[保養] 強效保濕BB精華

之前係video講過我好愛德國Wellmaxx既產品,因為用左好多都覺得效果好好! 今日同大家講下佢其中一隻BB精華,其實佢有好多好多款唔同既BB精華,係針對唔同既皮膚問題,我試咗幾款,之前都分別講過! 我亦都會試埋其他一路再同大家分享! 之前講過既分別有:

(English: I have mentioned in one of my videos that I really loved Wellmaxx’s products because I have tried many and they all offer good results!  Today I want to talk about one of their serums.  Indeed, they have many different serums, targeting different skin issues, I have tried a few and I have also talked about them before!  I will keep trying the others and share my comments with you!  For the ones that I have talked about before, please refer to the following links:)

主要係緊緻抗老既 Wellmaxx Hyaluron + Sea Silk Anti-wrinkle Skin Optimizer Concentrate

主要係收毛孔既 Wellmaxx Concentrates +Ginkgo Biloba Skin Optimizer Concentrate


(English:  Today, something different!  I have been using this a lot and here it goes:)

Wellmaxx Hyaluron + Calcium Skin Optimizer Concentrate

價錢(Price):HK$399/ box (7 ampoules x 2ml each)

Buy from: 黑咪小店/email me at hakmebeauty@hotmail.com


使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感:呢款係屬於保濕鎖水,改善皮膚保水能力既精華! 咁你會問我佢同Loveisderma媽B精華邊隻好d! 唔可以比較,因為兩隻產品唔同,Loveisderma係日常保養幫你保濕,所以日日用。 Wellmaxx呢隻係屬於強效療程,所以唔洗日日用!呢d療程之前都講過,用兩個星期要停兩個星期(用翻你自己既東東),之後想再加強效果就用多兩星期,再停兩星期。 搞掂之後想做maintenance,就買一兩盒隔下隔下咁用! 呢隻Calcium個texture又係好水好好推同好易吸收,初初兩日我用完佢都覺得塊面黏黏地,好似吸唔哂,因為一枝個份量都多(但係一定要係toner之後分兩三次搽哂個一枝佢,之後就咩都唔洗搽喇)。 但係過左兩日,我就感覺到皮膚可以吸哂d精華,一d都唔黏喇! 因為呢期天然唔穩定,所以皮膚有少少鞋同乾,forehand位乾到出左d細細粒! 我用左四日呢個精華,d粒粒無哂! 用左一個星期見到皮膚夠水有彈力。 兩個星期之後我覺得皮膚上妝好好好貼同埋一d都唔覺得乾(就算無特別搽野),同埋皮膚變得好柔軟! 呢d轉季既天氣,皮膚好多時都係適應緊轉變,所以好難搞,我用左佢皮膚又變得好好同埋正常翻! 我會停兩個星期又再繼續用,因為個效果太吸引喇!! 哈哈!! 同埋如果你做完peel既話都可以用呀,我朋友都有係做完peel之後用,皮膚無咁紅同埋快d好~我自己就超愛呢隻Calcium! 我覺得佢唔單只保濕,仲可以改善皮膚自己鎖水既能力,我停用左一個星期都無覺得塊面好乾!! 掂呀!! 如果你想強效保濕,我建議你用一個療程試下~ 正呀!!

(English:  Product Review:  This serum is hydrating, locking moisture and improving skin water retention power!  Then you probably would ask me, “how does this compare to the Loveisderma Hydramax Serum?”  I would say, “can’t compare because they are two different products!”  Loveisderma is more like a daily skincare item, so you have to use it everyday.  For Wellmaxx, it’s more like a program type products, so you don’t need to use it everyday!  I have talked about these kinds of programs before, you have to use them for 14 days, then stop for 14 days (you can use your own skincare products during this period), and then resume them for another 14 days.  After that stop for another 2 weeks and if you want to maintain the results, you can use it to alternate your regular skincare items!  The texture of this Calcium serum is very watery, easy to blend and nice to absorb!  For the first two days, I feel that my skin cannot absorb the serum entirely and it feels a bit sticky on my skin (well there is quite a lot in one bottle, and you have to use it up that night).  After 2 days, then my skin started to absorb it all and it didn’t feel sticky on my skin anymore!  Since these days, the weather is weird.  My skin was rough, and there are tiny bumps on my forehead!  I used this for 4 day and the tiny bumps were gone (yay!!)!!  After using it for 1 week, skin felt a lot more hydrated and bouncy!!!  And after 2 weeks, my skin was so hydrated to a point I found my makeup stuck on really well!!!  Skin became soft as well!!!  I hate weather change because usually skin is adapting to the change and it’s quite hard to calm it down!  I love the fact that I finished the program and found my skin normal again!  I am stopping for 2 weeks and will resume the program again because I love the results so much!  Hahaha~~~  Oh you can use it after some kind of peel treatment too, my friend uses this after her chemical peel and it’s nice because she said her skin wasn’t so red and the serum helped her skin to recover better!   I really like this Calcium serum!  Not only it hydrates skin, it also helps skin to improve the locking moisture power!!  I have now stopped for a week, but I don’t feel my skin is dead dry!!!  Wonderful!!!  If you want to improve your skin hydration, I highly recommend this program for you!!)

使用小tips: 因為Calcium係保濕,所以如果你話你又想保濕又想抗老,你可以係兩個星期既療程裡面,一晚用Calcium,一晚用Sea Silk。 又或者你想收毛孔又想保濕,你亦都可以係兩個星期既療程入面,一晚用Calcium,一晚用Ginkgo! 保濕保得好,皮膚問題自然少d啦~

(English:  Usage Tips: Since Calcium is mainly for hydrating skin, if you want to do two things at one time, like anti-aging and hydrating, you can use alternate between Calcium and Sea Silk during the two weeks’ program.  Or if you want to minimize your pores and hydrate your skin at the same time, you can alternate between Calcium and Ginkgo during the two weeks’ program!  If skin is hydrated, there is less problem as always~~~)


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