[保養] Base Formula 既不同Hydrolats

之前見有好多女仔都問我Base Formula入面邊一隻Hydrolats好d,不如今日我整合一個post簡單講下。 咁大家可以就翻自己d皮膚去選擇最啱你既Hydrolats啦~

(English: Quite a few people asked me before regarding what’s the difference between the Hydrolats within Base Formula range, well, let me briefly let you know today so that you could make the right choice for your skin~~)


(English: Hydrolats, also known as hydrosols, are waters that are collected when plant materials are steam-distilled to extract their essential oils. They have similar therapeutic properties to the essential oils and they can be used for a wide variety of therapeutic applications.)

Base Formula Hydrolats

Rose Otto: HK$140/ 200ml & HK$200/ 500ml
Others: HK$120/ 200ml & HK$180/ 500ml

Buy from: www.baseformula.hk

由而家到April 21st又有優惠喇! 買Hydrolats 8折!!大家有興趣就click上面條link過去望下~

(English:  From now till April 21st, there is 20% off Hydrolats on the BF website!  Go check out!)

Orange Flower (Neroli)

橙花可以舒緩皮膚,保持皮膚青春! 佢有修復同抗老既功效,如果係乾性,成熟同埋混合性皮膚都可以用。另外佢對油性暗瘡皮膚都有好好既效果! 記唔記得我之前話無啦啦塊面好多油同埋出粒粒,我敷咗佢既橙花gel同用呢個toner幾日後就無事喇!

(English: Orange Flower (Neroli) Hydrolat is a very popular for skincare as it helps to calm and settle the skin, resulting in a clearer, more youthful complexion. Its healing, anti-ageing and regenerative properties are beneficial for all skin types including, dry, mature and combination skin. It is also a gentle astringent that can be beneficial for oily and acne prone skin.  Remember my experience before?  My face was really oily and there were some strange bumps, I used the Neroli gel together with this Neroli Hydrolat, after a few days, skin went back to the normal state!!)

Rose Otto

玫瑰玫瑰! 佢有保濕,舒緩同埋修復功效,好適合乾性,敏感性,授損同成熟皮膚。 我自己就多用呢個,因為覺得隻味香得黎仲好保濕! 呢個Hydrolat同Rose Gel我都回購咗幾次lu!

(English: Rose Otto Hydrolat has a toning, nourishing, hydrating, soothing and regenerative effect on the skin. It suits all skin types but is especially good for dry, sensitive, damaged, irritated or mature skin. It can also be used to soothe and calm allergic skin conditions.  I personally use this one a lot more because I love the scent and I find it very hydrating!  I had repurchased this Hydrolat and Rose Gel for quite a few times already!!)

Lavender Hydrolat

薰衣草係羅馬時期就已經被人使用係美容上面! 尤其啱受損同比較脆弱既皮膚。 佢有清涼效果,係夏天用好舒服同埋如果你比野咬,你都可以用佢去止痕同舒緩一下~

(English: Lavender has been used since Roman times for bath, body and skincare and is suitable for all skin types particularly damaged and fragile skin as it has powerful regenerative and healing properties. It makes a lovely cooling, revitalising face or body spray for the summer months, and can be helpful for soothing sunburn, heat rash, insect bites and other skin irritations.)

Chamomile Hydrolat

洋甘菊好溫和,有消炎效果,佢可以舒緩乾皮膚,甩皮,敏感,濕疹,油性同埋暗瘡。 如果乾性皮膚就要用長少少時間就會見到效果。

(English: Chamomile Hydrolat has gentle, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and astringent properties which can help soothe dry, flaky, itchy skin, rashes, eczema, oily skin and acne. As a mild astringent it makes an excellent skin toner but please note that it should not be used for prolonged periods on very dry skin.)

另外仲可以用佢黎敷眼去舒緩tired eye。 用法都好簡單,就係用cotton pad浸咗d Hydrolat,之後膚上眼十分鐘!

(English: It can be used to soothe tired, sore eyes by soaking cotton wool pads in the hydrolat and placing them on the eyes for 10 minutes.)

Witch Hazel Hydrolat

見到呢個字應該唔會陌生!有好多toner都有呢個成份。佢最特別既一個地方係佢可以天然地幫助收細毛孔而唔會另到皮膚乾既!所以油性或者暗瘡性皮膚都啱。 另外佢仲可以幫手減下油添!!

(English: It is particularly popular for use in skincare due to its strong antioxidant and gentle astringent action. It is an ideal ingredient for cleansing and toning, as it helps to soothe and normalize the skin, encourages a clearer complexion and restores optimum skin condition. It is particularly good for oily or acne prone skin as it helps to tighten the pores and reduce excess oil without leaving the skin feeling dry.)

講咗咁耐! 希望大家對Hydrolats既認識又多咗!

(English:  Well hopefully this piece helps you to understand more on Hydrolats!!)


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