[穿搭] 新入手秋裝 + 有型穿搭術 (Autumn Fashion Lookbook)

邊個話衫一定要貴先好睇? 邊個話一定要瘦到無肉先有型? 邊個話香港女仔著衫好是但? 哈哈!! 我今日要反對哂呢d觀點!! 

(English:  Who says clothes have to be expensive?  Who says you have to be totally slim to look cool?  Who says HK girls don’t dress up?  I am determined to object to all of the above today!)

我真係超爆鍾意秋冬天, 因為著衫可以多好多變化! 你地換咗季未呀(仲係好熱!!)? 雖然就算買咗都未著得住, 但係我就已經敗咗幾件秋裝, 一涼我就即刻著(唔該快d!!)!   趁今日得閒, 我就捉住Mr Honey叫佢幫我影相, 等我可以同你地分享我既秋季型look!

(English:  I personally love Autumn and Winter because I can layer clothes and usually the Autumn/ Winter fashion is much better!!  Have you got your Autumn fashion items yet (I know, still very hot!)?  Even though I can’t wear the autumn fashion pieces right now, I got a few and I am desperately waiting for the weather to be cooler (hopefully soon!!).  I have sometime today and so I asked Mr Honey to be the photographer, so you can experience my Autumn lookbook!)

Autumn Lookbook #1

呢個造型簡簡單單, 去返工低調得嚟又有d野睇下! 去shopping就更加無問題丫!

(English:  This look is really simple and low-key!!  Perfect for work and a day out shopping!!)

雪紡既部份可以拆落黎, 咁就有兩個著法。 但係我覺得有埋雪紡個部份先係平凡中既不平凡!

(English:  The chiffon part can be taken off, so you can pull 2 styles out of the sweater!  I love this with the chiffon though, I think it’s rather special!)

Sweater: RMB165 (@ Taobao)

Inner Top: HK$49 (@ Some cheap store)

Leggings: HK$99 (@ Some cheap store)

Ankle Boots: HK$399 (@ H&M)

Earrings: HK$41.9 (@ Forever 21)

Bracelet: Got it in Japan

Autumn Lookbook #2


(English:  Say love to leopard!!!)

呢個look就真係超causal, 出去同班friend行下玩下個陣就最啱!!

(English:  This look is really causal!  Perfect for a day/ night out with friends!!)

Leopard Top: HK$129 (@ H&M)

Inner Top: HK$49 (@ Some cheap store)

Leggings: HK$99 (@ Some cheap store)

Ankle Boots: HK$399 (@ H&M)

Sunglasses: RMB20 (@ Taobao)

Earrings: HK$56.9 (@ Forever 21)

Bracelet: HK$299 (@ Daily Dolly)

Autumn Lookbook #3

如果再涼d! 豹妹look再加件毛毛背心又變咗另一個look, 感覺上貴氣少少!!

(English:  If it’s cooler, add a fluffy piece of vest!!!  Now feel the glam?)

Leopard Top: HK$129 (@ H&M)

Inner Top: HK$49 (@ Some cheap store)

Vest Top: HK$499 (@ Some boutique in CWB)

Leggings: HK$99 (@ Some cheap store)

Ankle Boots: HK$399 (@ H&M)

Sunglasses: RMB20 (@ Taobao)

Earrings: HK$56.9 (@ Forever 21)

Bracelet: HK$299 (@ Daily Dolly)

Autumn Lookbook #4

唔好講笑!! 呢個就係秋冬既我! 真係型過夏天既我好多!! 呢個look我超愛呀!!

(English:  OMG!!!!  This is the best illustration of me in the Autumn and Winter!  I am perfectly in love with this look!)

因為秋天係涼唔係冬, 所以可以熱褲加我最愛既絲襪!! 唔洗露好多, 但係就好型!! 我覺得有pattern既絲襪真係配搭好物!!

(English:  Since the weather in Autumn is cool not cold, it’s perfect to wear shorts with tights!  Still cover the legs but it shows STYLE!!  I love tights with pattern and I find them to be a good “accessory”!!)

我係Zara見完件外套真係一見難忘, 所以即買! 鍾意佢個sleeves係3/4同埋佢有studs!!

