Autumn Smart Causal Outfit Ft. High Neck Top + Gucci Brixton Loafer

之前天然涼涼地,可以襯靚少少出街,所以我就成日著以下版本既outfit。 正因為我好鍾意呢套outfit,所以尋日趁好天叫Mr Honey出去幫我影呢套衫。 點知尋日真係好熱,熱到我同Mr Honey真係底橫都濕埋。 哈哈,但係都開心,因為影到比大家睇,其實呢套濕度無咁高,涼兩度乾爽d就著到,所以我先咁心急快d影。 我覺得件衫係best buy呀,如果鍾意可以快快入手!

(English:  It was a wee bit cooler before and I could wear something nicer to go out, I kept wearing the following outfit and I literally loved it.  Yesterday was such a sunny day, so I asked Mr Honey to help shoot this outfit for you.  OMG, it was so hot though, so hot to the point that both of us were actually sweating heavily, it was so uncomfortable.  Well no pain no gain, I am happy that our mission was completed.  Indeed this outfit is perfect for early Autumn, this could be worn when it’s a bit cooler and the humidity is not so high.  I was so desperate to shoot this outfit is because the high neck top is a best buy, if you like it, act quickly!)

Photography by MJPhotographyHK


Top: J.D.Y High Neck Woven Top (link)
Jeans: Zara Leigh Jeans
Bag: Celine Box Bag (previous video)
Shoes: Gucci Brixton Loafer (link)
Glasses: Tom Ford
Bracelet: Hermes Collier de Chien (link)
Watch: Apple Watch




Sunglasses: Tom Ford (link)



件top係我ASOS Haul出現過,我覺得真係好得! 佢quality算唔錯同埋個樣真係好smart,返工去街都得! 我超愛件top,仲要我一著個下連Mr Honey都話好睇,哈哈,即刻抵哂!

(English:  The top made its first appearance in my ASOS Haul video.  I really love this.  The quality is nice and the look is really smart, perfect for work or causal wear.  The look of it worths every penny.  Even Mr Honey praised it the first time I wore it – yea it made my purchase even more worthwhile *laughs*!)



呢對Gucci Brixton Loafer真係不得了! 我覺得佢超級舒服,一d都無刮一d都無夾! 我覺得佢中性得黎好易襯,而且smart得黎亦好好行。 如果你考慮緊,我覺得可以入手!

(English:  This pair of Gucci Brixton Loafer is another best buy!  They are super comfortable, they don’t scratch nor squeeze your feet!  I love that they are quite unisex and go with absolutely everything.  They look smart and they are practical to walk in.  If you are hesitating, I would highly recommend you get them!)


(English:  Though it’s way too hot for the following blazer right now, I want to show you how well the above outfit goes with something else.  If it gets cooler, you can simply throw a blazer on top and it gives you a different look!)


Jacket: Zara Roll-Up Sleeve Jacket (link)




雖然我為咗影呢d想雖然熱到癲咗,但係兩套衫我都超滿意,因為好我。 我秋冬多數一係玩formal一係玩Rock N Roll,所以其實我真係好期待快d涼呀!!快d涼快d涼啦~~~

(English:  Though I was absolutely hot when I was shooting these, I must say that I am really happy with both outfits because they represent me really well.  In Autumn and Winter, I usually either go for formal or rock n roll look, so I really look forward to the cooler weather!!  Oh please, please get cooler soon~~~)

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