[香味] 個樽靚味道好既香水

香味邊個人會唔鍾意? 其實我自己都好鍾意香水,只係買香水無買化妝品護膚品咁癲! 我屋企唔算有太多香水,因為我成日都會用完先買,但係有次同個朋友傾開香水(佢超愛香水),佢建議Tokyomilk俾我,叫我快d玩下! 玩完唔只愛上咗,佢仲係小店第一個引入既香水品牌! 你睇埋落去就明白點解,小店暫時有四款Tokyomilk既香水,呢四款都覺有特色,今日先分享其中一款:

(English: Who doesn’t love a good scent?  Indeed, I am a fan of great scents, it’s just that I don’t collect perfume as crazily as skincare and makeup products!  I don’t have a full blown collection at home because I do use up some before buying new ones.  However, I chatted with a friend who is obsessed with scents before and he recommended Tokyomilk for me to try!  Right, OK!  Not only I fall in love with it, it has become the first perfume brand that is in Hakme Beauty!  When you read on, you will know why!  Hakme Beauty currently carries 4 of Tokyomilk scents and each one of them is special in its own way.  Today I am going to talk about one of them:)

Tokyomilk by Margot Elen Eau de Parfum

No. 15 French Kiss

價錢(Price):HK$380/ 29ml

Buy from: Hakme Beauty
Address: 香港銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心3樓365-367室
Phone: 2877-4700

Opening Hours: Mon – Sun 12:00noon – 8:00pm

淨係睇個packaging都已經好吸引啦! 我一見到個巴黎鐵塔就已經癲咗! 個樣仲要好vintage好靚!

(English:  The packaging is wonderfully designed and eye catching!  When I saw the La Tour Eiffel, I knew I would be obsessed!  I love that it has a vintage touch and it’s almost like a decoration to the shelf!!)

Product Information:

“A decidedly different collection of brilliantly paired fragrance notes housed in an alluring glass bottle decorated with an image of the most romantic of monuments.

The sweetest kiss: Mandarin, Tuberose, Gardenia & Vetiver”


唔係淨係個盒靚(因為個盒會掉),連個樽入面都有巴黎鐵塔!! 你話我有咩理由唔寫個服字!

(English:  The packaging is definitely not superficial because it’s not only on the box, it’s inside the bottle as well!!!  How can I not be amazed?)

使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times

用後感:產品上話有Mandarin, Tuberose, Gardenia 同 Vetiver,但係我同朋友得出黎個結論係Vetiver係最強,反而其他味我地就唔係好覺! 所以呢隻味係好特別,因為帶點earthy,herbal同有少少smokey既感覺! 亦都俾我地覺得有皮革味既感覺! 最特別既一點係如果當Vetiver溝稀咗,理應會變得比較citrus/ lemony,但係完全無呢兩個味道,所以我地估佢用Vetiver既濃度應該好高! 我自己覺得如果你好愛清新味/花味既話,呢枝唔會係你的菜! 但係如果你想要d好特別既味,呢個應該會啱你! 我覺得佢比較中性,比較襯一d型人(型味),事業型人事或者係一d比較不滿於現狀既人去用! 咁成個feel就好啱喇!! 呢枝香水亦都係屬於越耐越好聞既香水! 仲有,你唔好睇佢個樣好靚,以為佢無內涵,佢好持久架! 不過要睇下你點噴佢,我建議如果你想清少少同唔洗咁持久,你就遠少少黎噴(枝香水大概你係shoulder上面)。 但係如果你想濃郁少少同埋好持久,你就差唔多貼近你條頸黎噴,咁就last一日都無問題喇 (BTW,我噴香水多數都係好貼頸黎噴)! 

(English:  Product Review:  It says it has Mandarin, Tuberose, Gardenia and Vetiver, my friend and I feel that Vetiver is the dominant scent within French Kiss as we don’t seem to notice the other scents!  Therefore, it’s quite a special scent, because it has hint of earthy, herbal tone to it and you can definitely smell a bit smokey as well!  It also reminds us of leather!  One fun fact is that when Vetiver is diluted, it usually gives out citrus/ lemony tone, however we both don’t feel any of it inside French Kiss, so we are guessing that it must have a high concentration of Vetiver inside!  If you are someone who loves floral/ girly scent, this is not for you.  However, if you are looking for something rather special and not common, this might be the one!  I feel that this leans more towards the unisex side and it’s definitely suitable for someone who is edgy, power hungry or loves to challenge the status quo!  It just goes so well with these images!!  Also, the longer you have this on your body, the better it would smell!!  Plus, don’t have the perception that because it looks so good, it would be sucky, it’s not!  It’s really long-lasting depending how you spray it!  If you like it to be lighter and less long-lasting, then hold the bottle right around your shoulder and spray.  However, if you love something stronger and more long-lasting (like me), then spray it really close to your neck area and yes it will last all day!!)

如果你問我地佢隻味似邊隻香水,個structure好似Salvatore Ferragamo Pour Femme(味唔似但係structure似)。哈,有一點估都估唔到,記唔記得我之前買左Jo Malone London Rain Collection入面有枝黑黑地色既香水(Black Cedarwood & Juniper)? 我用用下French Kiss諗起皮革味,Jo Malone黑色呢枝都係皮革味(被雨水沾濕既皮革味),我兩隻做過比較,噴出黎個一下兩隻係完全唔同味,但係過咗兩個鐘頭之後,兩隻味真係好似呀!! 呢個都算係我驚喜大發現之一!! 哈哈~~

(English:  If you ask me if there is anything similar in the market, I would say the structure is very similar to Salvatore Ferragamo Pour Femme (not the scent but the structure).  Ha and what took me totally by surprise is this: remember I got the Jo Malone London Rain Collection (all 4 of the scents)?  One of them is of a darker bottle and it’s called Black Cedarwood & Juniper!  When I was using French Kiss, I was thinking about leather, then I suddenly recalled this Jo Malone one because it’s inspired by leather after rain!  I have compared them both and yes when it’s first sprayed, they smell of totally different scent, but after a couple hours, they become very similar scent!!!  This is really surprising!!!  *Laughs*)

你地有興趣可以落店去試去聞,但係記得要聞落你既手腕去試! 我地收起咗d香水紙,因為我地覺得係紙上面聞個感覺唔真,要係身上先出到我頭先講既氣味! 所以我地唔介意你地噴落你手腕度架,一定要試得真(你買香水係用自己度,唔係用係張紙度麻~~)!!

(English:  If you are interested, please feel free to check it out and try it out at the store, BUT please spray it on your wrist to give it a real “taste”!  We have pulled off the perfume testing papers, because we feel that it smells of an entirely different scent when it’s on paper, it has to be sprayed on the body to give it true colors!  So we don’t mind you spray it on your wrist because we want you to have a truthful experience (well, when you get the perfume, you will use it on your body and not on paper anyway~~)!!!)





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