[碎碎念] 我想去旅行 + 我好想做既旅遊事


唔經唔覺2013年已經過咗大半年喇,我突然間發覺我今年係咁做小密蜂,但係就無去過旅行真正休息一下。不過講又講,我覺得我去旅行都唔會係休息!你地仲記唔記得我之前係Facebook度話有一日,我好想拎住個cam同幾個朋友去旅 行,再同大家分享我哋既趣事同帶各地既敗家資訊俾大家睇?  
(English: Time really flies, doesn’t it? With a blink of an eye, we have officially passed the major half of the year of 2013. I suddenly recall that I haven’t really been anywhere this year to relax my mind, body and soul. However, with that being said, I don’t think I will be resting when I go travel. Do you remember that I mentioned on Facebook that someday, I wanted to be able to take my camera and go travel with my besties, and we will share that whole journey and experience with you. Basically we bring the world right at your screen for you?)
我之前話如果我要出書,就會同呢類型有關!但係我諗諗下我都係唔想出書, 我想拍片,等大家可以用眼睛同我一齊去旅行,感受到我地感受既野! 我覺得影片來得更有趣,同埋好多野用說話大家會感受到同埋會清楚d!再者,如果我可以將呢d資訊放上網,大家可以唔洗錢去有呢d資訊,唔會更好咩? 
(English: I said earlier that if I ever was going to publish a book, that would be my theme. But then now I have a change of mind. I want to do videos instead so that you could go travel with me using your eye balls and experience what we experience! I just find videos are way more interesting and the messages can be conveyed better using our words. Plus, if you could get these pieces of information for free, wouldn’t it be all better that way?) 
呢個concept我想做咗好耐(係有未做YouTube已經有咁既想法),而家努力當中,希望好短時間之耐可以將呢個想法實現! 我亦都同我最愛個幾位朋友講好咗,佢地都會肯為咗我而出鏡!! 佢地初初都有保留,因為成日睇我見我俾人評頭品足,所以佢地都擔心! 不過我同佢地講個d係無聊人,如果佢地都覺得呢個concept好玩,應該唔好理d無聊人,呢個世界仲有好多識得欣賞我地既人丫(我真咪一個好好既遊說專家?)!! 之後佢地都覺得好玩,所以大家都會等待時機去做呢件事! 
(English: I have been having this concept for a long way (way before my YouTube life). I have been working on it and hopefully I will have something more solid in the near future! I have talked to my besties and they are willing to make the appearance on the screen with me and for me. At first, they did have huge concern because they know how people judge others irrationally on the internet. But then I told them, “if those people don’t have a better than writing shit about strangers online, then it’s their problem, not ours! I guess the most important thing is that – do you find the concept fun and exciting?” Right they agree that the concept is fun and now we are waiting/ working to make this happen!) 

講開又講,未來會同我做呢個project既有:一位對文化飲食都好有研究既朋友同埋一位敗衫穿搭達人。 咁當然敗護膚品化妝品呢d粗重功夫就交俾我啦!! 我覺得要做到呢個project仲要一段時間,但係我覺得我地咁多個一定將條片拍得好有個性!! 希望做到個一刻,你地都同我一樣興奮,亦都可以愛屋及烏,愛埋我呢兩個為咗我呢個無聊朋友肯犧牲色相既好好好朋友!!
(English: While we are on this topic, I want to take a moment to introduce the crew: a very knowledgeable friend who is interested in other cultures and cuisine; and a very stylish friend who is the expert of shopping for clothes and styling! Of course, for skincare and makeup, this is basically my job *laughs*! It still takes time to get the project started, but I can assure you that we will add our own taste and style to this series of videos. Hopefully by then, you will be as excited as I am and love me, love my friends – don’t forget that they are willing to make their appearance because of me and you!) 
好!! 又到我問問題時間喇!! 我未來既YouTube旅遊特輯,你最想睇既第一個地方係邊度? 我呢幾日係網上就睇有關日本東京酒店既資料同價錢,你地會唔會想睇日本,定係韓國,定係你地想睇我地去不毛之地? 哈哈!! 快d幫我地定一個地方丫!! 
(English: Great!! Question for you! In our future travel series on YouTube, which is the first place that you want us to land and shoot? I have been looking at the hotels in Tokyo these days, do you want to see Japan? Or Korea? Or some remote places? Come on, help us to pick a place so that we could start somewhere!) 



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