Before the Coffee Gets Cold的地點是可以回到過去或者去到未來的咖啡店,當中有幾位人物,每位都有自己的故事。 作者用了短篇文章分別闡述他們的故事,所以整本書的篇幅比較短,我兩天就已經看完。
The setting of Before the Coffee Gets Cold is a cafe but not just a normal cafe, this cafe allows people to go back in time or in future. There are a few characters and each of them has his/her own story. The author separates their stories out into different chapters, so the book is quite short and sweet and I finished it in just 2 days.
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

我很喜歡作者的文筆,因為他成功地引起了我的好奇心,使我想看下去。 故事節奏亦非常緊湊,根本一開始打開讀就停不下來。
I really like the author’s style of writing because he sparked my curiosity, he made me want to find out more. Also, the structure of the stories is really tight; once you start reading, you don’t want to put it down.
其中有兩三個故事,我看至熱淚盈眶。 如果你個人都經歷了不少,應該也會觸動你心靈。 回到過去或者去到未來其中一個規條就是現狀不會改變,正因為這樣,我覺得故事更加引人入勝。 既然現狀都不會改變,那為什麼要回到過去?或者去到將來呢? 如果你想知道就要好好欣賞這一本書。如果你想讀一些窩心的故事,我非常非常推薦你看Before the Coffee Gets Cold。
My eyes welled up so bad reading a couple of the stories. I think if you have gone through some “stuff” in life, the stories will touch your heart or your soul somehow. One of the most important rules of the cafe is even when people go back in time or go forward in future, nothing in the present will change. Now you will be asking, “then why do people even bother?” Well, you have to read it to find out! If you want to read some heart-warming stories, I highly recommend “Before the Coffee Gets Cold”!