[保養] 舒緩眼腫保濕眼霜

呢個眼霜我都買咗好一段時間,但係因為之前我用緊其他產品所以我一路都未開呢個眼霜!!  終於用完之前既eye cream喇!!! 可以用新野!!! 話時話,我都用左兩個月,可以分享下個感覺喇!!

(English: I got this eye cream for a good while.  However, I was still using something else, so I didn’t get the chance to give this a test.  Yay, finally I finished my previous eye cream.  Time for new stuff!!!  Anyway, I have been using this for 2 months and I think it’s time to give it a review!!)


Water Bank Eye Gel Cream


價錢(Price):HK$290/ 25ml

Product Information:

“既是眼部啫喱,也可用作眼膜,冷凍後可敷於眼周位置;補濕效能躍升至全日24小時。配方蘊含金盞花提取物,有效纾緩容易敏感的眼部肌膚。配方中的銀杏,有效促進血液循環及抵抗有害自由基對細胞的侵害,改善黑眼圈的形成,讓眼部肌膚重現彈性光采。 ”

(English:  It can be used as an eye gel but also as an eye mask.  After cooling it in the fridge, it can be applied on the eye areas and increases its hydrating effectiveness.  It soothes delicate areas and increases blood circulation, hence, minimizes dark circles!)


Before  Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):2 months

用後感:呢個眼霜係gel cream狀,所以而家天氣用真係一流! 佢除咗可以當係eye cream之外,仲可以放佢係雪櫃入面,久唔時用佢黎搽厚少少做eye mask!! 我覺得夠哂方便!! 如果當佢係眼霜,我個人覺得佢保濕效果都幾好,但係真係得保濕jer,其他咩黑眼圈個d呢,係無點改善得到既(係呀,大家千萬唔好希望過高)。如果當佢係eye mask呢就正d! 因為凍咗,所以敷上眼個陣會覺得好冰好凍,呢點就可以幫助舒緩浮腫既眼,通常敷完一陣對眼真係無咁腫! 另外,我亦都覺得敷完佢之後眼部既周圍真係保濕咗!! 呢個eye cream整體上效果唔係驚為天人,但係舒緩保濕係做得幾好。 我覺得佢比較適合年輕/眼部無咩大問題既人(叫有野搽下簡單保養下)或者你成日都會有眼腫既問題既人(後天呀,唔係天生眼腫)。 但係如果你話你有乾紋/黑眼圈等等想改善呢,呢個眼霜就幫唔到你喇(我都仲揾緊一隻超強眼霜可以改善呢d問題,仲係尋覓中~~~)。

(English:  Product Review: This eye product is of a gel-cream texture, I think it’s perfect for this weather!!  Apart from using it as an eye cream, it can be put in the fridge and used as an eye mask!!!  Very convenient!!!  Use as an eye cream: I think the hydrating result is nice, but it doesn’t solve other problems like dark circles and such (yea, don’t expect too much).  Use as an eye mask: the result is a bit better!  Since you have to use it cold, when you apply it on the eye areas, it has a strong cooling effect and it does sooth puffy eyes.  Also, I feel that skin is properly hydrated after.  Overall speaking, I don’t think my experience with this eye cream is breath-taking, but it certainly does well on hydrating and soothing puffiness.  I think it’s more suitable for younger people/ people with no big issues on the eye areas/ even people who suffer from puffy eyes (hmmmm….if you are born with puffy eyes, this won’t help as well).  If you have fine lines/ dark circles, I don’t think this is going to help you (I am still in the seach of something to cure all these!!)!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.laneige.com.hk)



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