[保養] 溫和清潔明亮面膜

之前係After Party急救個video都有講過呢個產品,但係我就未係blog度分享我既用後感! 都用左好一段時間,不如今日分享下丫!

(English:  I have talked about this in my After Party Emergency video, however, I hadn’t share this in my blog yet and therefore I intend to do it today!)

Seaflora Iridaea Purifying Facial Masque


價錢(Price):HK$400/ 60ml

Buy from: http://www.foliabeauty.com.hk

Product Information:





(English: “An active masque that reduces break outs, calms redness and inflammation and improves overall tone and clarity.

Recommended for all skin types especially, acneic skin.

Key Active Ingredients

    Certified Organic Iridaea to firm, tone and boost skin with antioxidants.
    Witch Hazel to cleanse skin and soothe inflammation.
    Rosemary to stimulate circulation and boost skin’s immunity.”




(English:  You can see the tiny bits of seaweed instead – super raw!!)


(English:  The texture is like melted ice cream~~)

使用次數(No. of Usage):10 times

用後感:佢呢隻purifying mask同我地平時見到好杰個d好唔同,佢係好好好稀身,搽上面既時候份量要多一d。 搽好喇,就等15分鐘,等個mask乾。 乾咗就過水,咁就搞掂! 佢係天然野,所以好溫和,敏感既時候或者皮膚都可以用。 敷緊個陣個感覺會有少少warm warm地,鼻位或者dirty既位有少少吉(但係唔係敏感)。 過完水個下會見到塊面係好明亮同感覺乾淨清新。 我好鍾意佢明亮呢個效果。 我見佢description話可以去痘痘,呢點我就唔sure,因為我自己無痘痘,所以講唔到係咪真係work! 但係如果你話你想搵隻天然既明亮mask,我就覺得呢個都係一個唔錯既選擇!!如果你係敏感肌又好難搵到purifying mask,你都可以一試呀~

(English:  Product Review: This purifying mask is very different from what’s in the market, its texture is very very light, so when you apply on skin, you will need to apply a bit more than usual.  Done with the application, wait for 15 mins for the mask to dry.  Then rinse with water.  Mission completed!!  This is very natural, so it’s very gentle on skin.  It’s suitable for sensitive skin types/ times.  When the mask is on, I feel that my face is a bit warm and I feel something is tingling on nose area or rather “dirty” areas (nope, this has nothing to do with allergies….).  After rinsing, I find that my face is really brightened up and fresh.  I really love the brightening results.  From its description, it says it can fight acne, I am not sure about that since I don’t have any myself, therefore I cannot share with you whether it works or not on that perspective!  However, if you are looking for something natural to brighten up your skin, then I would say this is quite a nice choice!  Or if you have sensitive skin and it’s very hard for you to find the purifying mask, you can give this a go as well~)



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