探索新品牌 ♥ Becca

我相信Becca呢個品牌對大家黎講都唔會陌生, 佢既底妝出名自然, 我諗大家都知.  但係點解我會話係新呢?  原因係我除左好遠古既時代用過佢地既foundation之外, 就咩都無試過, 所以對我黎講呢個品牌係有待我發掘既.

(English:  I believe many of you have heard of Becca as its foundation is one of the most outstanding products in the industry.  Apart from its foundation which I tried ages ago, I am not really familiar with its other products, so I am still discovering this brand.)

其實我成日行過佢銅鑼灣個counter都好想試下佢d野, 好可惜我成日都無咩頭緒, 唯有放棄 (我比較鍾意做好sa research先去敗家).  我前兩個星期見到佢地London既Makeup Director會黎香港做化妝示範, 俾HK$300可以化個靚妝同埋redeem翻佢地既產品.  正, 即係話可以試sa d野上面睇下感覺點樣先再敗家啦…哈哈…即刻心動!

(English:  To be honest, I have passed by their Causeway Bay counters so many times but never really got any motivation to really check out their products.  It was because I didn’t really do a massive research on the brand and I usually love going shopping with all the fantastic products in my head first.  Two weeks ago, I saw an advert that their Makeup Director would be coming to Hong Kong to do some makeup demo.  It costs HK$300 to get the makeup done and then the HK$300 can be used to redeem Becca products.  Wonderful, that means I could try everything on my face first before actually bringing them home!)

再加上佢地呢期出左Summer Collection:

(English:  Plus, Becca just released its Summer Collection:)

Halcyon Days Collection 

我見d色都好suitable for summer, 於是我就book左去Becca度化妝扮靚靚喇.

(English:  The colors are very natural and suitable for summer.  Worth a try!  I was so tempted that I made an appointment and got my makeup done.)

星期日咩妝都無化就出門口.  去到個其中一個Makeup Director (Lisa)見到我問我有無化妝, 我話咩都無搽, 佢即刻好有禮貌咁話我皮膚好靚…其實唔靚呀…經過左工作好忙既摧殘同埋又轉天氣, 皮膚呢排係有d紅同埋好乾.  之後佢就一路幫我化妝一路講解每一隻產品既用途比我聽喇.  咁究竟我化左個咩妝呢?  哈哈, 係一個好自然既妝…

(English:  Last Sunday, I didn’t even put any makeup on and I went straight to Becca.  One of their Makeup Directors (Lisa) asked me if I had any makeup on.  No.  She said politely that my skin was in a very good condition…honestly…not really…my skin was reacting to stress at work and the weather change, therefore there were light red patches and it was very dry.  What’s lovely was while she was putting makeup on my face, she explained each product to me, this helps me a lot in understanding each item.  So, what kind of makeup did I get?  Haha… it’s a very natural look for the summer time…

其實Becca係一個好崇尚自然美既品牌.  佢既品牌philosophy係每個人都有自己美麗既地方, 化妝唔係去修飾所有唔好既野, 反而係去enhance自己特有既氣質, 等自己美麗得黎自然, 有glow!

(English:  Actually, Becca is a brand for natural beauty.  The brand philosophy is everyone is beautiful in her own ways.  Using makeup is not about altering the “faults”, but is to enhance the beauty that everyone has.  The idea is to be beautiful in your own natural and glowy way!)

講左咁耐, 你係咪好好奇我個自然妝係點呢?  嘻嘻…我個日偷雞拍左片諗住同大家分享.  條片仲係處理階段, 過兩日我edit好就同大家分享.  係…又要等等我…(不過今次我會快d手…)

(English:  I have been blahing on…so now…you must be very curious about my natural makeup look!  *laughs*  I did shoot a video when I was there, but I am still editing it.  I think it will be done in a couple of days.  I will definitely share with you all when I am finished.  Haha, that means you ladies have to wait for me again.)

當日玩完之後, 有既樣野我係覺得好好而即刻心動既…

(English:  After the makeup demo, there were a few things that really caught my attention:)

 Becca Mineral Blush (Color: Flowerchild)

價錢 (Price):HK$350/ 6g
Open up:
On hand:粉橙紅色, 有d金色shimmer做undertone.  Lisa個日用左呢隻色係我既apple位, 個色真係好靚, 有d做完運動個種透紅既感覺.
(English:  It’s a pinkish orange color with golden shimmer undertone.  Lisa used it on my apple cheeks.  I find the color to be amazing, just like that pinkish glow after sports.)
Becca Beach Tint (Color: Guava)

價錢 (Price): HK$300/ 7ml

On hand:

Beach Tint係Becca既皇牌之一.  可以當係eyeshadow, blush同埋lip tint.  當Lisa用係我塊面個陣, 我聞到好香既guava味, 我即刻問佢係咩黎, 佢話係Beach Tint, 每隻色都唔同味, 佢揀左guava比我, 因為襯我既膚色.  真係好香好正…所以即刻要帶佢返屋企慢慢玩.
(English:  Beach Tint is one of Becca’s most famous items.  It’s a multi-purpose product.  It can be used as eyeshadow, blush and lip tint.  When Lisa was using it on my face, I smelled a nice guava scent and I asked immediately what it was.  She explained that it was Beach Tint and every color has its own scent (fabulous!).  She picked guava for me since it suits my skin tone.  It smells really nice and fruity…so I had to get it.  Then I could really try it out!)
Becca Lip Plumping Moisture Gloss

 價錢 (Price): HK$300/ 8.5ml
呢隻又係佢一打開比我聞, 我又即刻心動.  佢係for lip plumping, 以前我試過其他牌子個d, 個感覺好辣, 係辣到個咀腫左既感覺, 唔係真係覺得自己似Angelina Jolie/ Galie.  但係Becca呢隻係好好聞, 係cinnamon味 (好Christmas feel).  仲要佢幫我搽左, 我一d都唔覺得辣, 反而係覺得好hydrated.  最正係Lisa話我知呢隻product係幫助increase collagen, 即係話佢係有lip care既作用, 長期用個咀咀慢慢會變靚.  又心動啦.
(English:  My god!  This one has a truly amazing scent!  I was tempted once Lisa opened it up.  It’s a lip plumping gloss.  I tried other brands’ before but I found those to be spicy on lips.  They felt more like burning my lips and made them swollen, instead of making me feel like I were Angelina Jolie/ Galie.  Becca’s smells like cinnamon (reminds me of Christmas).  It doesn’t feel spicy on lips but very hydrating.  The most amazing is it helps to boost the collagen level in the lips.  That means it also acts as a lip care.  When you use it long enough, it will eventually plump up your lips.  Very tempting!)
其實我仲對佢既底妝同埋眼影都好有興趣, 不過一次過唔好帶咁多野返屋企 (雖然會覺得好爽), 但係我想試真d以上既產品之後再敗其他.  我而家已經整緊個wish list諗住下次帶咩返屋企.  上面講既產品, 我會今個星期試真d再同大家share我既感覺.  大家又等等我啦…哈哈.
(English:  Honestly, I am very interested in their foundations and eyeshadows as well.  But I don’t think that would justify me to bring them all home (it would make me feel so good though).  I want to try each of the above products out first before continuing trying others.  I am already planning my next haul with Becca (I know…).  For the abovementioned products, I will give them a good try this week and tell you all my comments later!!)

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