
面要去死皮,身體都要去死皮,我覺得手更加要去死皮! 哈哈~~ 其實你可以用翻身體既產品去磨手,但係我自己就鍾意有另外一jar放係洗手盤附近可以隨時磨! 我之前係video已經分享咗下面既一款大愛,咁早前又收到LF Beauty Box入面有枝手部磨沙,所以今日一次過分享兩款。


(English:  Face needs a face scrub, body needs a body scrub and in my personal opinion hand definitely need a hand scrub.  *Laughs*  Indeed, you can use your body scrub as the hand scrub as well but I do like to have a smaller jar next to the sink and I could easily scrub my hands while I wash them.  I have talked about one of the following in my previous favourite video before.  And I also received another hand scrub from one of my LF Beauty Box, so today I am going to tell you which one I like best.)



LUSH Salted Coconut Hand Scrub

HK$145/130g or HK$250/ 300g


Rituals Miracle Scrub Hand Scrub

HK$129/ 75ml


LUSH既磨沙係好密同粗少少,Rituals個款推開個陣係gel感重少少。磨個陣我覺得LUSH個隻個感覺好d,因為好密感覺上真係去到死皮。 而磨完個效果我都覺得LUSH明顯好多,因為對手會白左,見到無咁鞋同埋摸落好滑同好爽身唔會痴笠笠。 而Rituals個款我就覺得磨完唔係好見到白左,但係就有一層野係對手表面,我覺得好笠,係笠到唔舒服個種(我要走去洗手)。 我個人就愛LUSH多好多,如果想揾hand scrub我都建議LUSH,因為我鍾意爽身。 而Rituals我就覺得可能只適合鍾意用好厚身野係對手既朋友喇。


(English:  LUSH’s is more dense and more coarse whereby Rituals’ is more like a gel base with particles in it.  When I am scrubbing my hands, I like the feel of LUSH’s better because I do feel like the particles are working to clear the dead skin.  For the results, again I like LUSH’s better because my hands become fairer, smoother and softer.  Also it doesn’t leave any residue on my hands and there is no stickiness feeling after.  For Rituals’, I didn’t see any obvious results other than having a leftover layer on my hands which I felt so uncomfortable about (yea had to go wash my hands with soap).  My personal favourite is still LUSH’s and if you ask me for hand scrub, I would suggest LUSH because I like its lightness.  For Rituals, I think it’s only suitable for those who enjoy using heavy stuff on their hands.)

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