[飾品] 好吸睛既點精品Auspicious Collection 18K玫瑰金鑽石紅繩手鏈系列

之前睇雜誌見到呢個系列突然雙眼放光! 原因係我太愛紅繩,所以一見到就超心動!! 仲要紅色野旺我丫,唔睇唔得!! 佢個系列有三條,分別係圓型,心型同圈型。 心型唔係我杯茶,所以我打包咗另外個兩條!  因為我唔自揀邊條好,問Mr Honey,佢就話兩條各有各好(咁即係無答過啦)! 揀唔到之下,店員同我講其實每款都得翻最尾一條(就係我手上試緊個條),之後會再返貨,不過要三月lu! 你地知啦,我要起上黎真係唔等得,所以打包啦,橫掂又可以一齊帶!! 哈哈~~

(English:  I saw this series in a magazine and they just caught my attention!  The reason is very simple because I LOVE red threads, so I am totally tempted!!  Red is good for me (according to my Feng Shui person)…hmmm….!!  The series comes in 3 designs – round, heart and circular!  I don’t care about the heart that much, so I hauled the other two.  Well, I didn’t know which to choose so I asked Mr Honey and he said “both of them are nice” (hmmm… that’s not helping!).  Since I couldn’t make up my mind, and the sales person said the ones I was trying were their last stock.  They will restock but they will only come in March.  As you know, when I want something, I simply can’t wait, so long story short, I brought two home with me.  Well, they can be worn together anyway!!) 

點精品Auspicious Collection 18K玫瑰金鑽石紅繩手鏈 (圓型)


(English: Comes with 7 diamonds, total weight 0.10 ct.)


點精品Auspicious Collection 18K玫瑰金鑽石紅繩手鏈 (圈型)


(English: Comes with 16 diamonds, total weight 0.19 ct.)


我鍾意佢地係因為佢地細細條,而我屋企有好多細細條既野,可以一齊帶。 同埋就算清清地單帶都好睇唔搶眼又唔誇張!

(English:  I love them because they are tiny, and I have many other tiny bracelets at home, so I could easily mix and match.  Also they are good to be worn alone as well, somehow they are eye catching but are not over the top!!)


(English:  Apart from the thread, it’s attached with a very tiny bracelet, I love this because it feels a bit more solid than just thread alone!)


(English:  There are two loops and you can adjust the length according to your wrist size!)

可以單獨帶,又可以一齊帶~~ 但係記住唔好帶住濕水丫,始終都係繩,會變色同霉架~~

(English: They can be worn alone or together!  Oh remember not to wet the bracelets, because at the end of the day, they are threads, if you wet them, they will change color and be ruined~~)

哈哈~~ 靚呀!! 你地遲d應該會成日係我video度見到佢地呀!!

(English:  *Laughs*  They are so pretty!!  You probably will see me wearing them a lot in my future videos!!)

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