Autumn Causal Outfit Ft. Bomber Jacket + Celine Box Bag

好喇好喇,我好開心因為我終於研究到點樣以後係YouTube做到try on haul,咁大家就唔洗等fashion post等咁耐,因為次次等到我得閒去影相,d衫都會賣哂! 以後大家起碼可以係video度見到著上身個效果先喇! 哈哈~~ 回歸正題,今日同大家分享下我既秋季causal look~~ Yay!! 入秋喇!!

(English:  What a piece of good news, I finally managed to find a way to shoot try on haul on YouTube going forward, which means you don’t need to wait for a fashion post to see how the clothes would look like on.  Most of the time, things would be sold out by the time I feature them, so in future, you at least will be able to see how the clothes look like on!  *Laughs*  Back to today’s topic – let me show you my Autumn casual look!!  Yay, I’m really happy that we are stepping into fall as well!!)

Photography by MJPhotographyHK


Bomber: Only Stripe Bomber Jacket (link)
Top: Topshop Tee
Jeans: Zara
Bag: Celine Box Bag (previous video)
Shoes: Gucci Web Sneaker with Studs (link)
Sunglasses: Gentle Monster (link)
Necklace: Tiffany Elsa Peretti (link)
Watch: Apple Watch



Bomber既風潮真係好勁,上季玩到今季都仲好有型! 好多品牌都有唔同物料,顏色同埋圖案。 我平日著既話就鍾意清清地,同埋呢款唔厚身,所以好啱平日causal!

(English:  Bomber continues its wave this season and there are more colours, materials and pattern from different brands to choose from.  For a normal day, I like something less of a statement and not with heavy fabric, so this stripy one is actually perfect for my kind of causal day!)







見我著住呢對Gucci 9千9萬次就知我有幾愛佢,我以前唔覺得我要有對statement sneakers,不過買咗佢之後我就改觀,因為我著既衫都係比較basic為主,所以有呢對sneaker配襯下,個look係差好遠,而佢又搭咩都有型,所以我真係無買錯!

(English:  I am sure you all get sick of seeing this pair of Gucci sneakers on my social media platform.  I didn’t think I would need a pair of statement sneakers before, but after I got this, I had a change of mind!  My outfit is usually very plain and simple, so thanks to this pair of sneakers to jerk up the vibe!  I find them so versatile and basically go with everything that I own, so a massive love for them!)





哈哈哈~~我呢期見有request叫我做Celine Box Bag review,好好好,我希望我下個月可以做到。 我呢兩個月都經常用佢,所以我應該可以同大家分享一下~~

(English: *Laughs*~~~ I saw quite a few requests asking me to review the Celine Box Bag, good good good, I should be on it sometime next month!  I have been using it quite regularly these couple months so I probably could consolidate my thoughts by then.)


Bracelets (from left to right)
Monica Vinader (link)
Tiffany T Bracelet (link)
Diamanti Per Tutti 

dscf5241 dscf5254

終於入秋,可以做多d fashion野! 希望大家睇得開心同埋入手秋季產品開心!!

(English:  I am really happy about Autumn arriving and I can create more content related to fashion!  Hope you enjoy reading this and of course have a great and joyous haul preparing for Autumn!)

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