[保養] 台灣好物 – Biore SPF30防曬

我真係太太太多產品都未開!係台灣返咗黎都有5個月,我竟然仲有d產品係未開!哈哈哈!前幾日忍無可忍就去開咗d新野嚟用(其實我成日想自己用完現成個d先開,但係咁搞真係唔知要等到幾時丫)! 用左以下呢個產品一個星期多d,真係超級滿意,所以今日講下佢先~

(English:  I have to admit that there are quite a few products in my house unopened.  I have come back from Taiwan for 5 months and I still have things that are unopened!! *Laughs*  I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I kinda opened up a couple items for trial (at first, I was hoping that I could finish whatever I was using before trying new items, but then I thought, “not sure how long that would take to clear the existing products out!). I have been using the following item for over a week and it’s really amazing, so I will take about it today!)

Biore防曬潤色隔離乳液(自然光透色) SPF30/ PA++Biore UV Tint Milk SPF30 PA++ (Natural Color)

價錢(Price):NT230/ 30ml (available at Watons, Taiwan)

Product Information:

自然光透色: 提升肌膚亮度、修飾毛孔,肌膚自然柔嫩無瑕”

(English:  It’s a tinted sunscreen which is very light and won’t create burden for skin.  It has a natural tint of color and it saves the step of applying a foundation. It’s long-lasting so that it offers good skin protection against UV rays.)


使用次數(No. of Usage):9 times

用後感:好多年前我用過Biore另一隻防曬(賣賣下香港無得賣),我已經覺得超好用,所以上次我去台灣,我就去左Watsons入貨!其實佢已經出左好多隻,我又唔係好知邊隻好,所以隻隻都入一條!呢隻有30度防曬,我平日用!佢個Texture好似奶狀咁。 搽上面真係無得頂,一d lup都無,過咗幾秒已經吸收哂,再摸下塊面,係爽身架!!呢個就係點解我咁愛Biore防曬嘅一大原因,佢個質感輕盈到皮膚感覺唔到!正正正!! 另外我揀呢隻係有潤色功能(有顏色揀,我揀左自然色),搽上面真係好自然!膚色即刻均勻翻,我而家返工,搽完佢就直接上碎粉!好適合一d只係喜歡化少少妝既女生! 讚讚讚!仲要佢價錢好可愛,份量用得多都唔會心痛!你地去台灣真係記得記得要去Watsons敗翻一兩條嚟用呀!! 我超級推薦呢個產品!!我而家超級後恢無敗多兩條呢個款(雖然我敗咗其他款)!!唔洗問,我去親台灣一定會再全包翻黎!!
 (Product Review: Many years ago, I used another Biore sunscreen (then never see them in HK again) and felt that the quality was amazing, so last time when I went to Taiwan, I hauled quite a few in Watsons.  Indeed, there is a good full range of sunscreen products to choose from now.  I wasn’t sure what’s good and what’s not, so I kinda picked one each for trial.  This one has SPF30 and I use it during a normal day.  The texture is quite milky and it feels fabulous when I apply it on skin, it’s very light and it gets absorbed very quickly. Basically after a few secs, it gets absorbed and when I touch my skin, my skin is very fresh!!  This is one of the main reasons why I LOVE Biore sunscreen that much – it’s so light-weighted that you don’t feel that it’s there!  Brilliant!!  Also, this product has a tint of color (there are colors to choose from and I picked “natural”), it looks absolutely natural on skin!  It balances out my skin tone immediately and I use it now for a normal work day.  I use this and then apply loose powder directly!  It suits those people who love to have minimal makeup on!!  Highly impressed!  Ahhhh…it also has a really friendly price tag, so I won’t feel guilty buying and using it!  Please do remember to get this when you go to Taiwan next and they are available at Watsons!!  It’s a brilliant product and I highly recommend it to everyone!  Now I kinda regret that I didn’t get a couple more of these (even though I got other types)!!!  I will definitely haul quite a few when I go to Taiwan next!!)

(product information is extracted from http://www.kao.com)

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