[保養] 超好用落妝產品 ♥ Banila Co. Clean It Zero

呢個產品我之前都係我既video裡面講過,但係因為個video入面有好多野要講,所以我講呢個產品既時候無好詳細咁同大家分析! 不如今日係度講下呢個產品丫!! 我真係覺得爆好用!!  佢係其中一隻產品令我唔覺得Bioderma係我既最愛(我仲有幾枝係屋企丫)!! 哈哈!!

(English:  This product has made an appearance in one of my videos.  Since I usually talk about so many products in 1 video, I hadn’t gone in depth reviewing this item.  I feel that this product is so amazing that it deserves a bit more mention so I am going to talk about this today!!  This is one of the products which diminishes my love for Bioderma (I still have a few bottles at home)!!  *Laughs*)

Banila Co. Clean It Zero

價錢(Price):HK$150/ 100ml

Buy from: HERE

Product Information:

*在2011 Allure 雜誌獲冠軍編緝之選

(English:  *It receives Allure Editor’s Pick Award

*It contains Papaya extract, gently and thoroughly removes makeup

*Skin feels hydrated after use

*Has rose scent)



使用次數(No. of Usage):3 weeks

用後感:佢係balm狀,要用既時候了佢出黎按落乾面上。 我覺得佢個texture雖然係balm狀,但係真係超級容易推得開同埋好好按。 佢話佢有rose香味,我就覺得隻咩似strawberry多少少,按個陣又香又舒服。 唔好見佢係balm覺得會好笠呀,因為佢推開之後係好薄同埋一d都覺得厚身同笠!! 按完一陣就可以過水喇!! 佢既乳化能力好高,過完水之後皮膚覺得好滑,唔乾之餘仲覺得幾保濕!! 我覺得佢清潔能力真係好強,落面部既化妝品完全無問題!! 落眼我就通常會用專落眼妝既產品,但係我都會用Banila Co.再落多次,咩眼妝殘蹟都落得清!!! 好掂!!!  我就黎用完一樽,我亦都諗住再回購。 我真係覺得佢超級好用同埋我覺得就算你係咩皮膚,佢都啱你用!! 無敵呀!! 好愛呀!!! 你未試過真係要試下,應該都係一用愛上!!

(English:  Product Review:  This product is of a balm form and when you use it, just take out a bit and massage on dry face.  Though it’s very balmy, it’s really easy to blend!  It’s said to have rose scent, but somehow I feel that’s more of a strawberry scent!!  It surely does make me feel nice and relax.  Don’t be mistaken that it’s a balm format and it’s going to be very thick and heavy, it’s not the case at all because after you blend it out, it feels really thin and light!!!  After massaging it a bit on your face, you can rinse it.  When it touches water, it instantly turns into a milky state and it’s very easy to remove.  Afterwards, I feel skin is very smooth and hydrated.  I love its cleansing power as well.  It removes the face makeup very well.  For the eyes, I usually use a eye makeup remover, but I still use Banila Co. to run them through again.  It does help to remove any eye makeup “leftover”!!!  Brilliant!!!  I am about to finish this jar and I will definitely repurchase again!!  I think it works beautifully and it should suit all the different skin types!!!  Very nice!!!  I love it!!!  If you haven’t tried it yet, I encourage you to give it a go and you might fall in love as well!!)



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