[化妝] Banila Co. Wonder Punky胭脂試色圖

唔經唔覺到四月,我之前出左韓國必買第一集(link),係時候要做第二集喇(我知有好多朋友都好心急丫)。 嗱,我叫個video做韓國必買,但係我每樣產品都同大家分析好處唔好處,因為個個人鍾意既野唔同,可能我唔鍾意產品既地方就係正正你鍾意既地方,所以我希望大家睇完review係自己整自己既必買產品list,我唔想好盲目地話好好好你買買買啦,呢個就係我既出發點,第二集都會係一樣! 好喇,而家show下俾大家睇呢個胭脂,出下個色俾大家望下,至於對佢既comment就今個月會出video同大家分享!

(English:  Oh yea we are in April, I have released a video call Korea Must Buy Vol. 1 (link) a while back and I guess it’s really time to create the Vol. 2 for that (as I know many of you have been waiting anxiously).  OK, I called that video Korea Must Buy, but I did point out the good, bad and indifferent in the video because everyone likes different things, the things that I don’t like about a product might be the things that you like, so I really hope you could create your own must buy list after watching the reviews.  It would be too easy for me to say “this and that is so good, you need to get that”, but I don’t like that approach and I don’t think it’s right, so I would rather you come to your own judgement based on the reference I give you.  The approach would be the same for Vol. 2.  Alright, time for a new product, today I am going to show you this blush and the swatch, again I will save my comments till Vol. 2 which will be born sometime this month (I promise)!)

Banila Co. Wonder Punky Blusher
Color: 04 Preppie Coral

Packaging同Benefit係咪差唔多? 哈哈。。。我自己麻麻地Benefit既胭脂(太唔出色),見佢個樣差唔多就買咗,睇下佢既好唔好用啦! 佢有幾個顏色揀,我揀咗呢隻比較襯我膚色~~

(English:  The packaging looks very similar to Benefit’s right?  *Laughs*  I personally don’t like Benefit’s blushes at all (find them super NOT pigmented).  When I saw this, I was like, “let’s see how this one goes!”  There are a few colors to choose from and I picked this because it suits my skin color better~~)



顏色係無打抵畫兩下出黎既效果。 上面靚唔靚同持唔持久呢就要等我係video報告喇(唔好打我)~~

(English:  The swatches are resulted from no primer and with 2 strokes.  Well does it look pretty on face and is it really long-lasting?  I will report all of those in Vol. 2 *grins*~~

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