[文具] 小文具大滿足

如果你有睇我七月份大愛,你應該知道我呢期迷上寫手帳啦! 因為我畫功一般,所以我都用唔同既貼紙,紙帶去裝飾! 我自己本身已經有一堆收藏品可以用,但係行開都會望下! 哈哈~~ 前幾日係Log On入手咗幾件產品,我覺得好可愛! 唔知有無人寫手帳或者喜愛文具呢? 如果有既話,我想同大家分享下我呢d小開心,見到心情都好d~ 哈哈~~

(English:  If you have watched my July Favourite, you probably know that I am into writing journal these days!  Since my drawing skill is not particularly amazing, so I use different stickers or masking tape to decorate my journal!  I have some collection from long long time ago, but I do keep an eye on newer stuff!!  *Laughs*~~  I passed by Log On a few days ago and I got a few cute things.  Not sure if you are writing journal or fond of stationary…but if you are, I want to share my happy finds with you, somehow, they put a smile on my face~ Haha~~)

Petit Deco Rush HK$14@

呢個係mini版,我覺得mini版我夠啦,用完先再換款。 我覺得呢個係basic既design,適合用係小心情上面。 我覺得呢款用既時候幾smooth下。

(English:  This is the mini version and I think minis are good for me because I can probably change to other things when they are finished.  These are some basic designs and I think they would be perfect just to add a cute touch to the weather or next to some wordings.  The best part is that they are quite smooth to use!)

Deco Rush Story Pack – London HK$48

見到London我就忍唔到啦~ 呢隻一包有三款,公仔都靚。 但係我覺得冇mini個隻咁smooth~~

(English:  I can’t resist when it’s London related~~  It comes with 3 designs and the patterns are nice, however I feel that these are less smooth than the minis~~)

MT Masking Tape HK$18

我屋企個d無開心顏色既花花呀,所以見到呢個我就買左。 有時我覺得pattern係OK,但係心情特好個陣想用好colourful既花花~~

(English:  I don’t own any pattern like this so I got this.  I think patterns are fine but when I am in exceptional good mood, I want to use colourful flowers to symbolize the whole emotion thing~~)

MT Masking Tapes HK$28


(English:  The pack comes with 3 and they are very slim, I think it would be perfect to go on the edges of the pages.)

Kitty Sticker HK$22


(English:  How can I miss when there are black cats on here?)

哈哈~~ 可能你覺得我好無聊,不過每個人既興趣都唔同。 揾到自己既興趣同埋開心最緊要啦~~

(English:  *Laughs*  You might think that I am absolutely non-sense, but everyone’s interests are different.  The most important thing is “about to find your passion and stay happy”!!)

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