Bali Outfit

通常想像既野同現實都係有距離! 我本身諗住去Bali靚景應該可以影到好多套衫俾大家睇,但係我真係好熱呀!! 熱到咩都無心機! 我都話我係冬天人來架啦! 好彩都有兩套影到,所以簡單同大家分享一下! 分享完就可以轉季喇~~ 呵呵~~

(English:  Usually there is a gap between imagination and reality and it’s so true!  I thought Bali has such a picturesque scenery, I would be very motivated to do outfit photos, however, it was so HOT, so HOT to the point that I just lost interest in absolutely anything!  Yep, I am such a Autumn/ Winter person!  Anyway, lucky that I still managed to shoot two outfits, let me go through them with you and then we can all head for the fabulous and wonderful Autumn and Winter *grins*~~)

Photos by MJPhotographyHK


Outer Wear: ASOS Navy Floral Print Kimono [Out of Stock]
Top: Topshop Tee

Jeans: Zara
Shoes: Hermes Oran in Gold
Sunglasses: Dior
Bag: Celine Nano Luggage
Bracelet: Monica Vinader +Tiffany
Watch: Apple Watch



我覺得呢套唔錯,件Kimono好舒服又唔熱。 整體感覺都夏日但係帶少少formal,同埋我呢期離奇地迷上navy colour,所以我好鍾意件Kimono同件tee既配搭!

(English:  I quite like this outfit because the kimono is really comfortable and lightweight.  I love the overall summer vibe but still has a touch of formality.  Plus, I am strangely obsessed with navy at the moment, so I really like the kimono and navy tee together.)


Top: Oasis Cold Shoulder Stripe Top from ASOS [Out Of Stock]
Jeans: Zara
Shoes: Superga 2750 Velcro® Sneakers [link]
Sunglasses: Dior
Bag: Celine Nano Luggage
Bracelet: Monica Vinader +Tiffany
Watch: Apple Watch




我個人真係太實在! 我鍾意影我真係會著既衫俾大家睇,唔係影完要返去換衫個種(自己都唔著或者唔舒服,我真係唔知影黎或者介紹黎做乜)。 所以呢,呢套真係無咩特別,只係我有一日要係d廟度行黎行去既outfit。 件cold shoulder top真係好舒服,我應該會留到下年再著,因為真係唔熱呀!哈哈~~

(English:  I am such a practical person!  I love to shoot what I really wear, I don’t want to do a fashion post just for the sake of doing a fashion post (if I don’t wear them or they don’t feel comfortable, I don’t know what’s the point of shooting them or even showing them to you).  So, this outfit is nothing special, it’s just a very practical outfit that I wore when I was wandering around in some temples.  I have to say I love the cold shoulder top and I probably will save it for next Summer as well, because it is very comfortable and lightweight! *Laughs*~~~)

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