[保養] 韓版Beauty Box @ Yesstyle

韓風吹吹! 近年真係好興韓國產品,我呢期用都用唔少! 有咁多個韓國品牌想試,但係如果次次都買貨size,如果唔啱用或者唔鍾意用都係浪費。 上個星期接到Yesstyle既邀請分享下佢地既韓版Beauty Box,我覺得個concept都唔錯,所以答應咗。 我過咗兩日就收到個Beauty Box喇,睇下入面有d咩先:

(English:  Korean things again!!  Korean items are just so popular these days and I have used quite a few things myself!  There are so many Korean brands that I want to try out and if I get the full size products everytime, what if I don’t like them (simply wasted!)?  Last week, I received Yesstyle’s invitation to share my comments on their Korean Beauty Sample Box.  I was quite amused by the idea, so I said Yes.  After a couple days, I received the Beauty Box and let’s see what’s inside:)

Yesstyle Korean Beauty Sample Box


Buy it from: Yesstyle Korean Beauty Sample Box


佢地講明一個Beauty Box入面有10樣韓國品牌既sample! 不如睇下我收到呢個入面有咩東東丫:

(English:  It’s said to have 10 Korean beauty samples inside the Beauty Box and I guess it’s time for us to take a look at the 10 items:)


My Box Includes:-

Missha 3D Essence Sheet Mask x 1pc

The Face Shop Real Natural Mask Pomegranate x 1pc

Innisfree Canola Honey Pack & Cream x 10ml

Innisfree Canola Honey Hand Butter x 15ml

Innisfree Canola Honey Serum x 10ml

Innisfree Apple Juicy Lip & Eye Remover x 15ml

Laneige Purify-Tox Boosting Essence x 5ml

Laneige Moisture Power Essential Skin Refiner x 5ml

Laneige Moisture Balancing Emulsion x 5ml

Skinfood Shower Sponge x 1pc

Box x 1pc



你無得揀個盒入面既產品,所以可以話係surprise! 因為你訂咗之後都唔知入面有咩產品,只係知道會係韓國品牌!! 佢官網都有幾張相俾大家feel下個Beauty Box入面可能有d咩產品:

(English:  You cannot choose the items inside the box, so I could say it’s a pure surprise as you won’t know what’s inside until you get the box (you’d only know that they are all from Korean brands)!!  There are a few pics showing what could be inside the Beauty Box from the official website:)

我用完盒入面既產品會同大家分享一下。 我覺得呢個box比較適合一d鍾意試產品想有新鮮感既人(但係又唔想成日買full size)! 講真,我覺得佢個價錢set得偏高,如果你想要抵既感覺,我覺得真係唔啱你。 但係如果你話貪新鮮或者想送俾朋友做禮物,我覺得都唔錯,因為個盒好實正同埋個design幾靚!!


(English:  I will definitely share my comments after trying out the items in the box!  I feel that this box is more suitable for people who are after new things all the time or those who love surprises (but these people might not want to buy full size products all the time)!  Honestly, I think the price is a bit steep.  If you are after something that’s absolutely value for money, then I don’t think it would suit you.  But if you want to surprise yourself or your friends, then I think it could be nice because the box itself is very well designed and you could probably use it for something else!!)


(the above product pictures are extracted from http://www.yesstyle.com)




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