(English:  I saw this jacket in Zara and I couldn’t forget it, so I had to get it!!  I love the sleeves being 3/4 and there are studs on the jacket!! Brilliant!!)

Inner Top: HK$49 (@ Some cheap store)

Jacket: HK$699 (@ Zara)

Shorts: Got it in the UK

Tights: around HK$180 (@ Vivienne Westwood, Japan)

Ankle Boots: HK$399 (@ H&M)

Sunglasses: RMB20 (@ Taobao)

Earrings: HK$19.9 (@ H&M)

Bracelet: HK$399 (Some boutique in CWB)

Autumn Lookbook #5

我真係超鍾意皮褸造型(唔係件件都係真皮啦!)! 近來入手一件淺色假皮褸, 淺色比較易dirty, 所以我都係買假野算喇!

(English:  I love leather jacket look (but not everyone of mine is real leather jacket)!!  I got this very recently and it’s of a light beige color!  Light colored jacket is of high maintenance, so I just picked something cheap instead!)

其實好多野都同上面既一樣, 只係換咗件褸, 絲襪同埋d飾物!! 咁就變咗look, 唔錯!! 都係mix and match好玩!

(English:  Many of the things on my body are same as the last look!  I changed the jacket, the tights and the accessories and I got another look!  I love mixing and matching!!!)

Inner Top: HK$49 (@ Some cheap store)

Jacket: HK$299 (@ Forever 21)

Shorts: Got it in the UK

Tights: HK$398 (@ Vivienne Westwood, HK)

Ankle Boots: HK$399 (@ H&M)
Earrings: Chanel
Ring: Chanel

Autumn Lookbook #6

Mr Honey話佢最like呢個look, 但係我又唔覺得好特別! 我自己襯既我當然鍾意呢個look啦! 但係我覺得我襯上黎個concept同上面個d差唔幾!! 男人有時都好難明白! 哈哈!!

(English:  Mr Honey said that he liked this the best!  I don’t really feel this to be too special!!  I created this look and of course I love it.  But I just feel that the concept is not that different from my previous look, not sure why he liked it so much!  Sometimes men are hard to understand!! *Laughs*)

講真, 我係超鍾意件褸! 好正!! 係淘寶淘架! 不過我頭先再睇, 想post條link, 但係已經無得賣喇!!

(English:  Honestly, I love the jacket!!!  Brilliant and it’s from Taobao!!  I tried to find the link just now but the store isn’t selling it anymore!!!)

前面睇無咩驚喜, 睇下後面丫!

(English:  Nothing special in the front, what about at the back?)

係雪紡既布料!! 鍾意佢後面好型!!

(English:  Yay!!! Chiffon again!!!  Isn’t this cool?)

呢對絲襪我真係超愛! 係英國品牌House of Holland既出品,但係我就係日本見到, 所以即買!! 如果有興趣可以上網search, 我見有d wesbite會ship international呀!

(English:  Ohhh lala, I love this pair of tights!  The brand is House of Holland and it’s a UK brand but I saw this in Japan, so I got it straight away!  You could take a look online if you are interested, I know some websites would do international shipping!!)

Inner Top: HK$49 (@ Some cheap store)

Jacket: RMB119 (@ Taobao)

Shorts: HK$199 (@ Forever 21)

Tights: Got it in Japan (Brand: House of Holland)

Ankle Boots: HK$399 (@ H&M)
Sunglasses: RMB20 (@ Taobao)
Earrings: HK$56.9 (@ Forever 21)

好喇!! 搞到個屋企亂七八糟之後, 我都熱都癲咗(真係未著得秋裝丫!! 嗚嗚!!)!! 你睇下我癲咗之後面部肌肉不受控制呀!!

(English:  Right!!!  My house was a messy (with clothes, tights and such) and I was so hot shooting these photos (right too hot for Autumn fashions still *cries* T.T).  Take a look at me with crazy faces….)

好啦!! 好少有時間整穿搭, 但係真係好好好好玩!!希望你地都睇得開心啦!! 希望快d涼, 大家都著靚靚!! Bye~~

(English:  Right!!  I usually don’t have much time to shoot fashion/ lookbook, but it’s really really really fun!!  Hope you have fun reading this and hope the weather is going to cool down soon, so everyone can dress smart and nice!!! Bye~~~)

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