[保養] 超正保濕精華素

Loveisderma呢個品牌近期係台灣好hit! 佢係一個台灣牌子,但係佢既產品多數都係美國/Switzerland製造,講真,係呢d國家製造真係信心保證! 大家如果有留意我Facebook既話,都知我小店開張,而我講明所有產品都係我自己試同自己揀,我覺得好先會入!  頭炮當然要係又好用又唔好太貴既產品啦,無錯,就係呢枝精華喇! 揀得佢當然係有原因,睇落去就明喇~

(English:  Loveisderma is very hot in Taiwan right now!  It’s a Taiwanese brand but its products are mostly made in USA/ Switzerland!  Honestly, I feel a lot safer to use products made in these countries because I know they have strong regulations!  If you have paid attention to my Facebook page lately, you would have known that Hakme’s Little Store has been opened.  I have clearly stated that all products are tested by me and picked by myself and I only stock those which I find amazing!  The first item to be put in the store has to be somewhat fabulous and affordable.  Right, it’s this serum!  I have picked it due to a number of reasons and you will know why when you read on:)

Loveisderma Hydramax Serum

價錢(Price):HK$287/ 30ml


HK$431/ 60ml


(English:  There is an expiry date at the bottom of the bottle, it’s all very clear!)


(English:  Taiwanese brand but products are mostly made in elsewhere!)

Product Information:

” ● 提供深層亮肌修護, 滑嫩細緻肌膚、使肌膚維持水分及青春亮澤。 ● 雙分子玻尿酸提供長效全面性深層保濕, 小分子滲透佳清爽, 大分子提供長效滋潤保濕。 ● 清爽無油, 添加維生素B5 亮肌配方, 提供極佳的修護及預防細紋產生。



(English: “More and more, beauticians try to formulate with natural ingredients getting closer as much as possible to original components of the skin.  In the field of moisturizers, one of the rare ingredients answering this description is Sodium Hyaluronate.

Thanks to its high power of water retention, it plays a significant role in the integrity of the skin structure and in the regulation of skin hydration.

When it is applied on super-ficial layers of the epidermis, it forms a non occlusive moisturizing, thus softening, film.  Furthermore it presents excellent hygroscopic properties : it is capable of binding a large quantity of water molecules, and thus retaining water in the dermis.”)


Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感: 佢無fragrance無Paraben亦都無油,所以好適合唔同既膚質! 你係乾性,中性,油性,敏感性既都可以用! 佢個質感都算水,好好推,推完當下個一下會覺得有少少黏,之後唔好即搽面霜,俾一兩分鐘皮膚吸左先。 其實按完過咗一兩分鐘皮膚會吸收哂,面唔會覺得黏,反而會覺得好清爽同埋好保濕! 佢入面有玻尿酸同維生素B5, 兩樣最保濕既成份都有,所以用完個下覺得好舒服得黎又好夠水! 個感覺好正!! 同埋佢唔只有呢兩樣正野,佢仲有維生素B3,所以佢唔係一般既玻尿酸serum/B5 gel。 維生素B3係可以幫助增生collagen令到皮膚可以有彈性同埋去紋! 簡單黎講,佢可以保濕之餘仲可以幫助抗老! 佢主力係保濕功效,用耐少少會覺得面無咁多乾紋,但係佢無其他咩美白功效! 我推呢隻產品既原因係我覺得每個人都要做好保濕功夫,就算用有其他function既serum都好,都要用專for保濕既serum打底先夠,所以that’s why我第一隻就入呢隻產品。 同埋我覺得佢折後既價錢好平民,唔洗俾好貴既價錢就可以買到! 掂!! 講多個小tips,朝早化妝覺得唔係好貼既話,可以先用toner,再用呢個serum打底,等吸收哂之後再上primer & foundation,你會發現個底妝貼好多! 仲有,有時敷mask之前都可以厚少少搽呢個去打底,增強保濕個效果呀!! 大家如果有興趣可以email我 @ iamhakme@hotmail.com~

(English:  Product Review:  This item is fragrance free, paraben free and oil free, so it’s suitable for many skin types no matter whether you have dry, combination, oily or sensitive skin types!  The texture is quite liquid-y, very easy to blend.  When it first touches the skin, it feels somewhat tacky, please do not use moisturizer straight after application, let skin absorb for a couple mins first.  Actually after a couple mins of application, it gets absorbed totally and skin doesn’t feel tacky afterwards, on the other hand, it feels light weight on skin and it adds hydration back to skin!  It contains Hyaluronic acid and Vitamin B5 (the most well-known hydrating ingredients), so I feel it really does replenish a lot of moisture inside my skin!  It surely feels nice!! Not only that, it also contains Vitamin B3, so it’s not just a regular Hyaluronic acid serum or B5 gel.  Vitamin B3 can help collagen excretion, in turn improve skin elasticity and diminishes wrinkles.  In simple terms, it helps with hydration and anti-aging!  It focuses on hydrating skin as a function and it will diminishes dry lines on skin with long term usage, however, it doesn’t have any other function e.g. whitening.  I pick this because I feel that everyone should be more conscious when it comes to hydrating the skin properly.  Even if you use serums with other capabilities, you should always use a hydrating serum underneath, that’s why it’s the first item in my store.  Plus I feel that after discount, the price is very affordable and you don’t have to pay a crazy price for an exceptional result.  Great eh?  To share a couple more tips with you, if you feel that your makeup in the morning doesn’t stay on your face really well, you can use your toner and then serum prior to applying your makeup, you will notice the difference of how nice your makeup would look afterwards.  Also, before you use any facial masks, apply a thick layer of this underneath the mask, it will boost up the moisture in your skin!!  If you are interested, please feel free to email me at iamhakme@hotmail.com ~~


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