[品牌感想] 我值得擁有 ♥ Because You’re Worth It

今年十一月標誌住L’Oreal嘅40週年。  我認識呢個品牌係因為我細細嗰陣, 我媽媽成日都讚佢嘅染髮產品好用。 而家佢已經變為一個好全面嘅品牌, 由頭髮護理到護膚化妝品都一應俱全, 漸漸成為我地嘅生活一部份。 當中有好多產品我都好鍾意用, 而我最鍾意嘅係佢嘅口號:

(English:  L’Oreal is celebrating its 40th anniversary this month!  I was little when I knew this brand because my mother did praise a lot about L’Oreal Hair Dye products.  Right now, L’Oreal has become part of our life with its product coverage on hair care, skincare and cosmetics.  I have quite a few L’Oreal favorites, but what I love most about this brand is its tagline:)

我值得擁有 ♥ Because You’re (I’m) Worth It 

其實係日常生活中, 我哋好多時都好不自覺地羨慕/ 妒忌其他人有嘅野。 好多時我哋都會話:你就好啦!  其實係咪某程度上我哋覺得自己唔值得擁有某d野, 所以成日都會覺得人哋嘅生活好過自己呢?

(English:  In our daily lives, almost every single day, we admire or are jealous of what other people have got subconsciously.  Most of the time, we’d say, “ahhh… it’s nice to be you!”  Actually what’s the rationale behind this sentence?  Is it because we think we are not worthy of something most of the time?)

當我每次睇到呢句Tagline嘅時候, 我有好深嘅感受。 兩年前當我啱啱開始寫blog個陣, 好多人一見我係blogger或者偶爾幫接受某品牌嘅邀請, 佢哋就會話個個blogger都誇大, 又話遲d一定唔會有人睇呢d blogger咁話, 仲有人係forum話我係咪幫Sa Sa打工, 成日話Sa Sa買野。  當時有無唔開心? 當然有啦(我都係人), 但係等唔等於我要放棄我一件我好熱愛嘅事呢? 唔等於。 因為我知道好多咁講嘅人根本無用心同時間去睇我個blog嘅內容。  你哋各位睇咗我個blog咁耐都知我好老實, 好就讚, 唔好就會俾feedback希望d公司可以接受評價更有進步。 由此至終呢個都係我寫blog嘅理念, 有無公司想同我合作唔係我想寫blog嘅原因。 如果唔係我堅持”我值得擁有”(我個blog值得擁有)呢個信念, 我諗我今日唔會係呢度寫呢篇感性嘅文章, 亦唔會係Facebook Page同大家每日都傾得咁開心, 亦都唔會搬左嚟blogger呢個host無耐人流就超過8萬人次。 其實你哋每次係我Facebook Page留言俾我, 我都好開心, 每個留言我都會用心去睇同回覆, 因為你哋嘅心意另我更加相信”我值得擁有”。 真係要多謝你哋!

(English:  Every time when I see this tagline, I feel so deep.  A couple years ago when I started this beauty blog, many people saw that I got a few product invitation or my label as “blogger”, they said that every blogger was the same, they exaggerated stuff and soon beauty blogging would fade out…blah blah blah.  Some even said in certain forums that I worked for Sa Sa (I found this thought quite amusing) as I always mentioned that I hauled at Sa Sa.  Was I upset at that time?  Of course (I am only a human being!).  Did it mean that I had to give up something I am passionate about doing?  NO WAY because I understand that those people didn’t put in the heart and the time to read my blog.  You all have been following this blog for awhile and you know that I have an honest approach – if the product is fab, I would say thumbs-up; and if it’s not that great, I would give feedback hoping that companies would read and improve on their products/ services!  This is what I believe in.  Whether I get a free product trial or not is not why I write.  If I didn’t stick with “Because You’re (I’m) worth it”, I wouldn’t have had written this piece, I wouldn’t have had talked with you all everyday on my Facebook Page, I wouldn’t have had over 80,000 page views given that I had moved to blogger host for a very short time.  Every time when you leave me a comment on my Facebook Page, I am so happy.  I read each one of them and reply with love, because you all make me feel like “Because You’re (I’m) worth it”!  Thank you again!!!)

如果你哋有夢想去追尋, 當中一定會有一d人, 一d言語令你覺得:不如放棄! 放棄唔難, 堅持最難! 當你覺得好難堅持嘅時候, 不如出去走走, 同自己講:我值得擁有!  或者未必即時會有知音, 但係努力一定會有成果, 成功嗰種心情只有你自己可以感受。

(English:  If you are after a dream (or -s), there would be people who don’t understand, there would be words which make you feel: it’s easier to give up!  Giving up is easy, continuing to pursue your dream is the most difficult!  When you feel like it’s difficult to go on, get out, take a walk, tell yourself that “Because You’re (I’m) worth it!  It might not guarantee you success straight away, but it gets you closer to your dream!  Only you can feel what it feels like to have your dream accomplished!!)


(English:  May your dreams come true!)

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