[健康] 可以降低膽固醇既乳酪飲品?

大家知道食麥皮同埋配合均衡飲食可以控制同降低膽固醇啦! 但係講真,我真係麻麻地麥皮陣味(就算加其他野,我都係唔鍾意),所以我食就會食,但係我真係逼自己食啦(一定係唔鍾意食丫)! 前幾個星期我收到一個邀請我試飲一隻可以控制同降低膽固醇既乳酪飲品! 我初初仲諗:係唔係呀? 我又無得check我膽固醇幾多,飲完都唔知點同d讀者交代! 但係又諗,如果佢好飲又work,唔洗再逼自己食麥皮,咁又真係好開心! 之後我就答應,諗住睇下好唔好飲先!

(English:  You should know that oatmeal plus a balanced diet can reduce cholesterol level!  Honestly, I am not a big fan of oatmeal, even I would add other taste to it, I still don’t like the taste/ texture of it.  I eat it because of its health benefits, but I could literally say that I force myself to eat it (definitely not a fan)!  A couple weeks ago, I received an invitation of trying a yogurt drink which is said to reduce cholesterol level!  At first, I was like, “really?  I can’t really check my cholesterol level at home, so I am not sure how I relay the message to my readers!”  But then I thought, “if it turns out to taste good, then I don’t really have to put up with oatmeal anymore!”  Anyway, I accepted the invitation and wanted to see how it tastes like!)

Benecol Blueberry/ Strawberry Yogurt Drink
倍樂醇藍莓/ 草莓乳酪飲品

價錢(Price):HK$69.9/ 6 bottles (@Supermarkets)

佢有兩隻口味,一隻係strawberry另一隻係blueberry!我兩隻都有飲! 兩隻既味道都真係好似平時既yogurt,無唔同!! 好好飲呀!!

(English:  It comes in two flavours, one is strawberry and the other one is blueberry!  I have tried both and both taste very much like the ordinary yogurt!!  Taste GOOD!!)


其實呢,係我大鄉理! 我真係唔識得呢個品牌,所以我成日諗佢話可以控制同降低膽固醇都唔知係真唔係(當時我未上網做research)。 但係當我拎到d產品返屋企,Mr Honey好興奮問我點解會有,我就好冷淡話人地邀請我試! 之後佢話:咁好呀! 呢個品牌黎香港呀? 係英國佢好出名架,因為佢既產品係可以降低膽固醇! 跟住我話:係咩?? 咁出名?? 我真係唔知!! Mr Honey: 係呀,佢係UK有做spread,搽麵包個d呢!! 我:哈哈(好尷尬)。。。

(English: Actually, I am so ignorant!  I don’t know anything about this brand, so I was a bit skeptical when it says it can help reduce cholesterol level (I hadn’t done my research online yet).  Then when I brought the products home, Mr Honey was really excited and asked me where I got those.  I said (without excitement) that it was an invitation!  Then he said, “wow!!  Really nice!!  We have this brand in Hong Kong now.  It’s so famous in the UK because their products are proven to reduce cholesterol!!”  Then I said, “oh really?  Really renowned?  I really have no idea!!”  Mr Honey, “Yes, there is a spread (for the bread) in the UK from this brand as well!!”  Me, “OMG….*laugh in embarrassment*)


之後我上網做下research發現原來佢有好多英國名人既endorsement,同埋佢係一個芬蘭品牌,佢呢隻yogurt係Made in Switzerland! 佢既產品都含植物固醇, 臨床證明,連續三星期每日一支倍樂醇能有效降低膽固醇達10%!

(English:  Then of course, the story continued with me getting online and reading more about this brand.  I find out that many famous UK people have endorsed the products and it’s a brand from Finland (yogurts are made in Switzerland)!  Its products all contain plant stanols, clinically proven to reduce cholesterol up to 10 % in 3 weeks.  Great!  One yogurt a day can do the trick!  Super convenient (of course don’t forget the diet and exercise)!)

嘻嘻! 我同Mr Honey都飲咗兩個星期,當然我地無特別去check膽固醇有無好咗,就好似你覺得要健康d去食麥皮,你都唔會食咗一期之後去check下係咪真係work! 係香港,我地有管制唔可以隨便話d產品可以降膽固醇,所以一定係有哂証明係得人地先可以咁樣講。 我自己就當佢係保健飲品(哈哈,係麥皮既代替品),一日一枝方便好飲仲可以保持健康!! 我媽媽Daddy都好著重自己既膽固醇(年紀大麻),我上次見到佢地,我都係超市搬咗既set俾佢地飲! 哈哈!! 等佢地都唔洗食麥皮(兩個都其實唔like麥皮陣味)!! 哈哈~~~ 佢地飲完都愛上!! 我Daddy仲話:做咩唔早d有呢d產品,等我唔洗食麥皮食咗咁耐!! 哈哈~~~你地有興趣自己飲或者考敬下老人家既話,都可以去超市望下!

(English: *Grins*  Mr Honey and I have been drinking these for 2 weeks, of course we haven’t checked cholesterol level to see if there is any improvement.  I guess the logic is very similar to you having oatmeal, you wouldn’t go check your cholesterol level after eating oatmeal for some time.  In Hong Kong, we have tight regulations on companies’ advertising’s strategies that they cannot call something effective in reducing cholesterol if they haven’t got all the proves.  So I believe that with constant intake of the yogurts, results will be delivered.  I kinda treat this as a health drink (an substitute of oatmeal)!  One a day is convenient, tasty and healthy!  My mom and dad are very concerned about their cholesterol level as well (yea getting old), so when I saw them last time, I got quite a few sets from the supermarket and asked them to try (yep, they could ditch the oatmeal)!!  *Laughs*  Now they are addicted to the drinks!  My dad said, “how come these didn’t come to HK earlier?  I had to endure the pain of the oatmeal for so long!!”  That was funny!!  If you are interested to drink these on your own or you want to get them for your parents, drop by the supermarket nearby and take a look!!)

Benecol’s Website: http://www.benecol.com.hk



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