural oligosaccharide

    Enriched with organic lavender essential oil offers a sense of freshness

    Ideal for the daily hygiene of the intimate area

Exclusive innovation: APIVITA replaces water in intimate line with chamomile infusion to enhance the soothing action.

Excludes synthetic ingredients that may pose harmful effects to your health and the environment.

Free of: Soap, Parabens, Silicone, Propylene Glycol and Ethanolamine.”)


使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感:佢個Intimate系列有三隻產品可以選擇,分別係Daily(我呢隻),Plus(俾經常患上陰道炎既女性用)同埋Lady(俾更年期既女性用)。 我覺得呢點好貼心丫,照顧到唔同女性既需要。 我用既係Daily,即係話日日用無問題。 每日用又得,經期前後用又得,親熱完用又得。 隨你地喜好! 望落去佢同普通shower gel個樣無咩分別,唯一既分別就係佢淨係用喺私密處。 佢既喜味都好清新同討好。 我覺得春夏天私密處好易會唔舒服(例如痕,有異味等等),尤其係period其間,好多時會因為用衛生棉令私密處有痕既情況出現。 哈哈,我用咗佢十日,當中經歷埋姨媽到既日子, 我覺得用咗佢感覺係比較爽d,無咁容易有令人尷尬既氣味。 同埋姨媽到個期用佢真係感覺乾淨好多! 正!!  雖然我唔知佢係咪真係可以幫助預防致病的微生物生長, 但係我覺得我用咗真係安心d同舒服d。 預防勝於治療丫,無需要等到真係好唔舒服先求醫。  我覺得每位女性都要有一枝係沖涼房!! 好鍾意好推呀!! 我用完呢枝會買枝大既!! 哈哈!!! 一枝可以用好耐啦~~

(English:  Product Review: There are 3 products within the Intimate Care line, namely Daily (the one that I have), Plus (which gives you extra protection) and Lady (which is suitable for mature ladies).  I love the categories and it kinda takes care of ladies with different needs.  Mine is Daily, which means it can be used everyday.  You can use it on a daily basis, or on needed basis like pre-period/ post-period, or after making love.  It’s entirely up to you and your needs.   When you look at it, it looks exactly the same like a shower gel, but the only difference is that it can be used on the private area only.  I like its scent as well, very soothing and pleasant.  I feel that the private area has a higher chance of getting irritated in the summer time (like signs of itchiness or unpleasant smell), especially during the period time because the pads that we use can irritate the area as well.  I have been using it for 10 days and my period came right in the middle of the 10 days.  I have to say my experience with Intimate Care is brilliant, it lightens up the private area making it feel clean, fresh and “smell-less”.  I love it!!  I especially love how I feel after using it.  Even though I am not sure if it really prevents pathogenic microorganisms’ growth, it’s better safe than sorry, right?  Oh I strongly feel that every female should have 1 bottle in the bathroom.  I really love it and I highly recommend it to you too!  I will definitely get the 200ml myself after using this up!  *Laughs*  And, it should last me a long time~~)


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(the above product information is extracted from http://www.apivita.com)

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