[保養] 英國Base Forumula品牌新品Sleeping Mask

好耐無講過Base Formula既產品,如果你早早有follow開我,你都知道我係好愛佢既面膜啦! 今次見佢出左Sleeping Mask,覺得好好奇,因為外國品牌唔多Sleeping Mask,同埋市面上好多Sleeping Mask我都覺得好痴,所以我想睇下Base Formula呢隻個texture點樣。

(English:  It’s been a really long time since I last talked about Base Formula products.  If you have been following me for awhile, you would have known that I love their masks!  I have to say, I am really curious about their sleeping masks, because western brands seldom make them, plus I find those available in the market leave a ridiculously stickiness on face after use, so I am wondering what these would be like, texture-wise.)


Base Formula Overnight Masks

佢地既Overnight Masks有4款(按此),我對呢兩款比較有興趣多d。

(English:  They have 4 types of Overnight Masks (link), I am more interested in these two.)

Base Formula Revitalizing Overnight Mask

價錢(Price):HK$194/ 85ml

Available Online: Link



用後感: 質感非常討好!! 佢似蘆薈gel既質地,推開好薄好輕身。 基本上呢個係懶人保養,我用佢個陣係乜鬼都唔用,淨係搽佢就去瞓。 當然啦,我唔會日日咁做,只係好攰既時候唔想搞咁多野我先會咁做。 我無太厚敷,我用既份量係我平時用cream既一倍。 佢吸咗之後我覺得面上有少少痴,但係唔係笠到好唔舒服。 瞓完第二朝洗面個陣佢都仲係到,我覺得佢都last到一晚。 呢隻Revitalizing係保濕同水油平衡咁,我覺得以佢價錢咁親民黎講,保濕效果唔錯。 如果懶懶地既日子又夠方便!

(English:  Product Review:  I love the texture!  It’s like the aloe vera texture, when it’s spread, it’s thin and light.  I love this especially on my lazy days because when I use this, I don’t use anything else.  I just apply this and then go to bed.  Of course, I won’t do this everyday, I only do this when I am super tired and can’t be bother with applying over 5 skincare products on my face.  When I use this, I don’t do too thick of a layer, I only use a double amount compared to using my face cream.  After absorption, there is a light sticky feeling on skin but it’s not crazily heavy.  When I wake up the next day, it’s still on my skin, so its longevity is good.  This Revitalizing one is for hydrating and balancing moisture and oil in skin.  I find the hydrating results quite nice and the price tag is really friendly, it’s a great item to use when I feel lazy!!)

Base Formula Rejuvenating Overnight Mask


價錢(Price):HK$194/ 85ml

Available Online: Link


用後感: 質感同上面既一樣,係功效唔同。 呢隻話firming同埋令皮膚滑d。  佢有rose精油係入面,所以都會有修復效果。 我覺得呢隻都好用呀,我唔係好見到firming效果,但係如果話皮膚滑d同埋保濕呢,我覺得佢都做到! 唔錯呀!!  有時我成日係屋企既話,我都會用佢地厚敷15分鐘,之後用紙巾抹咗多餘既,之後咩都唔搽當日頭保下濕,去到夜晚先再搽自己既skincare,我覺得呢個方法都唔錯,簡簡單單既宅女保養。

(English:  Product Review:  The texture is exactly the same as the above’s, it’s just the function is a bit different.  This one is said to firm and smooth skin.  It contains rose essential oil, therefore, it would have the rejuvenating property.  I like this one too though I don’t see the firming result (yet), but it does smooth and hydrate my skin!  Nice!!  Sometimes, when I stay at home all day, I would use a thick layer of this as a mask for 15 mins, then wipe off the excess with a tissue.  After that I would leave my skin like that till night time (when I apply my own night time routine product).  I sort of treat this as a mask + rest-day moisturizing face cream.  I quite like this method too, perfect for a stay-home day.)

有一樣野我要提一提大家,佢既產品入面有精油,所以係有香味,香味係一打開就聞到(搽左上面就唔係好覺)。 我就習慣左佢既產品係有強強地既香味,所以我接受到。 但係如果你好介意香味既話,你自己要留意呢點。

(English:  One thing I need to point out:  since their products contain essential oil, so they do carry different scents.  You can definitely smell the scents once you open the bottle (not that noticeable after you apply it on face).  I am used to their scents, so I am OK with them.  However, if you do mind your skincare products carrying scents, then you need to make a metal note of this when you are considering to purchase or not.)

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