美國既Birchbox + 香港既Myluxbox

如果你地有睇開我Facebook Page應該都知我會講d咩, 但係如果你地咁Q miss左個post等我係呢度再講過.  我近期留意到外國有好多人都講Birchbox, 一個月俾US$10, 咁每個月就會有d high end brands既deluxe sample send到去你屋企俾你試.  我望過幾個人講都覺得幾吸引, 如果你無見過係點, 可以望下呢條片 (你亦都可以係YouTube打birchbox, 你會見都好多人都講緊):
(English:  If you have been following my Facebook Page, you must have noticed that I have talked about this already.  But if you haven’t, then it’s a good time to read on.  Recently, I noticed a lot of people talking about Birchbox in the states, the concept is that you pay US$10 per month and you will receive a Birchbox every month consisting deluxe samples from high end brands.  I have watched a few videos and I have to say that the items are quite nice!  If you don’t know what it looks like, you could take a look at this video (or you could search Birchbox in YouTube):)

我覺得個concept幾好呀, 咁真係可以試下d野先睇下買唔買, 同埋d sample係deluxe size, 咁就可以試真d啦.

(English:  The concept is really fun!  You can now try the products first before you decide to buy or not to buy.  Also, since the samples are of deluxe size, it allows you to have a “real” trial.)

哈哈, 不枉我成日睇野, 好開心香港都出呢個concept呀!!  香港既叫 Myluxbox!!  香港既月費就HK$100.  個個月有驚喜我覺得都好抵丫!!!  佢地而家仲未整好, 但係我頭先望下佢地既update, 好似話星期三就開波呀~~ 好野~~  我上個星期register左之後已經日望夜望, 等得我好鬼心急呀!!  而家register都唔洗俾錢住, 係霸個靚位先, 好簡單, 就咁入個email就得喇, 你都快d去霸個靚位先丫 –>click Myluxbox (update info: 佢地launch左喇, 想join就click –>Myluxbox)

(English:  Hahaha!!  I was so ecstatic when I heard that there would be a similar concept in HK!  The one in HK is called Myluxbox!  The monthly fee is HK$100.  If I will get surprised every month, that’s surely worth it!!  They are still in the process of making this happen, but I checked this morning and it seemed that this coming Wednesday should be the launch date.  HURRRRRAAAYYYY!!!  I registered last week and I have been thinking about it constantly – I can’t wait any longer~~  Right now, you in fact don’t need to pay the monthly fee, you could register by using your email address –> click Myluxbox (update info: they have launched already, if you wanna join, please click –> Myluxbox)

如果你地仲係struggle當中, 咁仲簡單!  我自己就一定會join, 咁你都知我收到野就一定share啦!  你霸左個靚位之後咪等我share完先決定會唔會每個月進貢lor (睇下, 我幫你地諗埋喇!!). 

(English:  Well, if you are still struggling between joining or not, it’s simple!  I definitely will join once they are ready.  So you could hold your place now by registering with them using your email.  Once I get the Myluxbox, you know that I am going to share with you ladies anyway, then you could decide to be in the game or not (sometimes decisions are not that hard to make haha!!).)

仲有, 你地去like埋佢地個Facebook Page啦, 佢地呢期有獎抽呀 –> click Myluxbox Facebook

(English:  Ohhh, go and like their Facebook Page too, they have a lucky draw these days –> click Myluxbox Facebook)

Good luck & have fun!!

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