[保養] 可以打低Bioderma既卸妝水

我之前講過如果係入得黑咪小店既產品,實力都有翻咁上下! 大家放心,我唔會因為想入一隻產品而亂咁話佢有幾好幾好用! 黑咪小店既作風都係同我個blog同YouTube一樣,如實報導! 如果好既產品先會入到我既黑咪小店。 正因為係咁,所以我唔只係自己試產品,我仲叫埋我d朋友仔幫手,大家一致覺得好用先會入。 好喇,啱啱出咗張相係小店,好多人已經問我呢枝野好唔好用,夠唔夠Bioderma好用! 而家分享一下先!

(English:  I have mentioned before that it takes a lot for a product to arrive at Hakme’s Store, it has to be amazing!  Don’t worry, I wouldn’t just brag about some products because I want to sell them!  The vision of Hakme’s Store is basically same as my blog and my YouTube channel, they all carry an honest approach to beauty (even to life)!  I would only introduce them to Hakme’s Store if I find them good enough!  Due to this straight guideline, so not only I will be trying the products, my friends will as well.  When everyone gives the green light, I will stock the product!  Right, I just posted a picture on Facebook and it seems to generate quite a bit of noise, many people have been asking me if this can beat Bioderma, so let’s see!)

Loveisderma 深層卸妝潔膚液

Miracle H2O

價錢(Price):HK$175/ 550ml

你可以send email (iamhakme@hotmail.com) 俾我去order~

(English:  You are welcome to send email to me at iamhakme@hotmail.com to place order)

Made in Switzerland

Product Information:



● 創新技術五效合一卸妝潔膚液,具卸妝、潔膚、化妝水、舒緩、保濕多功能。 

● Miracle H2O 卸妝液還可細緻毛孔、預防毛孔堵塞,可有效卸除眼唇和臉部彩妝、防曬乳液及皮膚殘留不潔物,恢復美麗的原點。


Iris Florentina Root Extract (鳶尾根萃取), Algae Extract, Aquarich”

(English: “LOVEISDERMA Miracle H2O for all skin types deep-cleans pores, removes excess oils and clears surface impurities leaving the skin feeling completely refreshed.


LOVEISDERMA Miracle H2O is perfect for oily and acne skin and preparing the skin for LOVEISDERMA advanced antioxidant treatments.


Twice daily dispense a small amount and apply evenly to a dry face and neck. Massage gently and rinse with warm water. 

Paraben free

without colorants

without fragrance”)

Texture & Results:

使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感:我同朋友都試咗呢個產品好多次喇,我發覺雖然佢望落都係水狀,但係感覺上個質感係同Bioderma有分別~ 佢個質感潤過Bioderma dd同埋係滑dd。 用法其實同Bioderma無分別,我都係倒落cotton pad之後抹面,但係用Bioderma有好多時會捽面,所以cotton pad會散開。 但係呢個就真係一抹既時候好滑,係線過塊面,cotton pad都有少少散開既狀況,但係無Bioderma咁嚴重。 同埋佢既清潔力都好強,我用佢一落就落到面部既化妝品,眼既我都係suggest用專for eye既產品去落會落得快d,但係面既咀既用佢係無問題,仲要係好乾淨。 我落完個下除咗覺得乾淨之餘,仲覺得佢俾Bioderma保濕,感覺上皮膚係好夠水! 當然啦,為安心起見,我都建議再用自己既洗面產品再洗一次,確保面上既化妝品無得留低,但係因為佢幫你皮膚保咗濕,所以洗面過後我都唔會覺得乾! 但係如果朝早或者無化妝既日子,唔洗面都可以! 佢個質感雖然係潤過Bioderma dd,但係我都覺得適合唔同膚質去用,因為佢入面無Paraben又無香料,所以好多人都適合。 再講如果你係oily/ acne皮膚,佢亦都唔會增加你皮膚既負擔! 係我心目中,佢比Bioderma好既原因係佢個質感比較滑同埋佢個保濕效果!更加正既係如果你係Mannings買開Bioderma 500ml裝,佢既價錢係HK$228,呢枝計落係平咗,因為特價咗都係HK$186有550ml! 唔係我都唔入啦~~ 如果你有興趣想買,你可以email我(iamhakme@hotmail.com)。

(English:  Product Review: My friends and I have been testing this so many times on different situation, though it looks like water, it feels a bit different than Bioderma on the texture~  It feels a bit more hydrating than Bioderma one and the texture is definitely smoother.  The method to use is the same as Bioderma’s.  Pour it onto a cotton pad and then wipe your makeup off.  When I use Bioderma, I find it quite attach to my skin and the cotton pad would fall apart fairly quickly.  But when I use Loveisderma, the texture is so smooth that it just glides on the skin.  The cotton pad still falls apart a bit but never as serious as Bioderma’s.  Its cleansing power is amazing, it removes my makeup really well. For eye makeup, I still suggest to use those eye makeup remover, because it would remove your stubborn eye makeup quicker; for face and lips, I use this and it just removes everything.  Skin feels clean after use and it feels more hydrated than using Bioderma’s!  Of course, I do suggest to use a cleanser afterwards, to make sure every trace of makeup is removed, however, because Loveisderma has already hydrated your skin, so after using your cleanser, skin still feels nicely hydrated.  If you use it in the morning or on a no makeup day, simply use this to clean and then move on with your skincare products.  Though its texture is more hydrating than Bioderma, I feel that it’s suitable for many skin types because it doesn’t contain Paraben and fragrance!  Also for oily/ acne skin types, it won’t create burden on skin!  In my mind, it has already beat Bioderma because of its smoother texture and its hydrating properties.  If you are used to get Bioderma at Mannings, you’ll know that its price is HK$228 for 500ml, but for this, after discount, it’s only HK$186 but you will get 550ml!  Sounds good?  Otherwise it won’t be standing in my store!  If you are interested, please send email to me at iamhakme@hotmail.com)


有化妝既日子:用眼部咀部落妝液去卸走防水彩妝 –> 用Loveisderma落面妝及再抹眼位去除殘蹟(最好落三次見到cotton pad無殘蹟可以放心) –> 再用自己既洗面產品洗面 –> 再用自己既護膚產品

無化妝既日子(只搽防曬/BB or CC Cream):用Loveisderma落面妝及再抹眼位去除殘蹟(一般落兩次見到cotton pad無殘蹟可以放心) –> 再用自己既洗面產品洗面 –> 再用自己既護膚產品

好懶唔想搞咁多野又無點化妝既日子:用Loveisderma抹面(落一次都可以) –> 唔洗洗面再用自己既護膚產品

(English:  Hakme’s Suggestion on the Usage:

Makeup Day: Use eye & lip remove those stubborn makeup on your eye areas –> use Loveisderma to wipe on face and again your eye areas (around 3 cotton pads, then you should see no makeup trace) –> then use your own cleanser to clean your face –> follow with your own skincare items

No Makeup but with Sunscreen/ BB/ CC Cream: Use Loveisderma to wipe on face and your eye areas (around 2 cotton pads, then you should see no makeup trace) –> then use your own cleanser to clean your face –> follow with your own skincare items

Very Tiring Day with No Makeup: Use Loveisderma to wipe on face and your eye areas (around 1 cotton pad) –> follow with your own skincare items


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