[化妝] Beauty Cottage Sweet Lolita眼影盒試色及分享

呢期好忙拍片俾大家睇出少咗blog post! 不過會多翻d架喇,因為係韓國敗家有好多野要試色俾大家望下,等等我丫! 今日好興奮想出咗個好新鮮既東東先,就係Beauty Cottage新新既4色眼影盒喇。 玩我就玩左成兩個月,不過尋日先收到貨落鋪,我知一定有人去唔到銅鑼灣想我出試色圖諗下網唔網購,所以趁仲新鮮就出埋先啦~~

(English:  I have been really busy shooting videos these days and it seems that I have done less blog post.  Well the good news is that I will post more in the coming weeks due to the absolutely ridiculous haul in Korea, I probably have tons of products to swatch for you – please be patient with me as always!!  Today I want to talk about something else while it’s still fresh – it’s the new Beauty Cottage Sweet Lolita Eyeshadow Palette!  I have been playing with it for 2 months but the stock only came in yesterday, I know some of you can’t make your way to Causeway Bay, and you probably want to see how the colors turn out, so let’s focus on them today while they are new~~)

Beauty Cottage Sweet Lolita Eyeshadow Palette


Buy from: 黑咪Hakme Beauty店/ email at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com

今次一如以往個packaging都係靚死人! 同埋佢有三個色系,而三個色系都係好實用(你知我唔愛d好古怪大家又用唔到既顏色丫)!!Close-up望下~~

 (English:  Same as before, the packaging is eye-catching.  It comes with 3 different color combination and all 3 are very practical (you know I don’t really like strange colors whereby you can’t use everyday)!  Let’s get on with the close-up now~~)


No. 01 Palais Garnier

最右邊既顏色係matte,其餘係閃底! 呢隻帶粉紅,somehow我覺得好啱春天,情人節同新年!! 哈哈哈!! 大家唔洗擔心隻粉紅會唔會令你眼腫,係唔會,因為佢唔係好soft既pink,佢係少少sharp pink,所以東方人係carry得到! 佢係泰國品牌,所以整d野係啱我地用。我覺得如果你係比較喜歡girly d既顏色既話,你會鍾意呢一盒! 同埋佢粉紅搭啡係一個不敗既combination!

(English:  The first color on the right is matte and the remaining ones are shimmery!!  This is a pink tone and somehow I feel it’s perfect for Spring, Valentine’s and Lunar New Year!!  *Laughs*  You all now must be thinking, “oh would the pink make my eyes look like they are puffy?”  My answer to that is, “Nope, because it’s not a light pink, it’s sort of a sharp pink and Asians can easily carry these colors!  Besides, they are from Thailand, so their stuff are nice for Asians!”  I feel that if you are into a bit of a girly mode, then you will like this one.  The pink and the brown can never go wrong!!)

No. 02 Folies Bergere

最右隻色都係matte,其餘係閃底! 淺啡tone,又係不敗既顏色組合,要有層次可以搞有層次,要日妝又可以就咁用淺色搽成個eyelid! 新手都好易搞得到,唔洗咩技巧丫!!

(English:  The first color on the right is matte and the remaining ones are shimmery!!  A light brown tone for this one and again you could never go wrong.  If you want to create layers, you can or if you simply want a day look, you can just use the lighter colors for the whole eyelid!!  Great for beginners, you don’t need any skill to look good!!!)

No. 03 Moulin Rouge

最右隻色都係matte,其餘係閃底! 比較銅底既一個tone!! 夏天超靚!! 好健康好warm既感覺! 如果膚色比較係健康類既,我超建議呢盒,搽出黎有立體感又唔會覺得啡過頭!! 正!!

(English: The first color on the right is matte and the remaining ones are shimmery!!  This one consists more of a bronze tone!!  Perfect for summer!!  It just gives that sort of healthy and warm look!!  If your skin tone is leaning more towards tanned skin, I strongly recommend this one.  It gives dimension and won’t be too brown!!  Nice!!)

用後感:我覺得平平地好抵玩,加埋我覺得佢地個color combination係有心做,三隻都有唔同,亦都有變化! 而且我幾impress係佢每盒最右既顏色都係matte,可以tune down個閃,同埋佢個閃係立體感唔係浮誇既閃! 上色度黎講我覺得比市面日本牌既上色,但係如果同theBalm比,佢無theBalm咁出,我覺得咁樣都有好處,先唔會無色,但係可以build up, 唔會一搽出黎好深色,對新手尤其係好,因為唔會一畫出黎就太過份! 對於喜歡比較自然妝容既人都易handle d!! So far我三盒都好滿意,價錢親民質數又唔錯!! 推呀!!

(English:  Overall Review: I think this can be regarded as good drugstore product (since it possesses a drugstore price tag!  I feel the color combination is done with heart as the 3 of them are different!  I am quite impressed with the fact that it comes with a matte color in every one of them, so you can tune down the shimmery color.  Plus, the shimmery color offers a 3D effect but not over the top!  For pigmentation, I would say it’s definitely better than the Japanese brands in the market, but if you compare it with theBalm, I would say theBalm is still more pigmented.  I do feel there is a good side to this simply because it does offer color, but you can build it up at the same time.  It’s great for beginners because you won’t have a stripe of color and don’t know what to do after.  And if you are in love with natural looks, this is easy to handle as well!!  So far, I am happy with the 3 of them, the price is super friendly and its quality is nice!!  Recommended!!)

黑咪Hakme Beauty店
地址 (Address): 銅鑼灣希慎道8號裕景商業中心3樓365-367號 (No. 365-367, 3/F, Eton Tower, No. 8 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong)
電話 (Tel): 2877 4700
營業時間 (Open Hours): 星期一至日中午12點到晚上8點 (Mon – Sun 12noon – 8pm)
付款方法 (Payment Options): EPS & Cash (唔收$1000紙 – No HKD1000 note)

或郵寄∕太古MTR∕沙田第一城站交收。 Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com
(Or by post, face trade at Taikoo MTR/ Shatin Cityone Stop.  Email: hakmebeauty@hotmail.com)

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