[美髮] Avalon Organics洗髮護髮產品

早前因為減價既關係,我敗咗Avalon Organics既洗髮水護髮素回家一試! 我其實係想敗Ylang Ylang既味道,但係因為無做減價,所以我敗左Lavender! 哈哈!我都係欠打,我用完護髮素(我用護髮素既用量好驚人)先出文!!不過,咁即係話我好乖,用野用好耐,用清用楚先出文呀(係係係。。。)。好先望下兩件產品:

(English:  I got the following Avalon Organics shampoo and conditioner due to a sale at Watsons.  I wanted to get Ylang Ylang at first, however they weren’t on sale, so I had to get Lavender instead!! *Laughs*  OMG – I almost used up the conditioner (I used it quite generously) and only until now I do my review.  Hmmmm in other words, that means I really take my time to test out different products (yea yea yea…).  Right, let’s take a look at the following products:)

Avalon Organics Nourishing Lavender
Shampoo & Conditioner


Product Information:

Shampoo: “Gentle plant-derived cleansers enriched with nurturing Wheat Protein, Babassu Oil, Vitamin E, Aloe and Lavender carefully nourish each hair strand for smooth, healthy-looking results.”

Conditioner: “Rich plant emollients plus nourishing Wheat Protein, Jojoba Oil, Vitamin E, Guar and Lavender condition and nourish each hair strand for smooth, healthy-looking results.”

使用次數(No. of Usage):1.5 months

用後感:先講下,其實因為我d頭髮好有性格既關係(又乾又冇生氣),所以好難有咩洗髮護髮產品令我好滿意! 簡單黎講,洗頭水唔太多泡泡,但係就洗得乾淨!而護髮素個質感都保濕得黎唔會笠住個頭! 呢對產品我係轉季前用到而家轉緊季,我覺得如果你頭髮都係好乾既話,春夏用感覺好少少,夠保濕!但係而家咁乾我就覺得個護髮素既滋潤度好唔夠呀! 我用佢真係d頭髮會叉開呀!! 我要用d更加潤既護髮產品先hold得住唔變癲婆!!講真,佢氣味係清新,同埋佢雖然唔係全organic,價錢都可以接受!不過,如果你頭髮比較中性既話,乾天氣用都應該可以;但係如果你同我d頭髮一樣咁乾,我就建議春夏(潮濕d)先用,秋冬要用另一d比較潤既品牌!

(English:  Product Review:  First, I can’t stress enough that my hair does have a lot of character (very dry and not lively), therefore, it’s really hard for me to find a set satisfying shampoo and conditioner!  In simple terms, the shampoo doesn’t generous a lot of foam but it cleanses really well.  For the conditioner, it’s hydrating and it doesn’t leave a greasy feeling.  I have been using this prior to the season change and now we are actually experiencing the season change.  If your hair is as dry as mine, I feel that this set of products is more suitable for Spring and Summer time; however, right now, since the weather is a lot drier, I don’t think the conditioner is moisturizing enough!  My hair is literally turned into “dried grass” right now using this conditioner.  I have to switch to some other more moisturizing conditioner to avoid having crazy hair!  Honestly, it smells really fresh and even though it’s not fully organic, the price is acceptable.  If your hair is not too dry (sort of in the middle), then you probably would be able to use this during drier weather as well.  However, if your hair is like mine, then I would recommend using this set in the Spring and Summer time, but switch to something more moisturizing in the Autumn and Winter time!!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://avalonorganics.com)

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