[保養] 高度防曬BB Cream

好耐無用過BB Cream,而家又話有CC Cream,我係Gmarket都買咗一隻CC Cream黎試,收到用完再同大家分析下實際上BB Cream同CC Cream有無分別! 我收到呢個BB Cream都好一段時間,當中都用左好多次,而家可以好好分析俾大家聽下:

(English: It’s been a while since I last used a BB Cream and now we are moving onto CC Cream. I did order one CC Cream from Gmarket and I will give it a go and analyze to see if there is a huge difference between BB Cream and CC Cream. I have received this BB Cream for quite a long time and I have used it for many times, so I guess I am entitled to share my comments now:)

Fasio BB Cream SPF50/ PA+++ 

(Color: 02)

價錢(Price):HK$108/ 30g


Before Blending





使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times 

用後感:佢有三隻色可以揀,我呢隻就係02。 我一向都幾鍾意Fasio既產品,因為佢有好多化妝品都好持久,加上佢係Kose副線,所以我對品牌好有信心! 呢隻BB Cream個質感有少少杰身,但係都幾好推! 呢個色對我黎講,上面都係比較白一d,但係佢個finish就好水潤同埋遮瑕力BB Cream黎講都算唔錯(遮到一般既皮膚問題)。 我覺得佢都算薄身,但係唔會覺得好油好焗住皮膚。 但係呢,佢唔係屬於爽身類型,我自己搽完就一定會再補碎粉,等感覺想比較爽身少少。我覺得佢個持久度係BB Cream黎講都係好持久!雖然都下午四五點T字位都係會有油光,但係唔太嚴重要,可以接受。同埋佢一d都唔會變色,啱啱搽個樣同搽咗幾個鐘個樣都係一樣。 讚!! 我覺得最正係佢高防曬,好夠用。 唔洗分開兩枝產品,好方便!! 如果你鍾意用BB Cream,你都可以去睇下你覺得呢個產品啱唔啱你!

(English: Product Review: There are 3 colors to choose from and mine is 02. I am quite a fan for Fasio products because many of their makeup products are very long-lasting, plus it’s under Kose, so I am confident in the brand. The texture of this BB Cream is a bit thick but quite blendable. The color doesn’t suit me that well and it looks white on my skin, however, its finish is dewy and the coverage is nice (for a BB Cream). After blending, it smoothens out quite thinly and it allows skin to breathe. However, I won’t classify this as “light”, I would definitely apply loose powder afterwards, so I won’t feel sticky. I think for a BB Cream, it is long lasting. Though I still have oil secretion on my T zone area at 4/5pm, it’s acceptable. Also, the color stays pretty much the same throughout the day. Thumbs-up on that! And it has a really high SPF and I can just use this product to tune my face color and have the sunscreen protection – very convenient! If you are a BB Cream lover, you can definitely check this out and see if you like it!)



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