[保養] 導出導入好幫手

呢期因為好多野做,所以個樣有少少殘。 為免唔好殘落去,我呢兩三個星期都好乖好勤力咁做導出導入(可以睇住YouTube做,哈哈)。 但係日日用同樣既產品又好似有d悶,所以我差唔多日日新款,咁又可以睇埋邊d產品做導出導入既時候威力無窮!! 掂呀, 俾我試試下試到一個我超級滿意既效果,等我今日講下呢枝產品先:

(English:  I have been really busy lately and my skin looks really dead.  In order to prevent my skin from getting worse, I have been using my HadaCrie diligently for the past 2-3 weeks (it’s very convenient since I can use it while watching YouTube *laughs*).  I didn’t like to get bored using the same products everyday, so I tried to  switch the products around and look for the best combination.  Great, I have got one and I love what I see, so I want to share that with you too:)

Apivita Aqua Vita Lotion 


我自己係用HadaCrie,因為我暫時都係覺得佢最得。 不過我都唔係試過好多部機(所以我話暫時)。

(English:  I use HadaCrie personally since I think it’s best one out of the ones that I’ve tried (not many really).)

價錢(Price): HK$335/ 200ml

Product Information:

“APIVITA獨家基礎修護概念,專為亞洲女性肌膚研發。於塗抹瞬間即時提升肌膚保濕度,激發細胞的保濕潛能,打好護膚基礎,令肌膚處於最佳的水油平衡狀態,自然能夠強化吸收能力,從而增強緊接使用的護膚產品功效。 ”

(English:  This is specially designed for Asian ladies and it immediately increases the moisture within skin and stimulates cell to store more moisture.  It prepares skin with a good foundation and it helps skin to strive for a balance between oil and moisture.  It also helps skin to absorb other skincare products more effectively.”)

個頭係泵既,我個得泵既最好。 好多toner個頭都係倒既,倒都得,但係我覺得無咁precise。 同埋做導出導入泵頭好既原因係我導導下要加toner/ lotion,我可以就咁泵落個我做緊導出導入個塊cotton pad度,好precise又唔會整到周圍都係。

(English:  It comes with a pump which is fantastic.  Most toners come with no pumps and it still works pouring the product out, however, I feel that it’s not too precise.  Plus, when I am using the HadaCrie machine and I want to add some more product onto the cotton pad, it would be best if the product comes with a pump because it’s way more precise and less messy.)



使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感:呢枝產品可以當係平日用既toner,亦都可以用黎做導出導入。 如果當係平日既toner,我覺得佢都好保濕,效果唔錯。 但係我自己用就唔會當佢係平日toner黎用,因為我覺得有少少浪費。 我反而多用佢黎做導出導入。 HadaCrie有四個function(我之前寫過文,你去click我右邊category既Hitachi就會見到), 我多數用第一同第二個function(超有心機先會用埋第三個同第四個function)。 頭兩個function我都係會用呢個lotion。 第一個function係cleansing,即係導出,我用呢個lotion做完之後會去洗下面(淨係過水),等浮上好表面既dirt跟水一齊沖走(雖然好多都落係cotton pad到)。 過完水個下會覺得皮膚好緊緻,毛孔好好好乾淨同埋超有光澤!! 好掂!! 之後我會再用枝lotion做第二個function(micro pat),即係導入。 哈哈!! 做完個下真係覺得塊面好保濕同埋超有彈力!! 第二日都係皮膚滑滑,好正呀!! 我之前用其他既產品都見有效果,但係我覺得用呢枝lotion個效果更加明顯!! 我記得我第一次用呢枝lotion做完導出導入,我直頭覺得我塊面新既一樣呀!! 個效果令我超感動!! 如果你想買枝產品做導出導入,我超級推介你買呢枝lotion,無得頂呀!!! 唔洗多講,我用完一定再入貨!!

(English:  Product Review:  This can be used as a regular toner as well as together with beauty machines for a more in depth result.   When I use it as a toner, I find it really hydrating and the effect is quite nice.  However, I don’t usually use it as a toner because I feel that I am wasting the product.  I usually use it with a beauty machine.  HadaCrie has 4 functions (I have talked about it before, you can click the word “Hitachi” under my category on the right hand side if you want to read some more).  Mostly, I use the first and the second function (if I have more time and energy, I would use the remaining ones as well).  I pair this lotion with the first two functions.  The first function is cleansing and after using this lotion with the cleansing function, I will go raise my face with just water so that the dirt on the surface of my face can be washed away (even though much of the dirt would stick onto the cotton pad).  After rinsing, I feel that my skin is very firm, pores are exceptionally clean and skin is really brightened up and radiant.  Great results!!  Then I will follow with the second function (mirco pat) using this lotion as well.  *Laughs*  Skin definitely feels super hydrated and bouncy afterwards.  When I wake up the next day, skin is still very smooth to touch!!  I really love it.  Though I use other products with the beauty machine before and I got quite nice results, I feel that the result after switching to this lotion is more obvious!  I remember the first time I used this combination, I was so amazed to a point that I thought my face was “new”!!!  The effect is simply amazing!!  If you want to get a product to be used with your beauty machine, I highly recommend this lotion to you!!  I am totally in love and yes of course, when I finish this, I will definitely repurchase!!)



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