[修身] 特別瘦腿產品


I feel like I have been trying different slimming products and I have
talked about some that release heat. However, if you are not a fan of
heating up products, and you want to target your thigh areas, then you
must read the following!)

Methode Jeanne Piaubert Expresslim Spécifique Culotte De Cheval – Specific care for flabby thighs 8 days

價錢(Price):HK$890 / 25mlx2



(English: One side is for day use (yellow) and the other side is for night use (navy)!)

Product Information:

“以生理時鐘的原理8日締造極度顯著的纖體效果。極速震撼瘦身產品針對肥胖及鬆弛的大腿部位。只需8日肥胖及鬆弛的大腿脂肪明顯減少,8天內可減小最高達3厘米。(* 16位女士於8日內接受科學測試,平均可減少1.72厘米。) 肌膚回復柔滑緊緻,早晚不停配合打擊頑固部位。

8日極速纖腿精華素 – 日間精華素

Lipodiurne™複合物- 10種纖體話性成分:

(1) Caffeine 咖啡因 –促進脂肪分解
(2) Adiporéguline™ -促進脂肪分解
(3) Dihydromyricetine™二氫楊梅素 –對抗胰島素影響,促進脂肪分解。
(4) Convertium™ – 燃燒脂肪,將脂肪轉化為脂肪酸。
(5) Caffeine Micro-patches ® 咖啡因微粒子 -增加活性成分的滲透能力,同時加速分解脂肪。
(6) Gingko Biloba銀杏 – 促進釋放脂肪
(7) Sveltine® – 釋放脂肪
(8) Théophyllisilane C®茶鹼 -對抗糖化現象,更新膠原纖維組織,防止橙皮紋和頑固脂肪團積,肌膚更平滑和柔軟。 (9) Cosmélène de lierre® 常春藤精華 -清除毒素,速進脂肪新陳代謝。
(10) Centella Asiatica 積雪草 – 刺激骨膠原再生,令肌膚更緊緻。
(11) Lubragel MS® & 植物甘油 – 補濕和滋潤肌膚
(12) Liftiline® 紫金水® – 平滑肌膚表層

8日極速纖腿精華素 – 晚間精華素

Liponocturne™複合物- 5種纖體活性成分 :

(1) Caffeine 咖啡因 -促進脂肪分解
(2) Adiporéguline™ -促進脂肪分解
(3) Caféisilane C®咖啡因矽烷醇 C -是一種矽烷醇,通過對脂蛋白酶(Lipoprotein Lipase) 的抑制作用,減少三酸甘油脂的形成和堆積;脂蛋白酶將血液裏大量油脂分子分解成小分子的脂肪酸,脂肪酸順利進入脂肪細胞內,再與糖類轉化的甘油結合,最後以三酸甘油脂的形式儲存到脂肪細胞中,這就是脂肪堆積的原因,同時在重建皮膚組織,增實緊膚,以及抗炎方面起作用。
(4) Slimming Factor Karkadé® -防止已釋放的脂肪返回細胞內,抑制脂肪貯存和防止脂肪反彈。
(5) Flavenger® -防止脂肪貯存在細胞內(6) Vitamin E acetate 維他命E–對抗游離基
(7) Lubragel MS® & 植物甘油 –補濕和滋潤肌膚
(8) Raffermine®纖元糖® -從植物膜中提取的雙效緊膚劑,能夠強化真皮的分子結構,同時提高肌膚的緊實度和光澤度,令肌膚更緊致和富彈性。
(9) Liftiline® 紫金水® -平滑肌膚表層


Cosmeto-textile Technology –晚上加速活性成分滲透,並有塑形作用
(1) Caffeine 咖啡因 -促進脂肪分解
(2) Ginkgo Biloba銀杏 – 釋放脂肪 
(3) Caféislane C®咖啡因矽烷醇 C -防止脂肪貯存在細胞內,阻止脂肪反彈。”

(English: “For all women who complain about unsightly “balls of fat” located on the top of the thighs. Because this stubborn zone has specific needs and the fat located there is often deep and has been around for a long time, Méthode Jeanne Piaubert has developed a shock treatment!

The first specific care for flabby thighs that guarantees exceptional results in just 8 days!

Chronobiology working for a slim body: Giving our body what it needs when it needs it.

A spectacular trio for NON STOP action!
– Favouring destocking of fats during the day : LipodiurneTM, the enriched complex – 10 Slimming ingredients
– Preventing storage of new fats at night : LiponocturneTM, the enriched complex – 5 Slimming ingredients
– A cheeky efficacy booster: boxer shorts in encapsulated microfibres with 3 Slimming ingredients”


佢仲有埋條褲仔跟埋。俾你係搽完產品之後著住。 條褲仔既裡面係有特別既物料,可以令到產品更加有功效! 


(English: It comes with a pair of pants, and it’s for you to put on after the application of the product. The inside of the pants has some special materials so that it can enhance the product’s efficiency and effectiveness!)


使用次數(No. of Usage):3 weeks  

用後感:朝早就用黃色個邊,夜晚就用深藍色個邊。 兩者既質地都好精華既感覺,好快可以被皮膚吸收,亦都唔怕會整落d衫度。通常我既用法係朝早搽完黃色之後,就會著住條褲仔去化妝食早餐,大概半個鐘,我就會除咗佢去換返工衫。夜晚就仲簡單啦,沖完涼就搽藍色,之後又係著住條褲坐下睇下TV搞下自己野,去到瞓覺就除咗佢(夜晚我通常著住條褲兩個令鐘)。哈哈,除咗條褲個下真係有好緊既感覺!!個緊既感覺維持大概一個鐘。 同埋皮膚會變得好好好滑,個感覺好正! 其實用七日已經見到個效果係緊咗,我自己用咗三個星期,著褲既時候大腿位係鬆咗少少!!好開心!!!哈哈!!! 我好愛呢個產品同條褲褲,因為個緊實感覺太實在喇!!! 效果又唔錯,如果想要target大腿位既朋友真係啱哂(你地都知個嗰位幾難減先得架)!!! 推呀!!! 我覺得佢唔只幫到收緊,佢仲有令皮膚好滑既功效!!掂呀!!

(English: Product Review: The yellow side is for morning use and the navy side is for night use! Both textures are very much like serum and they get absorbed into skin seriously fast and you don’t want to worry that they are going to stink your clothes. The way I use this product is I use the yellow side in the morning and I will wear the special pants right after, then I move on with applying makeup and having breakfast, after around 30 mins, I would take off the special pants and change into my work clothes. For the night time, it’s even more simple. I apply the navy side and then wear the pants during my TV time or my blogging time. I take it off just before bed time (I usually wear it for around 2 hours). *Laughs* When I take the pants off, my thighs feel so tight, the tightened feeling lasts for around 1 hour. Plus skin feels so so soooo smooth!! Amazing! Actually, you will start to see results in just 7 days and I have been using it for 3 weeks, now when I wear my usual pants, I feel that the thigh areas are loser than before!! Super happy!!! *Laughs* I really love the product and the special pants because the tightening feeling is so solid!! I love the results for sure. If you are looking for something to target your thigh area, I would recommend this to you as we all know how hard it is to slim up the thigh areas!! Highly recommended. Not only it tights up the areas, but it also smooths the skin!! Brilliant!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://en.jeannepiaubert.com)



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