[美甲] 又Bling又Rock嘅款式

又係時候換下甲款。 Join咗package之後真係好乖咁差唔多每多月都去潮拜一下整甲店。 今次無咩心水, 所以去到都係望望下d之後揀咗幾粒我想痴嘅石, 之後就等整甲妹妹幫我自由發揮下。

(English:  It’s time to change my nail style!  Actually after I joined the package, I have been really motivated to get my nails done every month!  I didn’t really have a particular style in mind this time, so I went and picked some bling blings instead and let the nail stylist use her creativity!)

今次整左呢個我都覺得幾得意, 因為bling得嚟都好rock下, 我諗我可以叫呢款甲做Glamour Rock Style!! 哈哈!

(English:  This style is quite fun this time because it’s bling and rock in one go!  I think I could call this Glamour Rock style!! *laughs*!!)

Left Hand

Right Hand

Each One:

超鍾意呢個十字架呀! 好gothic feel!!

(English:  Really in love with the cross – very gothic style!!)

呢堆bling bling望落真係好靚! 係就係大粒左d, 但係真係超好火!

(English:  These bling blings look really fun!!  I admit that one of them is probably a bit big, but it’s really BLING!!)

嘩哈哈! 呢粒skull都好正呀!

(English:  OMG!!!  This skull is fab!!)

我咪成日都話我d腳指好恐怖嘅, 我今次終於都俾整甲妹妹幫我搞搞佢地喇。 嘩, 整完真係開心sa, 我自己真係整唔到喇。 佢幫我去sa d死皮(好嚇人), 再幫我修好d甲, 油埋我最愛嘅紅色甲油, 掂! 我而家對腳靚左好多!! 超高興呀!! 我應該整多兩次就真係靚sa!! 我初初仲諗我夏天應該要整埋gel先敢露d腳指出嚟, 但係我見完呢個效果之後, 我覺得唔gel都得, 不過gel埋靚多dd咁!! 呵呵!! 雖然修腳都真係貴過手好多(我有package, 有discount都要HK$298), 但係唔洗個個月整, 所以都值得!! 咁今年我要買涼鞋喇(又買??)。

(English:  Recall that I did mention my toes were horrible?  I got a pedicure this time as well!!  OMG!!!  I am so happy now because they look totally “new” *laughs*.  I couldn’t have done it myself.  All the dead skin was gone, toe nails were shaped and my fav red polish is on!!!  Wonderful!!!  They look really pretty right now and I am super happy!!  I think I have to do pedicure a couple times more to make them look perfect!  At first, I thought I should get the gel nail done on my toes in the summer time before I could let them say hello to people, but after the pedicure experience, I think I could just get away with pedicures and painting toe nails.  Hmmmm…but if I get the gel nail done on toes, then it would be a little more perfect *laughs*!!  Well, the pedicure is quite pricey (in general).  I have their package and with the discount, it costs like HK$298.  However, you don’t need to get it done every month, and it’s definitely worth the price (all the hard work involved).  Yay!!!  I could start buying sandals for the summer time (more hauling??).)

我好想歌頌下我整甲呢間野, 我問左妹妹下次可唔可以俾我影下佢地間店, 佢問左boss話OK!! 哈哈, 下次整d相俾大家睇丫!!

(English:  I really love this store that I go to and I really want to issue a blog post tell you all how great it is!  I asked the stylist if I could take pictures of their store next time, and after she asked the boss and it’s a YES!!  Yay!!!  Let me do some shoots and tell you all about the store next time *winks*!!)

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