Beauty Product – Limited Edition 2019

每年聖誕各大品牌都會推出聖誕限量的化妝品,包裝通常都會比較特別,我每年都會選一些來收藏(我欣賞過後都會拿出來用的!)。 今年也選了幾款我覺得比較吸晶的跟大家分享一下。

Every Christmas, many brands would launch makeup products with special packaging and each year I would collect some (after appreciating them for awhile, I would use them!). This year, I picked a few eye-catching ones.

Laduree Mini Rose Blush HK$1000

太美了吧! 這個請大家容許我不試色,我真的要好好欣賞它。 說它是胭脂,倒不如說它是家裡的裝飾擺設。 誰會捨得把它糊掉!! 這個顏值真的高得過份!

It’s too beautiful! Please forgive me for not swatching for you, I really want to appreciate them for a good while. To say it’s a blush, I’d say it acts more like a decoration at home, who would want to dip a brush in and mess up the “roses”, right?

Dior Eyeshadow Palette Happy 2020 in 017

這個我在法國買,我也忘了價錢。 這個Happy 2020有兩盤眼影,另外的一盤顏色鮮艷非常吸晶,但我應該不會用到,所以就選了這盤。 試色的時候我覺得顏色是比較淡一點,日常用都沒大問題!

I got this in Paris and I forgot how much I paid for it. There are two eyeshadow palettes within the Happy 2020 range, the other one is very vibrant and somehow doesn’t suit my style, so I picked this one instead. When I tested the colours, they turn out to be more sheer and light on skin, so I think it would be great for everyday use!

Charlotte Tilbury Luxury Palette of Pops in Celestial Eyes HK$440

大家都知道我是一個不折不扣的Charlotte Tilbury紛絲,它家很多產品我都覺得好用。 這盤眼影簡直閃得厲害,我還未認真拿它化眼妝,所以不知道畫上眼的效果會怎樣。 不過,它真的很美,顏色配搭也不浮誇。 雖然閃粉非常多,但粉質也算幼細!如果喜歡閃亮眼妝的話,我覺得這盤是必收!

Many of you would have known that I am a Charlotte Tilbury fan inside and out, I find many of their items worth recommending. This Celestial Eyes Palette glows to the max, I haven’t used it to create any makeup look yet, so I am not sure how it would look on eyes. However, one thing I can say is that it’s a very pretty palette and the colour combination is not difficult to use. Though there are a lot of shimmers/ glitters inside the eyeshadows, the powder is still somewhat smooth to touch. If you enjoy a bling eye look, this is a must-buy for you!

Charlotte Tilbury Instant Look in a Palette HK$550

化妝想用一盒彩妝盤就搞定?這盤是個不錯的選擇。 我覺得這個應該不是新品,因為我之前見過它的蹤影, 但我當時沒有入手! 今年把這個Instant Look in a Palette收下,內有3個眼影,1個陰影(Bronze Powder),1個胭脂,1個胭脂位光影,和1個光影。 全部粉質都非常細滑,這個應該會變做我的出門旅行必備化妝盤!

Want to use 1 palette to create a look? I think this one is a great option. I don’t think it’s a new product because I recall seeing it before, however, I didn’t get it before! So, I decided to get it this year, it comes with 3 eyeshadows, 1 bronze powder (I would use it as contour), 1 blush, 1 cheek highlight and 1 highlight. The powder is all finely milled and lovely to use. I think this is going to be my travel buddy going forward!

Charlotte Tilbury Starry Eyes to Hypnotise Palette HK$670

記得這款12色的眼影盤嗎? 我覺得今年的比上年的還要美! 包裝轉了高貴的銀藍配搭,內裡的眼影顏色也很百搭,靠左的6個色基本上都是日常色,而靠右的6款就比較特別,Dream Glow那個部份帶墨綠,好適合秋冬使用,而Seduce Glow的閃粉是最突出,用來畫party妝一流!

Remember this 12-colour eyeshadow palette? I think this year’s has surpassed last year’s! Not only the packaging is changed to the elegant silver and blue combination, the eyeshadows inside are very versatile as well. The 6 colours on the left are more for your day-to-day look, while the 6 on the right are a wee bit more special and playful. Dream Glow is leaning towards black green tone, which is perfect for autumn/ winter, while Seduce Glow has the most amount of glitter, which is perfect for festive season!


CT Instant Look
CT Celestial Eyes
Dior Lipstick Set
Dior Palette
CT Mini Hot Lips
CT Starry Eyes
CT Instant Look
CT Celestial Eyes
Dior Lipstick Set
Dior Palette
CT Mini Hot Lips
CT Starry Eyes
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