[化妝] 平價Baked胭脂

有好多人都問我有無平價單色胭脂推介,大家都希望上面係自然既感覺。 有呀,我之前一直好忙唔記得同大家講(哈哈)。 其實Makeup Revolution呢款胭脂好適合大家自然既妝感,佢俾我既感覺係似Chanel既finish(當然無Chanel既香味啦)。 一齊望下丫:

(English:  Many of you have asked if I have any affordable single blush option, many of you have ask for a sheer and natural finish on the cheek areas.  Yes, I do, it’s just that I was too busy to a point that I forgot to do a blog post *laughs*.  Actually Makeup Revolution has this series of blushes which are perfect for any natural looks.  Their finish do remind me a lot of Chanel (of course minus Chanel’s signature blush scent).  Let’s take a closer look:)


Makeup Revolution Vivid Baked Blushes
HK$45/ 6g (link)

Available at Hakme Beauty – Mong Kok




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佢地係焗既胭脂,所以望出黎係好似雲石咁,一盒有唔同深淺色。 用既時候用掃mix哂d顏色就可以掃上面。 佢既粉質滑同上色。 但係出色度唔係癲狂個種, 反而真係好自然既finish,同Chanel個感覺好似,都係可以build up! 如果你只係想cheek位有少少血色,但係唔想個顏色過份地鮮色,呢款胭脂好啱你。 同埋佢有少少閃地,所以出黎效過有光澤感既胭脂色,如果你唔太玩highlight,又想個cheek位有自然既glow,呢個又係一粒搞掂哂。 基本上搽左上面你唔會見到一粒粒閃粉,只不過係有健康既光澤感,所以我覺得呢款日般日子用好正,唔怕紅過頭又唔怕太閃丫!!  仲要價錢大家都知係親民價啦~~~ 哈哈~~~冇咩理由唔推。 如果大家想揾平價版Chanel胭脂finish,可以玩下呢粒~

(English:  These are baked blushes so they remind me of marble when I look at them in the pan.  When use, just mix all colors with your brush and blush away.  The powder is finely milled and pigmented but the pigmentation is not crazy, it’s quite on the other hand, a sheer and natural finish (quite similar to Chanel) and you can definitely build up the color if you want to.  If you just want a hint of color on the cheeks and you don’t want anything too dramatic, these are perfect for you.  They do have a shimmery base, so when use on skin, it gives a very natural glow.  Well, if you are not into highlighting but you somehow want that radiance on your cheek bone area, this will do the trick as well.  Basically you won’t see each individual shimmer on your face, but you will end up having a very nice natural radiance on skin!  I like this for a normal everyday look because I won’t mess up and it won’t look too ridiculous.  Also do I need to stress how friendly the prices are again?  *Laughs*  I have no reason not to recommend these.  So if you are looking for some affordable choices which will give you a similar finish to a Chanel blush, this is it~~)

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